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ribbon replacementFarbbandwechsel {m}
ribbon resistor Streifenwiderstand {m}
ribbon saw Bandsäge {f}
ribbon screw Bandschnecke {f}
ribbon seal [Histriophoca fasciata] Bandrobbe {f}
ribbon shiftFarbbandumschaltung {f}
ribbon silicate [rare] [band silicate] [inosilicate]Bandsilikat {n} [auch: Bandsilicat]
ribbon snake Bandnatter {f}
ribbon snake Bändernatter {f}
ribbon snake [Thamnophis sauritus] Östliche Bändernatter {f}
ribbon snakes [genus Thamnophis] Strumpfbandnattern {pl}
ribbon spool Farbbandspule {f}
ribbon stool bandförmiger Stuhl {m}
ribbon tweeter Bändchen-Hochtöner {m}
ribbon tweeter Bändchenhochtöner {m}
ribbon weaverBandmacher {m} [veraltet]
ribbon weaverBandweber {m}
ribbon weaving Bandweberei {f}
ribbon windowFensterreihung {f}
ribbon window Fensterband {n}
ribbon wireBändchendraht {m}
ribbon wireFlachdraht {m}
ribbon worm Schnurwurm {m}
ribbon worm species Schnurwurmart {f}
ribbon-blade agitatorBandrührer {m}
ribbon-built village Straßendorf {n}
ribboned bebändert
ribboned brittle snake [Urotheca lateristriga]Gebänderte Glasschwanznatter {f}
ribboned glass-tailed snake [Urotheca lateristriga] Gebänderte Glasschwanznatter {f}
ribboned miter [Am.] [Vexillum taeniatum, syn.: V. (Vexillum) taeniatum, Mitra crocea, M. taeniata] Vexillum taeniatum {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
ribboned mitre [Br.] [Vexillum taeniatum, syn.: V. (Vexillum) taeniatum, Mitra crocea, M. taeniata]Vexillum taeniatum {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
ribboned pipefish [Haliichthys taeniophorus]Fetzen-Seenadel {f}
ribboned pipehorse [Haliichthys taeniophorus] Bänder-Fetzenfisch {m}
ribboned pipehorse [Haliichthys taeniophorus] Bänder-Nadelpferdchen {n}
ribboned pipehorse [Haliichthys taeniophorus] Bänder-Seenadel {f}
ribboned rope squirrel [Funisciurus lemniscatus] Gebändertes Rotschenkelhörnchen {n}
ribboned rope squirrel [Funisciurus lemniscatus] Streifiges Rotschenkelhörnchen {n}
ribboned seadragon [Haliichthys taeniophorus] Bänder-Seenadel {f}
ribboned seadragon [Haliichthys taeniophorus]Bänder-Nadelpferdchen {n}
ribboned seadragon [Haliichthys taeniophorus] Bänder-Fetzenfisch {m}
ribboned seadragon [Haliichthys taeniophorus] Fetzen-Seenadel {f}
ribboned sweetlips {pl} [treated as sg.] [Plectorhinchus polytaenia]Goldstreifen-Süßlippe {f}
ribbon-flight screw conveyorBandschneckenförderer {m}
ribbon-footed corn fly [Chlorops pumilionis, syn.: C. taeniopus, C. taeniopus, Oscinis taeniopus] [barley gout fly]Gelbe Weizenhalmfliege {f}
ribbon-footed corn fly [Chlorops pumilionis, syn.: C. taeniopus, C. taeniopus, Oscinis taeniopus] [barley gout fly] Getreidehalmfliege {f}
ribbonleaf water-plantain [Alisma gramineum, also A. arcuatum, A. geyeri, A. lanceolatum] Grasblättriger Froschlöffel {m}
ribbonleaf water-plantain [Alisma gramineum, also A. arcuatum, A. geyeri, A. lanceolatum]Gras-Froschlöffel {m}
ribbon-leaved pondweed [Potamogeton x sparganiifolius, syn.: P. natans x gramineus] Rippennerviges Laichkraut {n}
ribbon-leaved water-plantain [Alisma gramineum, also A. arcuatum, A. geyeri, A. lanceolatum]Gras-Froschlöffel {m}
ribbon-leaved water-plantain [Alisma gramineum, also A. arcuatum, A. geyeri, A. lanceolatum] Grasblättriger Froschlöffel {m}
ribbonlike bandförmig
ribbon-loom [also: ribbon loom] Bandmühle {f}
ribbons Bänder {pl}
ribbons Bandl {pl} [bayer.] [österr.]
ribbons [coll.] [reins for driving horses] Zügel {pl}
ribbontail / ribbon-tailed stingray [Taeniura lymma] Blaupunktrochen {m}
ribbontail stingrays [genus Taeniura]Fleckenstechrochen {pl}
ribbon-tailed astrapia [Astrapia mayeri] Schmalschwanz-Paradieselster {f}
ribbon-tailed astrapia [Astrapia mayeri]Seidenband-Paradieselster {f}
ribbon-tailed astrapia [Astrapia mayeri] [species of bird-of-paradise] Schmalschwanz-Astrapia {f} [Paradiesvogelart]
ribbon-tailed astrapia [Astrapia mayeri] [species of bird-of-paradise] Seidenband-Paradiesvogel {m}
ribbon-tailed bird of paradise [Astrapia mayeri] Schmalschwanz-Paradieselster {f}
ribbon-tailed drongo [Dicrurus megarhynchus] Bandschwanzdrongo {m}
ribbon-type bandartig
ribbon-type dynamic speaker dynamischer Bandlautsprecher {m}
ribbon-type silicon Siliziumband {n} [Photovoltaik]
ribbony lang und dünn
ribby gerippt
ribcageBrustkorb {m}
rib-cageBrustkorb {m}
Ribe [Denmark] Ripen {n}
RIBE screw ® RIBE-Schraube ® {f}
Ribeauvillé [Alsace] Rappoltsweiler {n}
riberry (lilly-pilly) [Syzygium luehmannii, syn.: Eugenia luehmannii] Kleinblättrige Lilly-Pilly {f}
rib-eye steakRibeye-Steak {n}
rib-eye steak Rippenaugensteak {n} [selten für: Ribeye-Steak]
ribeye (steak) Ribeye-Steak {n}
ribgrass [Plantago lanceolata] Spitzwegerich {m}
ribitol [also: adonit, adonitol, penitol] [C5H12O5] Ribit {n} [auch: Adonit, Adonitol, Ribitol]
rib-leaf moss [Tortula atrovirens] Schwärzliches Drehzahnmoos {n}
riblet [esp. pork riblet, lamb riblet]Rippchen {n}
Ribnica (River)Ribnica {f} [Fluss]
riboflavin [C17H20N4O6] [E-101]Riboflavin {n}
riboflavin deficiencyRiboflavinmangel {m}
riboflavine [spv.] Riboflavin {n}
ribofuranoseRibofuranose {f}
ribokinaseRibokinase {f}
ribonuclease <RNase> Ribonuklease {f} <RNase>
ribonuclease A <RNase A> Ribonuclease A {f} <RNase A>
ribonuclease inhibitor <RI>Ribonukleasehemmer {m}
ribonuclease inhibitor <RI>Ribonuklease-Inhibitor {m}
ribonucleic acid <RNA> Ribonukleinsäure {f} <RNA, RNS>
ribonucleoprotein <RNP> Ribonukleoprotein {n} <RNP>
ribonucleoprotein complex Ribonukleoproteinkomplex {m}
ribonucleoprotein particle Ribonukleoproteinpartikel {n}
ribonucleoproteins <RNPs>Ribonukleoproteine {pl} <RNP>
ribonucleoside Ribonukleosid {n}
« Rhodrhomrhymria ribbribbriboricerichRichrici »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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