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rice paddyReisfeld {n}
rice paddy snake [Enhydris plumbea] Reisfeld-Wassertrugnatter {f}
rice paddy snake [Enhydris plumbea]Olivfarbene Wassertrugnatter {f}
rice panicle mite [Steneotarsonemus spinki. syn.: S. madecassus] Koreanische Reismilbe {f}
rice paperReispapier {n}
rice paper (butterfly) [Idea leuconoe]Weiße Baumnymphe {f} [Tagfalterspezies]
rice paper plant [Fatsia japonica, syn.: Aralia japonica, Aralia sieboldii]Zimmeraralie {f}
rice paste Kleister {m}
rice pestReisschädling {m}
rice porridgeReisbrei {m}
rice producer Reisproduzent {m}
rice production Reisproduktion {f}
rice pudding Milchreis {m} [Gericht]
rice pudding Reisbrei {m}
rice pudding Reispudding {m}
rice pudding Reiskoch {n} [österr.] [Milchreis]
rice rats [genus Oryzomys] Reisratten {pl}
rice residues [agricultural waste] Reisrückstände {pl} [landwirtschaftlicher Abfall]
rice saladReissalat {m}
rice seedling Reissetzling {m}
rice semolina Reisgrieß {m}
rice smartweed [Persicaria chinensis, syn.: Polygonum chinense] Chinesischer Knöterich {m}
rice soil [soil for rice cultures]Reisboden {m} [für den Reisanbau geeigneter Boden]
rice soufflé Reisauflauf {m}
rice soup Reissuppe {f}
rice spider mite [Oligonychus oryzae]Reismilbe {f}
rice spidermite [Oligonychus oryzae]Reismilbe {f}
rice spiritReisschnaps {m}
rice starchReisstärke {f}
rice steamerReiskocher {m}
rice stem maggot [Chlorops oryzae] Made {f} der Reishalmfliege
rice straw [dried rice stalks] [also: rice-straw]Reisstroh {n}
rice tenrecs [genus Oryzorictes]Reiswühler {pl}
rice tenrecs [genus Oryzorictes]Maulwurftenreks {pl}
rice terracesReisterrassen {pl}
Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras Reisterrassen {pl} in den philippinischen Kordilleren
rice thrips [Stenchaetothrips biformis, syn.: Bagnallia biformis, B. oryzae, Baliothrips biformis, B. oryzae, Thrips biformis, T. oryzae] Reisblasenfuß {m}
rice thrips [Stenchaetothrips biformis, syn.: Bagnallia biformis, B. oryzae, Baliothrips biformis, B. oryzae, Thrips biformis, T. oryzae] Reissaatblasenfuß {m}
rice transplanterReissetzmaschine {f}
rice varieties Reissorten {pl}
rice vermicelli Reisnudeln {pl}
rice vinegarReisessig {m}
rice water Reiswasser {n}
rice water weevil [Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus]Amerikanischer Reisrüsselkäfer {m}
rice weevil [Calandra oryzae]Reiskäfer {m}
rice wheat [Triticum dicoccon, syn.: T. dicoccum]Emmer {m}
rice wineReiswein {m}
rice with herbs Kräuterreis {m}
rice with meatReisfleisch {n}
rice yieldReisertrag {m}
RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation [mnemonic for a treatment method for soft tissue injuries]PECH: Pause, Eis, Compression, Hochlagern [Pech-Regel]
(rice) button aster [Symphyotrichum dumosum, also S. dumosum × Symphyotrichum novi-belgii] Kissen-Aster {f}
(rice) field frog [Fejervarya limnocharis] Südostasiatischer Reisfrosch {m}
ricebean [Vigna umbellata] Reisbohne {f}
rice-bird [also: ricebird] [Dolichonyx oryzivorus]Bobolink {m}
rice-bird [also: ricebird] [Dolichonyx oryzivorus]Reisstärling {m}
riced [Am.] [through a ricer, e.g. riced potatoes]gepresst [durch eine Presse gedrückt]
riced chestnuts with whipped creamKastanienreis {m}
riced potatoesStampfkartoffeln {pl} [regional]
riced potatoesSchneekartoffeln {pl} [regional]
riceditch killifish [Chologaster cornuta]Trugkärpfling {m}
rice-field fever [caused by Leptospira bataviae] [leptospirosis]Reisfeldfieber {n} [Batavia-Fieber]
rice-field fever [caused by Leptospira bataviae] [leptospirosis] Batavia-Fieber {n}
rice-field rat [Rattus argentiventer] Reisfeldratte {f}
ricefish [Chologaster cornuta] Trugkärpfling {m}
ricegrass [Piptatherum miliaceum, syn.: Agrostis miliacea, Oryzopsis miliacea] Gewöhnlicher Grannenreis {m}
ricegrass [Piptatherum miliaceum, syn.: Agrostis miliacea, Oryzopsis miliacea] Südliche Grannenhirse {f}
ricegrass [Piptatherum miliaceum, syn.: Agrostis miliacea, Oryzopsis miliacea] Gemeines Reisgras {n}
ricegrass / rice grass [Spartina anglica] Englisches Schlickgras {n}
ricegrass / rice grass [Spartina anglica]Salz-Schlickgras {n}
rice-growing regionReisanbauregion {f}
rice-paper plant [Tetrapanax papyrifer] Reispapierbaum {m}
ricercare Ricercar {n}
ricers Kartoffelpressen {pl}
rices Reisarten {pl}
Rice's theorem [also: theorem of Rice] Satz {m} von Rice
rice-water stool Reiswasserstuhl {m}
rice-wheat cropping systemReis-Weizen-Anbausystem {n}
rich fett [Gemisch]
rich reich
richüppig [Phantasie]
richschwer [Speisen]
rich fett [Beute, Erträge]
rich [colour etc.] satt [kräftig, voll]
rich [coll.] [amusing] köstlich [amüsant]
rich [coll.] [remark] lächerlich
rich [coll.] [absurd]absurd
rich [e.g. whisky, perfume] gehaltvoll [z. B. Whisky, Parfüm]
rich [fulfilling] erfüllend
rich [mine, deposits, etc.] ergiebig [Quelle, Vorkommen etc.]
rich [soil] fett [Boden]
rich and concentrated [full-bodied wine]ölig [Wein]
rich as hell [coll.]stinkreich [ugs.]
rich as hell [coll.] steinreich [ugs.]
rich aunt Erbtante {f} [ugs.] [hum.]
rich booty reiche Beute {f}
« rhymrhytribbribbriboriceRichRichRiciriddridg »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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