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Richard's pipit [Anthus novaeseelandiae] Australspornpieper {m}
Richard's pipit [Anthus novaeseelandiae]Neuseeland-Spornpieper {m}
Richard's pipit [Anthus richardi, syn.: Anthus novaeseelandiae richardi]Spornpieper {m}
Richardson / Richardson's / Richardsons alumroot [Heuchera richardsonii, syn.: H. hispida]Prärie-Purpurglöckchen / Präriepurpurglöckchen {n}
Richardson / Richardson's pondweed [Potamogeton richardsonii, syn.: P. perfoliatus var. richardsonii]Richardsons Laichkraut {n}
Richardson constantRichardson-Konstante {f} [auch: Richardson'sche Konstante]
Richardson extrapolation Richardson-Extrapolation {f}
Richardson number <Ri>Richardson-Zahl {f} <Ri>
Richardson-Lucy method Richardson-Lucy-Methode {f}
Richardson's cackling goose [Branta hutchinsii hutchinsii, syn.: Branta canadensis hutchinsi] Hutschins Zwergkanadagans {f}
Richardson's cackling goose [Branta hutchinsii hutchinsii, syn.: Branta canadensis hutchinsi] Aleuten-Zwergkanadagans {f}
Richardson's calliergon moss [Calliergon richardsonii] Richardsons Schönmoos {n}
Richardson's Canada goose [Branta hutchinsii hutchinsii, syn.: Branta canadensis hutchinsi] Hutschins Zwergkanadagans {f}
Richardson's Canada goose [Branta hutchinsii hutchinsii, syn.: Branta canadensis hutchinsi]Aleuten-Zwergkanadagans {f}
Richardson's collared lemming [Dicrostonyx richardsoni]Richardson-Halsbandlemming {m}
Richardson's goose [Branta canadensis canadensis] Atlantische Kanadagans {f}
Richardson's grey mangrove snake [Br.] [Myron richardsonii]Östliche Mangrovennatter {f}
Richardson's ground squirrel / ground-squirrel / groundsquirrel [Urocitellus richardsonii, syn.: Spermophilus richardsonii]Richardson-Ziesel {m} [österr. meist {n}]
Richardson's law Richardson'sches Gesetz {n}
Richardson's lawrichardsonsches Gesetz {n}
Richardson's law Richardson-Gesetz {n}
Richardson's linsang [Poiana richardsoni]Pojana {f}
Richardson's mangrove snake [Myron richardsonii] Östliche Mangrovennatter {f}
Richardson's milkvetch / milk-vetch [Astragalus australis] Südlicher Tragant {m}
Richardson's milkvetch / milk-vetch [Astragalus australis]Süd-Tragant / Südtragant {m}
Richardson's milkvetch / milk-vetch [Astragalus australis] Schweizer Tragant {m}
Richardson's moray [Gymnothorax richardsonii]Richardson-Muräne {f}
Richardson's ray [Bathyraja richardsoni] Richardsons Tiefenrochen {m}
Richardson's rush [Can.] [Juncus alpinus, syn.: J. alpestris, J. alpinoarticulatus]Alpen-Simse / Alpensimse {f}
Richardson's rush [Can.] [Juncus alpinus, syn.: J. alpestris, J. alpinoarticulatus] Alpen-Binse / Alpenbinse {f}
Richardson's rush [Can.] [Juncus alpinus, syn.: J. alpestris, J. alpinoarticulatus] Gebirgs-Binse / Gebirgsbinse {f}
Richardson's rush [Can.] [Juncus alpinus, syn.: J. alpestris, J. alpinoarticulatus] Gebirgs-Simse / Gebirgssimse {f}
Richardson's spear moss [Calliergon richardsonii] Richardsons Schönmoos {n}
Richardson's water moss [Calliergon richardsonii]Richardsons Schönmoos {n}
richdom [also fig.] [rare] [richness] Reichtum {m} [auch fig.]
richellite [(Ca,Fe)(Fe,Al)(PO4)2(OH,F)2] Richellit {m}
richelsdorfite [Ca2Cu5Sb(AsO4)4Cl(OH)6·6H2O] Richelsdorfit {m}
richer reicher
richer in calories kalorienreicher
richer in vitamins vitaminreicher
riches Reichtümer {pl}
richesBesitztümer {pl}
riches {pl}Wohlstand {m}
riches {pl}Reichtum {m}
riches of the landLandesgefälle {pl} [veraltet] [fällige Abgaben in einem Land]
richest reichste
richest am reichsten [nur prädikativ]
richest in calories [postpos.] kalorienreichste
richest in species [postpos.] artenreichste
richest in vitamins [postpos.] vitaminreichste
richetite [PbU4O13·4H2O]Richetit {m}
richly wohlhabend
richly prächtig
richly reich
richly reichlich
richly adorned reich geschmückt
richly adorned with sculpture [postpos.] mit reichem Skulpturenschmuck [nachgestellt]
richly carved reichgeschnitzt
richly coloured [Br.]farbenreich
richly decorated reich geschmückt
richly decoratedreich dekoriert
richly deserved [victory, punishment, holiday / vacation, etc.] hochverdient [Sieg, Strafe, Urlaub etc.]
richly endowed [financed] hoch dotiert
richly illustratedreichbebildert
richly myelinatedmarkreich
richly ornamented reich verziert
Richmond Formation Richmond-Formation {f}
Richmond River cypress-pine / cypress pine [Callitris columellaris, syn.: C. arenosa, C. glauca, C. glaucophylla]Weiße Schmuckzypresse {f}
Richmond's squirrel [Sciurus richmondi]Richmonds Hörnchen {n}
Richmond's worm snake [Typhlops capitulatus]Haitianische Hell-Lippen-Blindschlange {f}
Richmond's wrasse [Halichoeres richmondi] Richmonds Junker {m}
richnessReichhaltigkeit {f}
richnessGeilheit {f} [Fruchtbarkeit des Bodens]
richnessVielfalt {f}
richnessFülle {f}
richness [also fig.]Reichtum {m} [auch fig.]
richness [of life] Erfülltheit {f} [des Lebens]
richness [of mixture] Fettheit {f} [eines Gemisches]
richness [of soil]Fruchtbarkeit {f} [des Bodens]
richness [of wine, food]Schwere {f} [von Wein, Essen]
richness correctionGemischregelung {f} [Auto]
richness in contrastKontrastreichtum {m}
richness in fishFischreichtum {m}
richness of detailDetailreichtum {m}
richness of detailDetailfülle {f}
richness of ideasEinfallsreichtum {m}
richness of ideas Ideenreichtum {m}
richot shotPrellschuss {m}
richt [Scot.] geradlinig
Richter magnitude scaleRichterskala {f}
Richter scale Richterskala {f}
Richter scale Richter-Skala {f}
richterite [Na2Ca(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2] Richterit {m} [ein Klinopyroxen]
Richter's herniaDarmwandbruch {m}
Richter's hernia Darmwandhernie {f}
richweed [Ageratina altissima, syn.: Eupatorium rugosum] Runzeliger Wasserdost {m}
richweed [Collinsonia canadensis]Kanadische Grießwurzel {f}
Rician distribution Rice'sche Verteilung {f}
« ribbribbriboriceRichRichRiciriddridgridiridi »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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