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richness correction Gemischregelung {f} [Auto]
richness in contrastKontrastreichtum {m}
richness in fish Fischreichtum {m}
richness of detail Detailreichtum {m}
richness of detailDetailfülle {f}
richness of ideas Einfallsreichtum {m}
richness of ideasIdeenreichtum {m}
richot shotPrellschuss {m}
richt [Scot.] geradlinig
Richter magnitude scale Richterskala {f}
Richter scale Richterskala {f}
Richter scaleRichter-Skala {f}
richterite [Na2Ca(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2]Richterit {m} [ein Klinopyroxen]
Richter's herniaDarmwandbruch {m}
Richter's hernia Darmwandhernie {f}
richweed [Ageratina altissima, syn.: Eupatorium rugosum] Runzeliger Wasserdost {m}
richweed [Collinsonia canadensis] Kanadische Grießwurzel {f}
Rician distributionRice'sche Verteilung {f}
Rician distribution functionRice'sche Verteilungsfunktion {f}
ricin Ricin {n}
ricinRizin {n}
ricin [Ricinus communis, syn.: R. africanus, Cataputia major, C. minor, Croton spinosus] Rizinus {m}
ricin poisoning Rizin-Vergiftung {f}
ricinelaidic acid Ricinelaidinsäure {f}
ricinoleic acidRicinolsäure {f}
ricinoleic acid Rizinolsäure {f}
rickGetreide {n}
rick Schober {m} [südd.] [österr.] [großer Heuhaufen]
rickHeuschober {m} [südd.] [österr.] [großer Heuhaufen]
rick [Br.] [slight sprain or strain] Verrenkung {f}
rick thatcherStrohdachdecker {m}
rickardite [Cu7Te5] Rickardit {m}
Ricker HillsRicker Hills {pl}
ricket [Br.] [sl.] [mistake, error]Fehler {m}
ricketiness rachitischer Zustand {m}
ricketiness Gebrechlichkeit {f}
ricketinessZerbrechlichkeit {f}
rickets die englische Krankheit {f} [altertümlich]
rickets [used with a sing. or pl. verb] Rachitis {f}
Rickett's big-footed bat [Myotis pilosus, syn.: Myotis ricketti, Vespertilio ricketti] Rickett-Wasserfledermaus {f}
Rickett's big-footed bat [Myotis pilosus, syn.: Myotis ricketti, Vespertilio ricketti] Südostchinesisches Mausohr {n}
Rickett's big-footed myotis [Myotis pilosus, syn.: Myotis ricketti, Vespertilio ricketti] Rickett-Wasserfledermaus {f}
Rickett's big-footed myotis [Myotis pilosus, syn.: Myotis ricketti, Vespertilio ricketti] Südostchinesisches Mausohr {n}
Rickett's hill partridge [Arborophila gingica, syn.: Tetrao gingicus] Chinesisches Waldrebhuhn {n}
Rickett's hill partridge [Arborophila gingica, syn.: Tetrao gingicus]Fukien-Waldrebhuhn {n} [auch: Fukienwaldrebhuhn]
Rickett's hill partridge [Arborophila gingica] Chinabuschwachtel {f}
Rickett's parrotbill [Paradoxornis brunneus, syn.: Paradoxornis ricketti] Braunflügel-Papageimeise {f}
Rickett's partridge [Arborophila gingica, syn.: Tetrao gingicus] Chinesisches Waldrebhuhn {n}
Rickett's partridge [Arborophila gingica, syn.: Tetrao gingicus]Chinabuschwachtel {f}
Rickett's partridge [Arborophila gingica, syn.: Tetrao gingicus] Fukien-Waldrebhuhn {n} [auch: Fukienwaldrebhuhn]
rickettsia Rickettsie {f}
rickettsial diseasePneumorickettsiose {f}
Rickettsial disease Rickettsiose {f}
rickettsial illness [Rocky Mountain spotted fever]Zeckenbissfieber {n} durch Rickettsia rickettsii [Rocky-Mountain-Fieber, São-Paulo-Fieber]
rickety gebrechlich
rickety wacklig
rickety hinfällig [gebrechlich]
rickety [suffering from rickets]rachitisch
rickrack Zackenlitzen {pl}
rickrack Zackenlitzenbesatz {m}
rickrackZickzackband {n}
rickrack Zackenlitze {f}
rickrollingRickrolling {n}
rickshawRikscha {f}
Rickshaw Boy [Lao She] Rikschakuli
rickshaw cyclist Rikschafahrer {m}
rickstandHeureiter {m} [österr.]
rickstand Heuharfe {f} [österr.]
rickstandHeureuter {m} [südd.]
rickturnerite [Pb7O4 [Mg(OH)4](OH)Cl3]Rickturnerit {m}
ricky tick [Am.] [coll.] [promptly] ruckzuck [ugs.]
rickyard [enclosure for storing hay or fodder]Heuschober {m} [überdachte Feldscheune zum Aufbewahren von Heu]
ricky-tick [Am.] [coll.] [old-fashioned] altmodisch
ricky-tick [Am.] [coll.] [spv.] [promptly] ruckzuck [ugs.]
ricky-ticky [Am.] [coll.] [old-fashioned]altmodisch
ricochet Querschläger {m} [Geschoss]
ricochet [shot] Abpraller {m} [Schuss]
ricochet (firing)Rikoschettschuss {m} [Prallschuss]
ricochet (firing)Prallschuss {m} [Rikoschettschuss]
ricochet (firing) Einfilierschuss {m} [auch Prallschuss oder Rikoschettschuss]
ricochet shotRikochett-Schuss {m}
ricochet shot Rikochettschuss {m}
ricochet shot Gellerschuss {m}
ricochet shot Querschläger {m}
ricochet shot Prellschuss {m}
ricocheted abgeprallt
ricocheting abprallend
ricochets Querschläger {pl}
Ricord's ground iguana [Cyclura ricordii, syn.: Cyclura ricordi]Hispaniola-Leguan {m}
Ricord's ground iguana [Cyclura ricordii, syn.: Cyclura ricordi]Ricord's Ground Iguana {m}
Ricord's iguana [Cyclura ricordii, syn.: Cyclura ricordi]Hispaniola-Leguan {m}
Ricord's iguana [Cyclura ricordii, syn.: Cyclura ricordi] Ricord's Ground Iguana {m}
Ricord's rock iguana [Cyclura ricordii, syn.: Cyclura ricordi] Hispaniola-Leguan {m}
Ricord's rock iguana [Cyclura ricordii, syn.: Cyclura ricordi]Ricord's Ground Iguana {m}
ricotta Ricotta {m}
ricrac [spv.] [rickrack] Zackenlitze {f}
rictal bristle Schnabelborste {f}
rictusSchnabelöffnung {f}
« ribbribericerichrichrichrictrideRidgridiriff »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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