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right ventricle (of the heart) [Ventriculus cordis dexter]rechter Ventrikel {m} [Herz]
right ventricle of (the) heart [Ventriculus cordis dexter]rechter Herzventrikel {m}
right ventricular assist device <RVAD> rechtsventrikuläres Unterstützungssystem {n} <RVAD>
right ventricular dilatation <RVD>Rechtsherzdilatation {f}
right ventricular ejection time <RVET> rechtsventrikuläre Auswurfzeit {f} <RVAZ>
right ventricular hypertrophy <RVH> rechte Ventrikelhypertrophie {f}
right ventricular hypertrophy <RVH> Rechtsherzhypertrophie {f} <RHH>
right ventricular infarction <RVI> Rechtsherzinfarkt {m} <RVI>
right ventricular insufficiency <RVI>Rechtsherzinsuffizienz {f} <RHI>
right ventricular load Rechtsherzbelastung {f}
right ventricular pressure <RVP> Druck {m} in der rechten Herzkammer
right whale [family Balaenidae] Glattwal {m}
right whale dolphins [genus Lissodelphis] Glattdelfine {pl}
right wing Rechtsaußen {m}
right wing [rugby] langer Außendreiviertel {m}
right wing extremistRechtsradikaler {m}
right wing extremist Brauner {m} [pej.]
right wing extremist [female] Rechtsradikale {f}
right wing of a partyrechter Flügel {m} einer Partei
Right Worshipful Master <R.W.M.> [Freemasonry in Scotland / under the Scottish Constitution] Meister {m} vom Stuhl <MvSt> [Freimaurerei]
Right you are. [coll.] [hum.]Recht hast du! [ugs.] [Richtig!]
right zero divisor Rechtsnullteiler {m}
[right of ploughman / plowman to encroach upon adjoining land] Pflugrecht {n}
[right of the state to inflict punishment]Strafanspruch {m}
[right or claim to severance pay]Abfertigungsanspruch {m} [österr.] [Anspruch der Abfindung]
[right to alter a legal relationship] Gestaltungsrecht {n}
[right to be an Elector] Kurwürde {f}
[right to build within the setback]Näherbaurecht {n} [schweiz.]
[right to defend one's rights in person before the Landtag] Landstandschaft {f}
[right to determine place of residence in child custody and protection cases]Aufenthaltsbestimmungsrecht {n}
(right) from the word go [coll.] [idiom] (gleich) vom ersten Moment an
(right) in the middle mittenmang [nordd.] [mittendrin]
(right) on the button [fig.] [exactly right] [idiom](genau) ins Schwarze getroffen [fig.] [ganz richtig] [Redewendung]
(right) on the doorstep(gleich) vor der Haustür
(right) out of the gate [fig.](gleich) von Anfang an
(right) out of the gate [fig.] vom Start weg [fig.]
(right) smack in the middle [coll.]genau in der Mitte
(right) through the middle mittendurch
(right) through the middle of sb./sth. mitten durch jdn./etw.
(right) under sb.'s nose [idiom](direkt) vor jds. Nase [ugs.] [Redewendung]
(right) up until old age bis ins hohe Alter
Right-about face! [Am.] Rechtsum kehrt!
right-adjusted rechtsbündig
right-aligned rechtsbündig
right-angle connector Winkelsteckverbinder {m}
right-angle drilling head Winkelbohrkopf {m} [90 Grad]
right-angled rechtwinklig
right-angled triangle [Br.] rechtwinkliges Dreieck {n}
right-angled triangle [Br.] rechtwinkeliges Dreieck {n}
right-associativerechtsassoziativ [auch: rechts-assoziativ]
right-away programme [Br.] Sofortprogramm {n}
right-back [football] Rechtsverteidiger {m}
right-back <RB> [football / soccer] rechter Außenverteidiger {m} [Fußball]
right-confirmating effectrechtbekundende Wirkung {f}
right-conservative rechtskonservativ
right-continuous rechtsstetig
right-continuous rechtsseitig stetig
right-continuous process rechtsseitig stetiger Prozess {m}
right-contorted rechtsgedreht
right-coronary rechtskoronar
right-derived functorrechtsderivierter Funktor {m}
righteous rechtschaffen [veraltend]
righteous redlich
righteous aufrichtig
righteous aufrecht [rechtschaffen, redlich]
righteous [indignation, anger]gerecht [Zorn etc.]
Righteous among the Nations [Righteous Gentile]Gerechter {m} unter den Völkern [Ehrentitel]
Righteous Harmony Society {sg} Verbände {pl} für Gerechtigkeit und Harmonie [Boxer genannt]
righteous red waxy cap [Hygrocybe coccinea] Kirschroter Saftling {m}
righteous suffererleidender Gerechter {m}
righteouslyrechtschaffen [veraltend]
righteousness Rechtschaffenheit {f} [veraltend]
righteousness Gerechtigkeit {f}
righteousness by / through worksWerkgerechtigkeit {f}
righteousness of faith Glaubensgerechtigkeit {f}
(righteye / right-eye) flounder family {sg} [family Pleuronectidae]Pleuronectiden {pl}
(righteye / right-eye) flounder family {sg} [family Pleuronectidae]Schollen {pl} [selten: Schollenfamilie]
(righteye / right-eye) flounder family {sg} [family Pleuronectidae]Rechtsaugen-Flundern {pl}
righteye flounders [family Pleuronectidae] [also: right-eye flounders] Schollen {pl}
righteye flounders [family Pleuronectidae] [also: right-eye flounders] Rechtsaugen-Flundern {pl}
righteye flounders [family Pleuronectidae] [also: right-eye flounders]Pleuronectiden {pl}
right-eyed rechtsäugig
right-eyed flounder family {sg} [family Pleuronectidae] [also: righteyed flounder family]Pleuronectiden {pl}
right-eyed flounder family {sg} [family Pleuronectidae] [also: righteyed flounder family] Rechtsaugen-Flundern {pl}
right-eyed flounder family {sg} [family Pleuronectidae] [also: righteyed flounder family] Schollen {pl} [selten: Schollenfamilie]
right-eyedness Rechtsäugigkeit {f}
right-footer [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] [esp. in Ireland] [a Protestant]Protestant {m}
right-footer [esp. sportsperson]Rechtsfuß {m}
right-footer [right-footed shot] Rechtsschuss {m}
rightful verdient [Lohn, Strafe]
rightful berechtigt
rightful claimant Anspruchsberechtigter {m}
rightful claimant [female]Anspruchsberechtigte {f}
rightful claimants Anspruchsberechtigte {pl}
« Righrighrighrighrighrighrighrighrigirigorims »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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