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« backPage 379 for words starting with R in the English-German dictionarynext page »
rim gutter Felgennutpartie {f}
rim hump width Humpbreite {f}
rim job [coll.] Afterlecken {n} [Rimming]
rim job [vulg.] Arschlecken {n} [vulg.] [Rimming]
rim light Streiflicht {n}
rim of the craterKraterrand {m}
rim of the cup Tassenrand {m}
rim of the glassGlasrand {m}
rim of the mug Becherrand {m}
rim profile Felgenprofil {n}
rim sherd Randscherbe {f}
rim shot [drums]Randschlag {m} [Trommeln]
rim shot [snare drum] Rahmenschlag {m}
rim sizeFelgengröße {f}
rim size designationFelgengrößenbezeichnung {f}
rim tape Felgenband {n}
rim taper Schräge {f} der Felgenschulter
rim type Felgenart {f}
rim type Felgenausführung {f}
rim types Felgenausführungen {pl}
rim well Felgenbett {n}
rim width Maulweite {f}
rim with double flat hump Felge {f} mit beidseitigem Flat Hump
rim with double hump Felge {f} mit beidseitigem Hump
rim with flat hump outside Felge {f} mit außenseitigem Flat Hump
rim with flat hump outside and hump inside Felge {f} mit außenseitigem Flat Hump und inseitigem Hump
rim with hump outside Felge {f} mit außenseitigem Hump
rima [Icelandic epic poem] Rima {f} [isländisches episches Gedicht]
rimantadine Rimantadin {n}
Rimatara lorikeet [Vini kuhlii]Rubinlori {m}
Rimatara reed warbler [Acrocephalus rimatarae, syn.: A. rimitarae]Rimatara-Rohrsänger {m}
rim-backed nudibranch [Palio dubia, syn.: Polycera dubia] Gefleckte Hörnchenschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
rimblock Duftspüler {m}
rime Reim {m}
rime Reif {m}
rime Rauhreif {m} [alt]
rime Raureif {m}
rime iceRaueis {n}
rime ice Raufrost {m}
rimegepant Rimegepant {n}
rimes Reime {pl}
rimfire Randfeuer {n}
rimfire ammunition Randfeuermunition {f}
rimfire cartridges Randfeuerpatronen {pl}
rimfire ignition Randfeuerzündung {f}
riming Verreifung {f}
rimkorolgite [(Mg,Mn)5(Ba,Sr,Ca)(PO4)4·8H2O] Rimkorolgit {m}
rimlandküstennahes Randland {n}
rimland Küstenbereich {m}
rimland periphere Region {f}
rimless randlos
rimless glasses {pl} [one pair]randlose Brille {f}
rimless specs {pl} [coll.] randlose Brille {f}
rimless spectacles {pl} [one pair] [esp. Br.] randlose Brille {f}
rimmedmit einem Rand versehen
rimmed lichen [Asphodelus albus] Weißer Affodill {m}
rimmed steel unberuhigter Stahl {m}
rimmingAfterlecken {n}
rimming [sl.] [sexual practice]Zungenanal {n} <ZA> [Sexualpraktik]
rimming steel unberuhigt vergossener Stahl {m}
rimming steel unberuhigter Stahl {m}
rimose rissig
rimple [rare] [wrinkle] Falte {f}
rims Felgen {pl}
rims Radkränze {pl}
rims Ränder {pl}
rims {pl} [of spectacles] Fassung {f} [einer Brille]
rims of the eyesAugenränder {pl}
rimsulfuron [C14H17N5O7S2] Rimsulfuron {n}
rimy bereift [reifbedeckt]
rin no tama {pl} [geisha balls]Rin-no-tama {pl} [Liebeskugeln]
rind [of bacon]Schwarte {f}
rind [of cheese] Rinde {f}
rind [of fruit] Schale {f}
rinded [having a rind] schwartig
rinderpest Rinderpest {f}
rinderpest virusRinderpestvirus {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
rindless [bacon]ohne Schwarte
rinds Rinden {pl}
rindy rindig
ring Kreis {m}
ringRing {m}
ring Börsenring {m}
ring Rufzeichen {n}
ring Vereinigung {f}
ring Reif {m} [geh.]
ring [attr.] Ring-
ring [halo] Hof {m} [Lichthof, bes. um den Mond]
ring [jewellery] Reif {m} [geh.] [Fingerring]
ring [sound] [also fig.] Klang {m} [auch fig.]
ring [telephone call]Anruf {m} [Telefonanruf]
ring [telephone call] Telefonanruf {m}
ring abscess of corneaHornhaut-Ringabszess {m}
ring announcer Ringsprecher {m}
Ring any bells? [coll.]Na, klingelts? [ugs.]
Ring around the Rosie Ringelreihe {f} {n} {m} [Kinderlied]
ring atoms Ringatome {pl}
« righrighrigh...rRiglrimgringringringringring »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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