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riotously [exuberantly]üppig
riotousness aufrührerisches Wesen {n}
riotsAusschreitungen {pl}
riots Tumulte {pl}
riotsUnruhen {pl}
riotsKrawalle {pl}
riots Aufstände {pl}
riotsRandalen {pl} [ugs.] [Krawalle]
riots clause Aufruhrklausel {f}
rip Riss {m} [Stoff, Papier]
ripAufreißen {n}
RIP [Am.] [NYC police sl.] [also: rip] [reduction in pay]Gehaltskürzung {f} [als Strafe für Polizeibeamte]
rip [in fabrics]Schranz {m} [südd.] [schweiz.]
rip cordReißleine {f} [Fallschirm, Ballon]
rip current Kabbelung {f}
rip current Rippströmung {f}
rip (current) Brandungsrückstrom {m}
rip (current) Brandungsrückströmung {f}
rip cutLängsschnitt {m}
rip fenceParallelanschlag {m}
rip line Reißleine {f} [Ballon]
rip off [coll.] Beschiss {m} [vulg.]
rip saw Schlitzsäge {f}
rip sawSpaltsäge {f}
rip saw Längsschnittsäge {f}
rip tide Kabbelung {f}
Rip Tie® Klettkabelverbinder {m}
Rip Van Winkle [Washington Irving]Rip van Winkle
riparian Ufer- [Flussufer]
riparian Auen-
riparianUferbewohner {m}
riparian uferbewohnend
riparian ripikol [riparisch]
riparian [situated on the banks of a river] am Ufer (eines Flusses) gelegen
riparian area Ufergebiet {n}
riparian deforestation Entwaldung {f} der Uferzone
riparian earwig [Labidura riparia] Sandohrwurm {m}
riparian fauna Uferfauna {f} [an Flußläufen]
riparian feather moss [Leptodictyum riparium] Ufer-Bachmoos {n}
riparian feather moss [Leptodictyum riparium] (Echtes) Ufermoos {n} [Ufer-Bachmoos]
riparian flora Uferflora {f}
riparian forest Uferwald {m}
riparian forestGaleriewald {m}
riparian forest Auwald {m}
riparian ground beetles [Coleoptera, Carabidae] uferbewohnende Laufkäfer {pl} [an Fließgewässern]
riparian myotis [Myotis riparius, syn.: Myotis simus riparius] Ufermausohr {n}
riparian owner Ufereigentümer {m}
riparian plantsUferpflanzen {pl}
riparian property Ufergrundstück {n}
riparian proprietor Ufereigentümer {m}
riparian state Anliegerstaat {m}
riparian state Anrainerstaat {m} [eines Flusses oder Sees]
riparian state Küstenstaat {m}
riparian state Uferstaat {m}
riparian statesAnrainerstaaten {pl} [eines Flusses oder Sees]
riparian strips Uferstreifen {pl}
riparian tree snake [Dipsadoboa riparia] Kambadaga-Nachtbaumnatter {f}
riparian vegetation Uferbewuchs {m}
riparian vegetation Ufervegetation {f}
riparian woodland Ufergehölze {pl}
riparian zoneUferzone {f}
riparian zone Augebiet {n}
riparian zones Flussauen {pl}
ripcord Reißleine {f}
ripe zeitig [veraltet] [noch regional]
ripe [archaic] [drunk] voll [ugs.] [betrunken]
ripe [cheese etc.] abgelagert
ripe [cheese etc.]ausgereift
ripe [lips] voll [Lippen]
ripe beauty reife Schönheit {f}
ripe cornfield [Br.]Ährenfeld {n} [geh.] [in Ähren stehendes Getreidefeld]
ripe enough to eat genussreif
ripe enough to pick [fruit]pflückreif
ripe for demolition [building] abbruchreif
ripe for rioting randaleträchtig [ugs.]
ripe for takeover übernahmereif
ripe fruit [treated as pl.] reifes Obst {n}
ripe judgement reifes Urteil {n}
ripened gereift
ripeness Reife {f}
ripeness Reife 1 {f} [Reifeprozess]
ripeness [of fruit] Fruchtreife {f}
ripening reifend
ripening Reifung {f}
ripening Reifwerden {n}
ripening accelerator Reifebeschleuniger {m}
ripening cellarReifekeller {m}
ripening gas Reifegas {n}
ripening period Reifeperiode {f}
ripening phase Reifungsphase {f}
ripening process Reifeprozess {m}
ripening process Reifungsprozess {m} [Obst]
ripening processes Reifeprozesse {pl}
ripening season Reifezeit {f}
ripening storage Reifelager {n} [für Käse]
ripening timeReifungszeit {f}
ripest reifste
« RingringringringRioGriotriperippriserisirisk »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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