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English-German Dictionary

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roasting gases Röstgase {pl}
roasting gently anbratend
roasting house Rösterei {f}
roasting jackBratenwender {m}
roasting pan Bräter {m} [regional]
roasting panBratpfanne {f}
roasting parametersRöstparameter {pl}
roasting processRöstverfahren {n}
roasting process Röstprozess {m}
roasting process Röstvorgang {m}
roasting sunsengende Sonne {f}
roasting temperatureRösttemperatur {f}
roasting thermometer Bratenthermometer {n}
roasting tin Bratenform {f}
roasting tinBratblech {n}
Roatan long-tailed snake [Enulius roatanensis] Roatan-Langschwanznatter {f}
Roatan spinytail iguana [Ctenosaura oedirhina] Roatan-Leguan {m}
Roatán spiny-tailed iguana [Ctenosaura oedirhina] Roatan-Leguan {m}
Rob Roy [Michael Caton-Jones] Rob Roy
Robb Glacier Robb-Gletscher {m}
robbed ausgeraubt
robbed geraubt
robberRäuber {m}
robber Schächer {m} [veraltet]
robber [female] Räuberin {f}
robber and murdererRaubmörder {m}
robber and murderer [female]Raubmörderin {f}
robber ballad Räuberballade {f}
robber bandRäuberbande {f}
robber baron Raubritter {m}
robber baron Räuberbaron {m}
robber baronry Raubrittertum {n}
robber chief Räuberhauptmann {m}
Robber Council [Council of Ephesus, 449] Räubersynode {f}
robber crab [Birgus latro]Palmendieb {m}
robber crab [Birgus latro] Ganjokrebs {m}
robber crab [Birgus latro] Kokoskrebs {m}
robber duoRäuberpärchen {n}
robber economyRaubbau {m}
robber economy Raubwirtschaft {f}
robber flies [family Asilidae]Raubfliegen {pl}
robber flies [family Asilidae] Jagdfliegen {pl}
robber fly [Asilidae] Mordfliege {f}
robber fly [family Asilidae] Raubfliege {f}
robber fly [family Asilidae] Jagdfliege {f}
robber knight Raubritter {m}
robber trench Beraubungsgraben {m}
robber trench Raubgraben {m}
robber-baron capitalism Raubkapitalismus {m}
robberfly Mordfliege {f}
robberiesBeraubungen {pl}
robberies Räubereien {pl}
robberiesRaubüberfälle {pl}
robbers Räuber {pl}
robbers' cave Räuberhöhle {f}
robber's lair [also: robbers' lair]Raubnest {n}
robbery Beraubung {f}
robberyRaub {m}
robbery Räuberei {f}
robberyRaubüberfall {m}
robbery attempt Raubversuch {m}
robbery insuranceRaubüberfallversicherung {f}
robbing Beraubung {f}
robbing of dead peopleLeichenfledderei {f}
Robb's euphorbia [Euphorbia amygdaloides]Mandel-Wolfsmilch {f}
Robb's euphorbia [Euphorbia amygdaloides] Mandelblättrige Wolfsmilch {f}
Robb's spurge [Euphorbia robbiae]Robb-Wolfsmilch {f}
robe Gewand {n} [geh. oder regional]
robe Robe {f}
robe [dressing gown] Morgenrock {m}
robe [outer garment] Leibrock {m} [veraltet]
robe de chambre [obs.] [dressing gown]Hausmantel {m}
robe of honor [Am.] Ehrenkleid {n}
robe of honour [Br.]Ehrenkleid {n}
robedgeschmückt [bekleidet]
robed [esp. in noble attire] bekleidet [bes. in edler Kleidung]
robellini (palm) [Phoenix roebelenii] [pygmy date palm]Zwerg-Dattelpalme {f}
robellini (palm) [Phoenix roebelenii] [pygmy date palm] Zwergdattelpalme {f}
Robert Bellarmine [Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino]Robert Bellarmin {m}
Robert geranium [Am.] [Geranium robertianum, syn.: Robertiella robertiana] Ruprechtskraut {n}
Robert geranium [Am.] [Geranium robertianum, syn.: Robertiella robertiana] Stinkender Storchschnabel {m}
Robert geranium [Am.] [Geranium robertianum, syn.: Robertiella robertiana] Stinkstorchschnabel {m}
Robert geranium extract [Geranium robertianum extract] Gottesgnadenkraut {n} [Extrakt]
Robert I, King of Scotland [known as Robert the Bruce] Robert I. {m} König von Schottland [bekannt als Robert the Bruce]
Robert Koch Institute <RKI>Robert-Koch-Institut {n} <RKI> [Eigenschreibung: Robert Koch-Institut]
Roberts Cliff Roberts-Kliff {n}
Roberts Massif Roberts-Massiv {n}
Roberts' prinia [Oreophilais robertsi] Robertsprinie {f}
Robert's snow vole [Chionomys roberti] Roberts Schneemaus {f}
Roberts syndrome <RS> Roberts-Syndrom {n} <RS>
Robert's vole [Chionomys roberti, syn.: C. personatus, Microtus pshavus]Roberts Schneemaus {f}
Robert's your father's brother [Br.] [hum.] [Bob's your uncle]schwuppdiwupp [ugs.]
robertsite [Ca6Mn9(PO4)9O6(H2O)6·3H2O] Robertsit {m}
Robertson ® screwdriver [square drive screwdriver] Robertson-Schraubendreher {m} [Robertson ®] [fachspr. nach DIN]
Robertson ® screwdriver [square drive screwdriver] Schraubendreher {m} für Robertson-Schrauben [Robertson ®] [fachspr. nach DIN]
« roadroadroadroadroasroasRoberoboroburockrock »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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