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rock climbing Felsenklettern {n}
rock climbing Klettern {n} in der Wand [Felsklettern]
rock climbing grade Schwierigkeitsskala {f}
rock club Rockschuppen {m} [ugs.]
rock cod [Cephalopholis boenak] Braungestreifter Zackenbarsch {m}
rock cod [Eleginops maclovinus] Patagonien-Schleimfisch {m}
rock cod [Gadus ogac]Grönland-Kabeljau {m}
rock columbine [Aquilegia scopulorum] Utah-Akelei {f}
rock columbine [Aquilegia scopulorum]Felsen-Akelei {f}
rock complex Gesteinskomplex {m}
rock concert Rockkonzert {n}
rock conductivityGesteinsleitfähigkeit {f}
rock conductivity Gesteinsleitvermögen {n}
rock conure [Pyrrhura rupicola] Schwarzkappensittich {m}
Rock Cornish (game) hen [hybrid of Cornish and White Rock chickens] [Stubenküken, Junghuhn von maximal 5 bis 6 Wochen, aus Cornwall / England]
rock cotoneaster [Cotoneaster horizontalis] Fächer-Zwergmispel / Fächerzwergmispel {f}
rock cotoneaster [Cotoneaster horizontalis] Fächer-Steinmispel {f}
rock cotoneaster [Cotoneaster horizontalis] Waagerechtwachsende Zwergmispel {f}
rock crane's-bill [Geranium macrorrhizum]Balkan-Storchschnabel {m}
rock crane's-bill [Geranium macrorrhizum]Großwurzeliger Storchschnabel {m}
rock crane's-bill [Geranium macrorrhizum] Felsen-Storchschnabel {m}
rock crane's-bill / cranesbill [Geranium macrorrhizum] Großwurzel-Storchschnabel {m}
rock crannies Gesteinsritzen {pl}
rock creepTalzuschub {m}
rock cress [Arabis caucasica]Gartengänsekresse {f}
rock crevice Felsspalte {f}
Rock CrystalBergkristall [Adalbert Stifter]
rock crystal [SiO2] Bergkristall {m}
rock crystal depositBergkristallvorkommen {n}
rock crystal deposit Bergkristalllagerstätte {f}
rock crystal mining Bergkristallabbau {m}
rock cutting saw Steinsäge {f}
rock cycle Gesteinskreislauf {m}
rock cycleGesteinszyklus {m}
rock cycle Kreislauf {m} der Gesteine
rock debris Gesteinsschutt {m}
rock debris {sg} Gesteinstrümmer {pl}
rock deformation Gesteinsverformung {f}
rock deformationGesteinsdeformation {f}
rock deformationFelsdeformation {f}
rock deformationFelsverformung {f}
rock density Gesteinsdichte {f}
rock dormouse [Graphiurus platyops]Afrikanischer Felsenbilch {m}
rock dots Heavy-Metal-Umlaut {m}
rock dove [Columba livia] [now rock pigeon]Felsentaube {f}
rock drawingFelszeichnung {f}
rock drawing [a picture drawn on a rock] Felsenzeichnung {f} [seltener für: Felszeichnung]
rock drawing [pictorial representation of a rock]Zeichnung {f} eines Felsens
rock drillBohrhammer {m}
rock drillVorübung {f} am Sandkasten [Modell]
rock drill Gesteinsbohrer {m}
rock drill Steinbohrer {m}
rock drill Felsbohrer {m}
rock drill (bit)Steinbohrer {m}
rock drillingGesteinsbohrtechnik {f}
rock drilling Gesteinsbohren {n}
rock drilling Felsbohren {n}
rock duck [Histrionicus histrionicus]Kragenente {f}
rock dustingGesteinstaubstreuung {f}
rock eagle-owl / eagle owl [Bubo bengalensis, syn.: Bubo bubo bengalensis] Bengalenuhu {m}
rock eagle-owl / eagle owl [Bubo bengalensis, syn.: Bubo bubo bengalensis]Indischer Uhu {m}
rock earthcreeper [Upucerthia andaecola]Felsenerdhacker {m}
rock elementGesteinselement {n}
rock elm [Ulmus thomasii]Felsen-Ulme {f}
rock eminence [Glacies alpinata] Gewöhnlicher Alpenspanner {m}
rock engraving Felsgravierung {f}
rock engravings Felsgravierungen {pl}
rock engravings Felsgravuren {pl}
rock excavationFelsabbau {m}
rock exposure [rock outcrop]Gesteinsausbiss {m} [Felsnase]
rock face Felswand {f}
rock face Felsenwand {f}
rock facesFlühe {pl} [bes. schweiz.]
rock failureFelsbruch {m}
rock fall Felssturz {m}
rock fallSteinschlag {m} [frei fallende Steine, Felsen]
rock fallSteinlawine {f}
rock fall Steinfall {m} [Steinschlag]
rock fall Bergsturz {m}
rock fall zoneSteinschlagzone {f}
rock fanRockfan {m}
rock fescue [Festuca brachyphylla]Fels-Schwingel / Felsschwingel {m}
rock festivalRockfestival {n}
rock filling Bergversatz {m}
rock firefinch [Lagonosticta sanguinodorsalis] Felsenamarant {m}
rock floorFelsboden {m}
rock flourBergmehl {n}
rock flour Gesteinsmehl {n}
rock formation Felsformation {f}
rock formationFelsgebilde {n}
rock formationFelsgruppe {f}
rock formation Gesteinsformation {f}
rock formation Gebirgsformation {f}
rock formation Gesteinsbildung {f}
rock formationGesteinsgebilde {n}
rock formation Gesteinsverband {m}
rock fortressFelsenfestung {f}
rock fragmentFelsbrocken {m}
rock fragmentGesteinsbruchstück {n}
rock fragment Gesteinsbrocken {m}
« roasroasRoberoboroburockrockrockrockrockrock »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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