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rock temples Felsentempel {pl}
rock thyme [Acinos alpinus, syn.: Calamintha alpina, Clinopodium alpinum, Satureja alpina] Alpen-Steinquendel {m}
rock thyme [Acinos alpinus, syn.: Calamintha alpina, Clinopodium alpinum, Satureja alpina] Stein-Bergminze {f}
rock tomb Felsengrab {n}
rock tripe [gen. Umbilicaria] Felskutteln {pl}
rock turbot [Anarhichas denticulatus] Blauer Seewolf {m}
rock turnWiegeschritt {m} [Tango]
rock type Gesteinstyp {m}
rock typeGesteinsart {f}
rock valerian [Valeriana saxatilis, syn.: V. celtica]Felsen-Baldrian {m} [auch: Felsenbaldrian]
rock varnishWüstenlack {m}
rock veilwort [Metzgeria conjugata] Breites Igelhaubenmoos {n}
rock venueRockschuppen {m} [ugs.]
rock violet [Viola rupestris, syn.: V. arenaria, V. rupestris ssp. rupestris]Sand-Veilchen / Sandveilchen {n}
rock viper [Montivipera raddei, syn.: Vipera raddei] Armenische Bergotter {f}
rock viper [Montivipera raddei, syn.: Vipera raddei]Raddes Otter {f}
rock viper [Montivipera xanthina, syn.: Vipera xanthina] Kleinasiatische Bergotter {f}
rock viper [Montivipera xanthina, syn.: Vipera xanthina] Türkische Bergotter {f}
rock vocalistRocksänger {m}
rock vocalist [female] Rocksängerin {f}
rock vole [Microtus chrotorrhinus] Gelbnasige Wühlmaus {f}
rock warbler [Origma solitaria] Steinhuscher {m}
rock water Bergwasser {n}
rock weatheringGesteinsverwitterung {f}
rock whitebeam [Sorbus aria, syn.: S. rupicola, Aria nivea, Crataegus aria, Hahnia aria var. majestica, Pyrus aria] Silberbaum {m} [Echte Mehlbeere]
rock whitebeam [Sorbus aria, syn.: S. rupicola, Aria nivea, Crataegus aria, Hahnia aria var. majestica, Pyrus aria] Mehlvogelbeere {f}
rock whitebeam [Sorbus aria, syn.: S. rupicola, Aria nivea, Crataegus aria, Hahnia aria var. majestica, Pyrus aria](Echte) Mehlbeere {f}
rock whitebeam [Sorbus aria, syn.: S. rupicola, Aria nivea, Crataegus aria, Hahnia aria var. majestica, Pyrus aria] Mehlbeerbaum {m}
rock whitebeam [Sorbus rupicola] Felsen-Mehlbeere {f}
rock whitebeam [Sorbus rupicola]Felsenmehlbeere {f}
rock whitlow-grass / whitlowgrass [Draba glabella, syn.: D. daurica] Daurisches Felsenblümchen {n}
rock whitlowgrass / whitlow-grass [Draba norvegica]Norwegisches Felsenblümchen {n}
rock windflower [Anemone rupicola]Felsen-Windröschen {n}
rock wool Steinwolle {f}
rock wormwood [Artemisia rupestris] Felsen-Beifuß {m}
rock wren [Salpinctes obsoletus] Felsenzaunkönig {m}
rock wren [Xenicus gilviventris] Felsschlüpfer {m}
(rock) climbing shoes Kletterschuhe {pl}
(rock) crevice Felsspalt {m}
(rock) driller [person or machine] Bohrhauer {m} [Arbeiter oder Maschine]
(rock) face Wand {f}
(rock) fissureGesteinsspalte {f}
(rock) grayling [Hipparchia semele] [butterfly]Rostbinde {f} [Tagfalterart]
(rock) grayling [Hipparchia semele] [butterfly]Ockerbindiger Samtfalter {m}
(rock) grayling [Hipparchia semele] [butterfly] Rostbindenfalter {m} [selten]
(rock) gunnel [Pholis gunnellus](Atlantischer) Butterfisch {m}
(rock) hutchinsia [Hornungia petraea, syn.: Hutchinsia petraea] Kleine Felskresse {f}
(rock) hutchinsia [Hornungia petraea, syn.: Hutchinsia petraea]Zwerg-Steppenkresse / Zwergsteppenkresse {f}
(rock) navelwort [Umbilicus rupestris, syn.: Cotyledon rupestris]Felsen-Venusnabel / Felsenvenusnabel {m}
(rock) needle Felsnadel {f}
(rock) pinnacle Felsnadel {f}
(rock) samphire [Crithmum maritimum] Meerfenchel {m}
(rock) samphire [Crithmum maritimum] Bazillenkraut {n}
rockabillyRockabilly {m}
rock-a-billy [spv.] Rockabilly {m}
Rockall Rockall {f}
Rockall BankRockallplateau {n}
Rockall PlateauRockallplateau {n}
Rockall TroughRockalltrog {m}
rockbed Felsengrund {m}
rockbiter [The Neverending Story] Felsenbeißer {m} [Die unendliche Geschichte]
rock-boring sea urchin [Echinometra mathaei]Riffdach-Bohrseeigel {m}
rock-boring urchin [Echinometra lucunter, syn.: E. acufera, E. nigrina, E. subangularis, Cidaris fenestrata, C. lucunter, Echinus lobatus, E. lucunter, Heliocidaris mexicana, Toxocidaris mexicana] Felsenbohrerseeigel {m}
rock-bottom goods {pl}Billigware {f}
rock-bottom price allerniedrigster Preis {m}
rock-bottom priceSchottenpreis {m} [hum.]
rockbottom priceTiefstpreis {m}
rock-bottom price Schleuderpreis {m}
rock-bottom pricesNiedrigstpreise {pl}
rock-bottom prices niedrigste Preise {pl}
rock-bottom pricesBilligstpreise {pl}
rockboundvon Felsen umgeben
rockbound coast Felsküste {f}
rockbridgeite [(Fe,Mn)Fe4(PO4)3(OH)5] Rockbridgeit {m}
rockchuck [Marmota flaviventris] Gelbbauchmurmeltier {n}
rock-climbing club Kletterverein {m}
rock-climbing gym Boulderhalle {f}
rockcods [family Sebastidae] Stachelköpfe {pl}
rockcresses [genus Arabis] Gänsekressen {pl}
rock-cut in Felsen gehauen
rock-cut cellar Felsenkeller {m}
rock-cut cellars {pl} Felsengänge {pl} [Nürnberg]
rock-cut tombFelskammer {f}
rock-cut tombFelsengrab {n}
rock-cut tombFelsgrab {n}
rock-dwelling (giant) rat [Xenuromys barbatus] Neuguinea-Weißschwanzratte {f}
rock-dwelling grasshopper [Omocestus petraeus] Felsgrashüpfer / Fels-Grashüpfer {m}
rocked geschaukelt
rocked gewackelt
rocked [coll.]gerockt
rocked [emotionally shaken] erschüttert
Rockefeller Center Rockefeller Center {n}
Rockefeller Foundation Rockefeller-Stiftung {f}
Rockefeller's sunbird [Nectarinia/Cinnyris rockefelleri] Blutbrust-Nektarvogel {m}
Rockenberg (baryte) rose Rockenberger Röschen {n}
rocker Wippe {f}
rocker Rocker {m}
rocker [Am.] Schaukelstuhl {m}
rocker [Am.] [curved stripe at the chevron of a noncommissioned officer] Bogen {m} [gebogener Streifen des Dienstgradabzeichens von Unteroffizieren]
rocker [chair skid] Schaukelkufe {f}
« roboroburockrockrockrockrockrockrockrockrod[ »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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