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rockiest felsigste
rockiest [most unsteady] wackeligste
rockily felsig
rockingKipphebel {m}
rocking rockig
rocking rockend
rocking Schaukeln {n}
rocking chair Schaukelstuhl {m}
rocking chair limpet [Lottia instabilis, syn.: L. ochracea, Acmaea ochracea, Collisella instabilis]Lottia instabilis {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
rocking horse Schaukelpferd {n}
rocking horse Hutschpferd {n} [österr.]
rocking levelKipphebel {m}
rocking motion Schaukelbewegung {f}
rocking pistonWiegekolben {m}
rocking (platform) shaker Wippschüttler {m}
rocking tool Wiegestahl {m}
rockinghorse Schaukelpferd {n}
rocklet kleiner Fels {m}
rockletkleiner Felsen {m}
rock-loving swan-necked moss [Campylostelium saxicola]Fels-Schwanenhalsmoos {n}
rockmelon [Aus.]Cantaloupe-Melone {f}
rockoon [portmanteau of rocket and balloon]Rockoon {n} [Kunstwort aus Rocket und Balloon]
Rocko's Modern Life Rockos modernes Leben
rock-paper-scissorsSchere, Stein, Papier {n}
rock-paper-scissors Schnick, Schnack, Schnuck {n}
rock-paper-scissors Ching, Chang, Chong {n}
rock-paper-scissorsKlick, Klack, Kluck {n}
Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-SpockStein-Schere-Papier-Echse-Spock {n}
rockperch [Aus.] [Girella tricuspidata, syn.: Boops tricuspidatus] Schwarzer Nagebarsch {m}
rockpool prawn [Palaemon elegans, syn.: P. minans, Leander squilla typica, Palaemonella gracilis] Kleine Felsengarnele {f}
rockpool prawn [Palaemon elegans, syn.: P. minans, Leander squilla typica, Palaemonella gracilis] (Kleine) Felsgarnele {f}
rock-protection sheathingFelsschutzhülle {f}
rock-raw-humus soilFels-Auflagehumusboden {m}
rockrose / rock-rose / rock rose family {sg} [family Cistaceae] Zistrosengewächse {pl}
rockrose / rock-rose / rock rose family {sg} [family Cistaceae]Cistrosengewächse {pl}
rockrose / rock-rose / rock rose family {sg} [family Cistaceae]Cistaceen {pl}
rockrose prickly leaf beetle [Dicladispa testacea]Brauner Stachelkäfer {m}
rockroses [family Cistaceae] [also: rock-roses, rock roses] Cistaceen {pl}
rockroses [family Cistaceae] [also: rock-roses, rock roses] Cistrosengewächse {pl}
rockroses [family Cistaceae] [also: rock-roses, rock roses] Zistrosengewächse {pl}
rockroses [genus Helianthemum] [also: rock-roses, rock roses] Sonnenröschen {pl}
rockroses [genus Tuberaria] Sandröschen {pl}
rockrunner [Achaetops pycnopygius]Klippensänger {m}
rocksFelsen {pl}
rocks Gesteine {pl}
rocks {pl} Gestein {n}
rocks {pl} Felsgestein {n}
rocks {pl} [Am.] [sl.]Kies {m} [ugs.] [Geld]
rocks {pl} [sl.]Crack {n}
rocks [sl.] Diamanten {pl}
rocks [sl.] Klunker {pl} [ugs.]
rocks [sl.] [testicles] Kronjuwelen {pl} [ugs.] [hum.] [Hoden]
rocks glass [Old Fashioned glass]Whiskytumbler {m}
rockslide Bergsturz {m}
rockslide Steinlawine {f}
rockslide [also: rock slide] Felsrutsch {m} [auch: Felsrutschung]
rockslide [rockfall]Felssturz {m}
rockslide [rockfall] Felsabbruch {m}
rockslides {pl} Fels- und Bergsturz {m}
rock-solid felsenfest
rock-solid grundsolide
rock-solid defence [Br.]bombensichere Abwehr {f} [ugs.]
rock-splitting fig tree [Ficus abutilifolia] Großblättrige Felsenfeige {f}
rock-spray [Cotoneaster horizontalis]Fächer-Steinmispel {f} [österr.] [schweiz.]
rock-spray [Cotoneaster horizontalis] Fächer-Zwergmispel / Fächerzwergmispel {f}
rock-spray [Cotoneaster horizontalis]Waagerechtwachsende Zwergmispel {f}
rockspray cotoneaster [Cotoneaster horizontalis]Fächer-Zwergmispel / Fächerzwergmispel {f}
rockspray cotoneaster [Cotoneaster horizontalis] Fächer-Steinmispel {f} [österr.] [schweiz.]
rockspray cotoneaster [Cotoneaster horizontalis]Waagerechtwachsende Zwergmispel {f}
rockspray cotoneaster [Cotoneaster microphyllus] Kleinblättrige Zwergmispel {f}
rockspray cotoneaster [Cotoneaster racemiflorus] Dichtblütige Zwergmispel {f}
rock-thrush [Monticola saxatilis, syn.: M. cyanus] Steinrötel {m}
rock-thrush / rock thrush [Monticola saxatilis, syn.: M. cyanus]Steindrossel {f}
rocktrumpet [genus Mandevilla] Mandevilla {f}
rockumentary [coll.] Rock-Doku {f} [ugs.]
rock-wallabies [genus Petrogale] Felskängurus {pl}
rockwarbler [Origma solitaria]Steinhuscher {m}
Rockwellian im Stil von Norman Rockwell [nachgestellt]
rockwheel [wheel trencher]Grabenfräse {f}
rockwoodHolzasbest {n}
rockworkkünstlicher Fels {m}
rocky rockig [ugs.]
rocky [full of difficulties]schwierig
rocky [unsteady] wackelig
rocky [also fig.]steinig [auch fig.]
rocky [bumpy, of a road, path] [also fig.] holprig [Weg, Pfad] [selten: fig.]
Rocky [John G. Avildsen]Rocky [Verweistitel: Rocky – Die Chance seines Lebens]
rocky area Felsbereich {m}
rocky bankFelsenufer {n}
rocky bay Felsbucht {f}
rocky beachFelsenstrand {m}
rocky beachSteinstrand {m}
rocky cliffFelsenklippe {f}
rocky coast Felsenküste {f}
rocky core [of a planet etc.] Gesteinskern {m} [eines Planeten etc.]
rocky crag Bergfels {m}
« rockrockrockrockrockrockrockrod[Rodrroenrogu »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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