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rocky core [of a planet etc.] Gesteinskern {m} [eines Planeten etc.]
rocky cragBergfels {m}
rocky desertSteinwüste {f}
rocky future unsichere Zukunft {f}
rocky gorge Felsenschlucht {f}
rocky ground felsiger Boden {m}
rocky groundFelsgrund {m}
rocky ground Felsboden {m}
rocky heathFelsheide {f} [Landschaftsform]
rocky heathFelsenheide {f} [Landschaftsform]
rocky heightFelsenhöhe {f} [veraltend]
rocky hill Felshügel {m}
Rocky II [Sylvester Stallone] Rocky II
Rocky III [Sylvester Stallone] Rocky III – Das Auge des Tigers
rocky island Felseninsel {f}
rocky island Felsinsel {f}
rocky islet Felseninselchen {n}
Rocky IV [Sylvester Stallone] Rocky IV – Der Kampf des Jahrhunderts
rocky knoll Felskopf {m}
rocky landscape Felsenlandschaft {f}
Rocky Mountain alpine fir [Abies lasiocarpa, syn.: A. arizonica, Pinus lasiocarpa] Felsengebirgs-Tanne / Felsengebirgstanne {f}
Rocky Mountain alpine fir [Abies lasiocarpa, syn.: A. arizonica, Pinus lasiocarpa]Felsen-Tanne / Felsentanne {f}
Rocky Mountain (alpine) fir [Abies lasiocarpa, syn.: A. arizonica, Pinus lasiocarpa]Westamerikanische Balsamtanne {f}
Rocky Mountain beeplant [Cleomella serulata (Pursh), syn.: Cleome serrulata, C. integrifolia, Peritoma serrulatum] Rocky-Mountain-Spinnenblume {f}
Rocky Mountain beeweed [Cleomella serrulata, syn.: Cleome integrifolia, C. serrulata, Peritoma serrulatum] Rocky-Mountain-Spinnenblume {f}
Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep [Ovis canadensis canadensis] Rocky-Mountains-Dickhornschaf {n}
Rocky Mountain birch [Betula occidentalis, syn.: B. fontinalis] Wasser-Birke / Wasserbirke {f}
Rocky Mountain capshell [Acroloxus coloradensis] Rocky-Mountain-Napfschnecke {f} [Süßwasserschneckenart]
Rocky Mountain column [Pupilla blandi] Pupilla blandi {f} [Landschneckenart]
Rocky Mountain Douglas fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii, syn.: P. taxifolia, Abies menziesii]Douglasie {f}
Rocky Mountain Douglas fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii, syn.: P. taxifolia, Abies menziesii]Douglasfichte / Douglas-Fichte {f}
Rocky Mountain Douglas fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii, syn.: P. taxifolia, Abies menziesii] Douglaskiefer / Douglas-Kiefer {f}
Rocky Mountain Douglas fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii, syn.: P. taxifolia, Abies menziesii] Douglastanne / Douglas-Tanne {f}
Rocky Mountain Empire [nickname] [Colorado] [Spitzname für Colorado, USA; wörtlich: Rocky-Mountain-Imperium]
Rocky Mountain fir [Abies lasiocarpa] Felsengebirgs-Tanne {f}
Rocky Mountain fir [Abies lasiocarpa] Felsen-Tanne {f}
Rocky Mountain goldenrod [Solidago multiradiata]Rocky-Mountain-Goldrute {f}
Rocky Mountain grosbeak [Pheucticus melanocephalus, syn.: Habia melanocephala, Hedymeles melanocephalus, Zamelodia melanocephala] Schwarzkopf-Kernknacker {m}
Rocky Mountain iris [Iris missouriensis] Rocky-Mountain-Schwertlilie {f}
Rocky Mountain locust [Melanoplus spretus]Felsengebirgsschrecke {f}
Rocky Mountain locust [Melanoplus spretus]Rocky-Mountain-Heuschrecke {f}
Rocky Mountain maple [Acer glabrum]Kahler Ahorn {m}
Rocky Mountain maple [Acer glabrum]Zwergahorn {m}
Rocky Mountain pinyon pine [Pinus edulis]Colorado-Pinyon-Kiefer {f}
Rocky Mountain ponderosa pine [Pinus ponderosa]Gold-Kiefer / Goldkiefer {f}
Rocky Mountain ponderosa pine [Pinus ponderosa]Gelb-Kiefer / Gelbkiefer {f}
Rocky Mountain ponderosa pine [Pinus ponderosa]Ponderosa-Kiefer {f}
Rocky Mountain pussytoes {pl} [treated as sg.] [Antennaria media] Rocky-Mountain-Katzenpfötchen {n}
Rocky Mountain robin [Turdus migratorius] Wanderdrossel {f}
Rocky Mountain sage [Salvia reflexa, syn.: S. lanceolata] Schmalblättriger Salbei {m} [selten {f}: Schmalblättrige Salbei]
Rocky Mountain spotted feverFelsengebirgsfieber {n}
Rocky Mountain spotted fever Amerikanisches Zeckenbissfieber {n}
Rocky Mountain spotted feverRocky-Mountain-Fleckfieber {n}
Rocky Mountain spotted fever Rocky-Mountain-Fieber {n}
Rocky Mountain tailed frog [Ascaphus montanus]Östlicher Schwanzfrosch {m}
Rocky Mountain tailed frog [Ascaphus montanus] Rocky Mountains-Schwanzfrosch {m}
Rocky Mountain white fir [Abies concolor, syn.: Picea concolor] Grau-Tanne / Grautanne {f}
Rocky Mountain white fir [Abies concolor, syn.: Picea concolor]Silber-Tanne / Silbertanne {f}
Rocky Mountain white fir [Abies concolor, syn.: Picea concolor]Kolorado-Tanne / Koloradotanne {f}
Rocky Mountain white fir [Abies concolor, syn.: Picea concolor] Colorado-Tanne / Coloradotanne {f}
Rocky Mountain white pine [Pinus flexilis]Biegsame Kiefer {f}
Rocky Mountain white pine [Pinus flexilis]Nevada-Zirbelkiefer {f}
Rocky Mountain white pine [Pinus flexilis] Nevada-Kiefer {f}
Rocky Mountain white pine [Pinus flexilis]Kalifornische Kiefer {f}
(Rocky Mountain) bristlecone / bristle-cone pine [Pinus aristata] Grannen-Kiefer / Grannenkiefer {f}
(Rocky Mountain) bristlecone / bristle-cone pine [Pinus aristata]Borstenkiefer {f}
Rocky MountainsRocky Mountains {pl}
Rocky Mountains {pl} Felsengebirge {n}
rocky pathFelsweg {m}
rocky planet Felsplanet {m}
rocky planet Gesteinsplanet {m}
rocky plateauFelsplateau {n}
rocky promontory Felssporn {m}
rocky road [also fig.] harter Weg {m} [auch fig.]
rocky road [also idiom] steiniger Weg {m} [auch fig.]
rocky road [full of problems or difficulties] mühevoller Weg {m} [große Mühe und Anstrengung erfordernd]
rocky shoreFelsenküste {f}
rocky shoreFelsenufer {n}
rocky shore felsiges Ufer {n}
rocky shore Felsküste {f}
rocky slope Felshang {m}
rocky sphereGesteinskugel {f}
Rocky V [John G. Avildsen] Rocky V
rocky vale [poet.]Felsengrund {m}
(Rocky) Mountain goat [Oreamnos americanus] Schneeziege {f}
(Rocky) Mountain goat [Oreamnos americanus] Bergziege {f}
(Rocky) Mountain oysters [Am.] Stierhoden {pl}
(Rocky) Mountain oysters [Am.]Bullenhoden {pl}
(Rocky) Mountain oysters [Am.]Kalbshoden {pl}
(rocky) reef Felsenriff {n}
rococo Rokoko {n}
Rococo period Rokokozeit {f}
Rococo theatre [Br.]Rokokotheater {n}
Rococo toad [Bufo schneideri, syn.: Chaunus schneideri]Rokoko-Kröte {f}
rococo-style skirt Rokoko-Rock {m}
rocuronium bromide Rocuroniumbromid {n}
rod Rute {f}
rod Stab {m}
rodStange {f}
rod [Am.] [sl. or coll.] [a pistol or revolver]Schießeisen {n} [ugs.]
« rockrockrockrockrockrockrod[Rodrroenrogurole »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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