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Romanov family Zarenfamilie {f} [Familie der Romanows]
Romano-Ward syndrome Romano-Ward-Syndrom {n} <RWS>
Romanowsky stain Romanowsky-Färbung {f}
Romanowsky staining Romanowsky-Färbung {f}
Roman-Persian Wars Römisch-Persische Kriege {pl}
Romans Römer {pl}
Romans [Epistle to the Romans] Römerbrief {m}
Romans [female]Römerinnen {pl}
Romans <Rom., Rom> [Epistle to the Romans] Römer {pl} <Röm., Röm> [Römerbrief]
romans a clefSchlüsselromane {pl}
Roman's saw-scaled viper [Echis leucogaster]Weißbauch-Sandrasselotter {f}
Romansch [spv.] Romantsch {n}
Romansh Romantsch {n}
RomanshRumantsch {n}
RomanshRomanisch {n} [Räto-Romanisch]
Romansh Rätoromanisch {n}
Romansh rätoromanisch
romantic romantisch
romanticromanhaft [abenteuerlich, romantisch]
romantic [female] Romantikerin {f}
romantic [romantic person] Romantiker {m}
romantic aesthetics [treated as sg.] romantische Ästhetik {f}
romantic affair Romanze {f} [Liebesabenteuer, Verhältnis]
romantic affair romantisches Liebesabenteuer {n}
romantic attachment Liebesbeziehung {f}
romantic bondromantische Verbindung {f}
romantic comedy Liebeskomödie {f}
romantic comedy Beziehungskomödie {f}
romantic drama Liebesdrama {n}
romantic epic (film)romantisches Filmepos {n}
Romantic eraRomantik {f} [Epoche]
romantic holiday [chiefly Br.] Liebesurlaub {m}
romantic irony romantische Ironie {f}
romantic light romantisches Licht {n}
romantic (love) affairLiebesromanze {f}
romantic moodromantische Stimmung {f}
romantic novel Liebesroman {m}
romantic novelette Nackenbeißer {m}
Romantic (period) Romantik {f}
romantic relationship Liebesbeziehung {f}
Romantic Road Romantische Straße {f}
romantic side romantische Richtung {f}
romantic vacation [Am.]Liebesurlaub {m}
romantic vacation spot romantischer Urlaubsort {m}
(romantic) relationship Zweierkiste {f} [fig.] [ugs.] [hum.]
romantically romantisch
romanticisation [Br.] Romantisierung {f}
romanticising [Br.] Romantisierung {f}
romanticismRomantik {f}
romanticist Romantiker {m}
romanticizationRomantisierung {f}
romanticizing schwärmend
romanticizingRomantisierung {f}
romantics Romantiker {pl}
RomanyRomanes {n}
Romany Zigeunersprache {f}
Romany Romani {n}
RomanyZigeuner {m} [diskriminierend]
Romany Roma-
Romany [person]Rom {m}
Romany people Sinti und Roma {pl}
Romany peopleRoma {pl}
romarchite [SnO] Romarchit {m}
Romasanta: The Werewolf Hunt [UK, Australia] [Paco Plaza] Romasanta – Im Schatten des Werwolfs
Romberg maneuver [Am.] [also: Romberg's maneuver] Romberg-Manöver {n} [selten für: Romberg-Versuch, Romberg-Test]
Romberg methodRomberg-Verfahren {n}
Romberg test Romberg-Versuch {m}
Romberg's sign [also: Romberg sign] Romberg-Zeichen {n}
Romberg's test [also: Romberg test] Romberg-Test {m}
Romberg's test [also: Romberg test]Romberg-Stehversuch {m}
Rombert integrationRombert-Integration {f}
romcom [coll.] romantische Komödie {f}
rom-com [coll.] [short for: romantic comedy] romantische Komödie {f}
Rome Rom {n}
Rome Convention Rom-Abkommen {n}
Rome II criteria Rom-II-Kriterien {pl}
Rome, Open City [Roberto Rossellini] Rom, offene Stadt
Rome, the Eternal CityRom {n}, die Ewige Stadt
Rome TreatyVertrag {m} von Rom
Rome was not built in a day. Rom wurde nicht an einem Tag erbaut.
Rome was your suggestion. Rom war Ihre Idee. [formelle Anrede]
Rome was your suggestion. [said to one person]Rom war deine Idee.
Rome was your suggestion. [said to two or more people] Rom war eure Idee.
Rome wasn't built in a day. Gut Ding will Weile haben.
Rome wasn't built in a day either. Rom ist auch nicht an einem Tag erbaut worden.
(Rome) Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations Europäisches Schuldvertragsübereinkommen {n}
Rome-born in Rom geboren
roméite-group [(Ca,Fe2+,Mn,Na)2(Sb,Ti)2O6(O,OH,F)] Roméit {m} [Roméit-Gruppe]
Romeo [male lover]Romeo {m} [ugs.] [Liebhaber]
Romeo [Rainbow Brite]Rotbart [Regina Regenbogen]
Romeo (agent) ["Casanova" spy] Romeo {m} [Agenten-/Geheimdienst-Jargon: Casanova-Spion]
Romeo and Juliet [play: William Shakespeare, film 1968: Franco Zeffirelli] Romeo und Julia
römerite [FeFe2(SO4)4·14H2O]Römerit {m}
romescoRomesco {n}
romescoRomescu {n}
Romeyka [Pontic Greek language] Romeyka {n} [pontische Sprache]
« rollrollRomaRomaromaRomaRomiroofroofroofroom »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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