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English-German Dictionary

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rotary blower Drehkolbengebläse {n}
rotary blowerUmlaufgebläse {n}
rotary brush Rotationsbürste {f}
rotary brush [tool, toothbrush]rotierende Bürste {f}
rotary bur instrumentrotierendes Bohrinstrument {n}
rotary button Drehknopf {m}
rotary buttonDrehregler {m} [Drehknopf]
rotary cement kiln Zementdrehofen {m}
rotary clothes dryer Wäschespinne {f}
rotary clothes lineWäscheschirm {m}
rotary clothes lineWäschepilz {m} [selten] [Wäschespinne]
rotary clothes lineWäschespinne {f}
rotary clothesline Wäschespinne {f}
rotary clothesline Spinne {f} [Wäschespinne]
rotary componentDrehkomponente {f}
rotary compressorRotationskompressor {m}
rotary compressorUmlaufverdichter {m}
rotary compressorRotationsverdichter {m}
rotary control [knob, switch] Drehregler {m}
rotary converter Drehumformer {m}
rotary converter rotierender Umformer {m}
rotary coupler Drehkoppler {m}
rotary cultivating Fräsen {n} [mit Gartenfräse]
rotary cultivator Einachsschlepper {m}
rotary cultivatorBodenfräse {f}
rotary cultivatorFräse {f}
rotary (cup oil) burnerDrehzerstäuberbrenner {m}
rotary current [three-phase current] Drehstrom {m} [Dreiphasenwechselstrom]
rotary cutter umlaufendes Schneidwerkzeug {n}
rotary cutterRollschneider {m}
rotary cutterAusstecher {m} [z. B. für Gebäck od. Garnituren]
rotary cutter Rotationsschneider {m}
rotary cutting instrumentschneidendes rotierendes Instrument {n}
rotary dial Wählscheibe {f}
rotary dial Nummernschalter {m}
rotary dial Drehwähler {m}
rotary dial switch Drehnummernschalter {m}
rotary disc sander Tellermaschine {f} [Tellerschleifmaschine]
rotary disc shutterFlügelblende {f} [Umlaufblende]
rotary (disc) shutter Umlaufverschluss {m}
rotary dischargerDrehfunkenstrecke {f}
rotary disk Drehscheibe {f}
rotary displacement gas meter Drehkolbengaszähler {m}
rotary distributorDrehverteiler {m}
rotary distributor Rotationsverteiler {m}
rotary draw bendingRotationszugbiegen {n}
rotary drilling rig Drehbohrgerät {n}
rotary drive Drehantrieb {m}
rotary drive Drehgetriebe {n}
rotary driveRotationsantrieb {m}
rotary drumDrehtrommel {f}
rotary drum strainerTrommelsieb {n}
rotary egg beaterSahnerädchen {n} [Radschneeschläger]
rotary egg beaterRadschneeschläger {m}
rotary encoder Drehgeber {m}
rotary encoderDrehimpulsgeber {m}
rotary encoderDrehwinkelgeber {m}
rotary encoder Drehregler {m} [Drehgeber]
rotary engine Umlaufmotor {m}
rotary engine Wankelmotor {m}
rotary engineKreiskolbenmotor {m}
rotary engine Rotationsmotor {m} <Rot>
rotary engineDrehkolbenmotor {m}
rotary evaporator Rotationsverdampfer {m}
rotary excavator Schaufelradbagger {m}
rotary feedDrehvorschub {m}
rotary feed-through Drehdurchführung {f}
rotary field Drehfeld {n}
rotary filter Drehfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
rotary finger chuck [lathe chuck] Drehfingerfutter {n} [Drehfutter]
rotary flagella rotierende Flagellen {pl}
rotary flange Drehflansch {m}
rotary frequency Drehfrequenz {f}
rotary furnace Drehofen {m}
rotary graterTrommelreibe {f}
rotary gripperDrehgreifer {m}
rotary gripper unitGreif-Schwenkeinheit {f}
rotary gripping moduleGreif-Schwenk-Modul {n}
rotary hammer Bohrhammer {m}
rotary hammer drill Kombibohrhammer {m} [auch: Kombi-Bohrhammer]
rotary harrow Kreiselegge {f}
rotary harrowRotoregge {f}
rotary headRotationskopf {m}
rotary hearth furnace Drehherdofen {m}
rotary hoeBodenfräse {f}
rotary hoeHackfräse {f}
rotary hoe Fräse {f}
rotary hoe Rotorhacke {f}
rotary hose [drilling rig] Kelly-Schlauch {m} [Rotary-Bohrverfahren]
rotary impulse Drehimpuls {m}
rotary indexing machine Rundtakter {m} [Maschine]
rotary instrumentrotierend arbeitendes Instrument {n}
rotary iron Bügelmaschine {f}
rotary iron Heißmangel {f}
rotary ironWäschemangel {f}
rotary jailKarussellgefängnis {n}
rotary joint Drehdurchführung {f}
rotary jointDrehgelenk {n}
rotary joint [Articulatio trochoidea] Radgelenk {n}
rotary joint [Articulatio trochoidea] Zapfengelenk {n}
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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