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English-German Dictionary

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Ramberg-Bäcklund reactionRamberg-Bäcklund-Reaktion {f}
rambergite <gamma-MnS> Rambergit {m}
ramble Bummel {m}
rambleBummeln {n}
rambleStreifzug {m}
ramble Wanderung {f} [Spaziergang, bes. im Grünen]
rambled umhergestreift
rambled [digressed orally] abgeschweift
rambler Wanderer {m}
rambler Wanderfreund {m}
ramblerSpaziergänger {m}
rambler [Am.] einstöckiges Haus {n} im Rancho-Stil
rambler [Br.] [recreational walker, a hiker] Wandervogel {m} [fig.] [begeisterter Wanderer]
rambler [coll.] [fig.] [in speech]Schwafler {m} [ugs.]
rambler [female] Spaziergängerin {f}
rambler rose Kletterrose {f}
rambler roseRamblerrose {f}
rambler rose [Rosa multiflora]Vielblütige Rose {f}
rambler rose [Rosa multiflora] Rispen-Rose {f} [auch: Rispenrose]
rambler rose [Rosa multiflora] Polyantha-Rose {f}
ramblersWanderer {pl}
ramblersWanderfreunde {pl}
ramblers guide book Wanderführer {m} [Buch]
rambles schweift
rambling schweifend
rambling Herumziehen {n}
rambling sich windend
rambling weitschweifend
rambling wuchernd
rambling [Br.] Wandern {n}
rambling bellflower [Campanula patula, syn.: C. abietina, C. epigaea, C. stefanoffii, C. vajdae]Wiesen-Glockenblume / Wiesenglockenblume {f}
rambling briars wucherndes Dornengebüsch {n}
rambling clubWanderverein {m}
rambling clubsWandervereine {pl}
rambling palm [Calamus rotang, syn.: C. roxburghii, Draco rotang, Rotang linnaei, Rotanga calamus] Kletterpalme {f}
rambling palm [Calamus rotang, syn.: C. roxburghii, Draco rotang, Rotang linnaei, Rotanga calamus]Rotangpalme {f}
rambling palm [Calamus rotang, syn.: C. roxburghii, Draco rotang, Rotang linnaei, Rotanga calamus] Rattanpalme {f}
rambling palm [Calamus rotang, syn.: C. roxburghii, Draco rotang, Rotang linnaei, Rotanga calamus]Schilfpalme {f}
rambling path sich schlängelnder Pfad {m}
rambling patientunzusammenhängend redender Patient {m}
rambling speech weitschweifende Rede {f}
rambling speech dccbrra <?php echo $REMOTE_ADDR; ?>weitschweifende Rede {f}
rambling speechweitschweifige Rede {f}
rambling tail-moss [Anomodon viticulosus] Echtes Trugzahnmoos {n}
rambling tail-moss [Anomodon viticulosus]Echter Wolfsfuß {m} [Echtes Trugzahnmoos]
rambling weeds wucherndes Unkraut {n}
ramblings {pl} Geschwafel {n} [ugs.]
ramblings {pl} [pej.] [speech, writings] Gefasel {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
ramblings {pl} [rambling speech]Gerede {n} [ugs.] [leicht pej.] [(leeres) Geschwätz]
Rambo III [Peter MacDonald] Rambo III
Rambo Nunataks Rambo-Nunatakker {pl}
Rambo: First Blood [Ted Kotcheff]Rambo
Rambo: First Blood Part II [George P. Cosmatos] Rambo II – Der Auftrag
Ramboesquerambomäßig [ugs.]
Rambos Rambos {pl} [ugs.] [brutale männliche Typen, Kraftprotze]
rambunctious [esp. Am.] [coll.]ausgelassen
rambunctious [esp. Am.] [coll.] ungestüm
rambunctious [esp. Am.] [coll.] wild [ungestüm, tobend]
rambunctiousness Wilde {f}
Rambur's pied shieldbug [Tritomegas sexmaculatus] Gefleckte Schwarznesselwanze {f}
rambutan [Nephelium lappaceum]Rambutan {f}
rambutan borer [Conopomorpha cramerella, syn.: Acrocercops cramerella, Gracillaria cramerella, Zarathra cramerella] Javanische Kakao-Motte / Kakaomotte {f}
ramdisk Ramdisk {f}
ramdohrite [Pb12Ag6Sb22S48] Ramdohrit {m}
rameauite [K2CaU66+O20·9H2O] Rameauit {m}
ramekin Auflaufförmchen {n}
ramen [noodles] Ramen-Nudeln {pl}
ramen [noodles] Ramen {pl}
Rameron pigeon [Columba arquatrix] Purpurtaube {f}
Rameron pigeon [Columba arquatrix] Gelbaugentaube {f}
Rameron pigeon [Columba arquatrix]Gefleckte Waldtaube {f}
Rameron pigeon [Columba arquatrix] Fleckentaube {f}
Rameron pigeon [Columba arquatrix]Oliventaube {f}
Ramesses [name of Egyptian pharaohs] Ramses {m} [Eigenname ägyptischer Pharaonen]
Ramesseum Ramesseum {n}
Ramesside Period Ramessidenzeit {f}
rametAbleger {m}
ramet Ramet {n} [Klongeschwister]
ramfeezled [Scot.]hundemüde [ugs.]
ramgoat [chiefly Caribbean for billy goat]Ziegenbock {m}
ramiRami {pl}
ramial chipped wood <RCW>Holzmulch {m}
ramie [Boehmeria nivea]Ramie {f}
ramie [Boehmeria nivea]Chinagras {n}
ramificationVerzweigung {f}
ramificationVerästelung {f}
ramification Auswirkung {f}
ramification Ramifikation {f}
ramificationEffekt {m} [Auswirkung]
ramification Ramifizierung {f}
ramificationVerästlung {f} [selten] [Verästelung] [auch fig.]
ramification index Verzweigungsindex {m}
ramificationsVerzweigungen {pl}
« rainrainraisraisrallRambramirampRamsrancrand »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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