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English-German Dictionary

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rotational axisHauptachse {f}
rotational axisRotationsachse {f}
rotational axisDrehachse {f}
rotational barrier Rotationsbarriere {f}
rotational basis Rotationsbasis {f}
rotational behavior [Am.]Rotationsverhalten {n}
rotational behavior [Am.] Drehverhalten {n}
rotational behaviour [Br.] Rotationsverhalten {n}
rotational casting Rotationsguss {m}
rotational casting Rotationsgießen {n}
rotational component Rotationskomponente {f}
rotational component Drehungskomponente {f}
rotational component Drehkomponente {f}
rotational constant Rotations-Konstante {f}
rotational constant Rotationskonstante {f}
rotational correction Rotationskorrektur {f}
rotational damperDrehdämpfer {m}
rotational diffusion Rotationsdiffusion {f}
rotational diffusion coefficientRotationsdiffusionskoeffizient {m}
rotational directionDrehrichtung {f}
rotational direction Rotationsrichtung {f}
rotational driveDrehantrieb {m}
rotational dynamics [treated as sg.] Rotationsdynamik {f}
rotational ellipsoidRotationsellipsoid {n}
rotational energy Rotationsenergie {f}
rotational excitationRotationsanregung {f}
rotational flowRotationsströmung {f}
rotational flowDrehströmung {f}
rotational force Drehkraft {f}
rotational force Rotationskraft {f}
rotational force [torque] Drehmoment {n} <M >
rotational freedom Rotationsfreiheit {f}
rotational freedomDrehfreiheit {f}
rotational frequencyDrehfrequenz {f}
rotational frequency Rotationsfrequenz {f}
rotational frequency Umdrehungsfrequenz {f}
rotational frequency Drehzahl {f}
rotational frequencyUmlauffrequenz {f}
rotational grazing pastureRotationsweide {f}
rotational inertiaRotationsträgheit {f}
rotational inertia Drehträgheit {f}
rotational instability Rotationsinstabilität {f}
rotational irradiation Rotationsbestrahlung {f} [Strahlentherapie]
rotational isomer Rotationsisomer {n}
rotational isomerism Rotationsisomerie {f}
rotational isomers Rotationsisomere {pl}
rotational jointDrehgelenk {n}
rotational kinetic energyRotationsenergie {f}
rotational laser Rotationslaser {m}
rotational level Rotationsniveau {n}
rotational line Rotationslinie {f}
rotational massRotationsmasse {f}
rotational measurementRotationsmessung {f}
rotational modelRotationsmodell {n}
rotational molding [Am.] Rotationsformen {n}
rotational molding [Am.] Rotationsguss {m}
rotational molding [Am.] Rotationsgießen {n}
rotational motion Drehbewegung {f}
rotational motion Rotationsbewegung {f}
rotational moulding [Br.] Rotationsguss {m}
rotational moulding [Br.]Rotationsformen {n}
rotational movementRotationsbewegung {f}
rotational movement Drehbewegung {f}
rotational paraboloid Rotationsparaboloid {n}
rotational pattern Rotationsmuster {n}
rotational periodRotationsperiode {f}
rotational period Rotationsdauer {f}
rotational plane Rotationsebene {f}
rotational planeDrehebene {f}
rotational position Drehlage {f}
rotational positionDrehposition {f}
rotational position Rotationsposition {f}
rotational position Rotationsstellung {f}
rotational position Drehstellung {f}
rotational program [Am.] Rotationsprogramm {n}
rotational programme [Br.] Rotationsprogramm {n}
rotational quantum number Rotationsquantenzahl {f}
rotational Raman spectrum Rotations-Raman-Spektrum {n}
rotational rate Drehgeschwindigkeit {f}
rotational rate Rotationsgeschwindigkeit {f}
rotational resistance Drehwiderstand {m}
rotational resistanceRotationswiderstand {m}
rotational sensorDrehgeber {m}
rotational sensor Rotationssensor {m}
rotational spectroscopy Rotationsspektroskopie {f}
rotational spectrum Rotationsspektrum {n}
rotational speedDrehzahl {f}
rotational speedRotationsgeschwindigkeit {f}
rotational speed Drehgeschwindigkeit {f}
rotational speed control Drehzahlregelung {f}
rotational speed measurement Drehgeschwindigkeitsmessung {f}
rotational speed sensor Drehzahlsensor {m}
rotational stability Rotationsstabilität {f}
rotational stability Drehstabilität {f}
rotational state Rotationszustand {m}
rotational state Drehzustand {m}
rotational strabismus [Strabismus rotatorius] [excyclotropia or incyclotropia]Verrollungsschielen {n} [Verdrehung um die Sehachse; Exzyklotropie bzw. Inzyklotropie]
rotational structure Rotationsstruktur {f}
rotational symmetry Rotationssymmetrie {f}
rotational symmetry Drehsymmetrie {f}
« rosyrotarotarotarotarotarotarotorottrougroug »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers