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rough-tailed (northern) stingray [Dasyatis centroura] [also: rough-tailed] Dornenschwanz-Stechrochen {m}
rough-tailed sand boa [Eryx conicus, syn.: Gongylophis conicus]Gefleckte Sandboa {f}
rough-tailed sand boa [Eryx conicus, syn.: Gongylophis conicus]Rauschwanz-Sandboa {f}
rough-tailed spindle snake [Atractus crassicaudatus] Rauhschwanz-Spindelnatter {f}
rough-templed tree babbler [Dasycrotapha / Stachyris speciosa] Goldstirn-Buschtimalie {f}
rough-toothed dolphin [Steno bredanensis]Rauzahndelfin {m}
rough-winged conch [Phtheochroa rugosana] [moth] Zaunrübenwickler {m}
Rougier Hill Rougier Hill {m}
rouilleRouille {f}
roulade Roulade {f}
roulades Rouladen {pl}
rouleau Geldrolle {f}
rouleau formationGeldrollenbildung {f}
rouleau formationRouleau-Bildung {f}
rouleau formationRouleau-Formation {f}
rouleaux formation Geldrollenbildung {f}
rouleaux formation Rouleaux-Bildung {f}
rouleaux formationRouleaux-Formation {f}
rouleaux formationsGeldrollenbildungen {pl}
rouleaux formationsRouleaux-Formationen {pl}
Roule's goby [Gobius roulei de Buen] Rule-Grundel {f} [selten: Roule-Grundel]
Roule's ground snake [Atractus roulei]Alausi-Spindelnatter {f}
rouletteRoulette {n}
roulette Röllchen {n}
roulette Durchstich {m}
roulette Roulett {n} [alt] [Roulette]
roulette tableRoulettetisch {m}
roulette wheel Roulettekessel {m}
rouletted durchstochen
rouletted mit Durchstich [nachgestellt]
roulettingDurchstich {m}
roul-roul [Rollulus rouloul] Straußwachtel {f}
roul-roul partridge [Rollulus rouloul]Straußwachtel {f}
RoumanianRumäne {m}
round Kontrollgang {m}
round rund
roundRunde {f}
round Rundgang {m}
round um ... herum
rounddrall [Wangen]
roundreihum [rundherum]
round Patrone {f}
round Kanon {m}
round rundherum
roundRingkanon {m}
roundSchuss {m} [Schuss Munition]
round Durchgang {m} [Phase, Runde]
round Verrundung {f} [Außenkante]
round [esp. Br.] um [herum]
round [coll.] [slice] Scheibe {f} [Brot etc.]
round [e.g. arch, dance, file, hut] Rund- [z. B. Bogen, Tanz, Feile, Hütte]
round [in taste, e.g. coffee] mollig [im Geschmack, z. B. Kaffee]
round [made by a doctor] Visite {f}
round [of a game] Spielrunde {f}
round [of ammunition]Ladung {f}
round [of cut pastry] Kreis {m} [von Teig ausgeschnitten]
round [of drinks] Lage {f} [ugs.] [Runde]
round about rundherum
round about [esp. Br.] [coll.] [approximately] ungefähr
round about eight etwa um acht Uhr
round and round sth.rings um etw. herum
round arch Rundbogen {m}
round backBuckel {m}
round back [coll.] runder Rücken {m} [ugs.] [Rundrücken]
round back [coll.] [thoracic hyperkyphosis] Rundrücken {m} [ugs.] [thorakale Hyperkyphose]
round bale Rundballen {m}
round baler Rundballenpresse {f}
round bar Rundstab {m}
round base Rundfuß {m}
round bastard fileRundfeile {f}
round beads Rundperlen {pl}
round blankRonde {f}
round bottomRundboden {m}
round bowl soup spoon Tassenlöffel {m}
round bracket runde Klammer {f}
round brackets runde Klammern {pl}
round bread roll Rundstück {n} [nordd.]
round brushRundbürste {f}
round bun foot[gedrechselter Möbelfuß / Kugelfuß aus Holz]
round bungalow Rundalow {m} [Kunstwort für einen strohgedecken Rundbungalow / runden Bungalow]
round cable Rundkabel {n}
round cable with flat connector Rundkabel {n} mit Flachstecker
round cardamom [Elettaria cardamomum, syn.: Alpinia cardamomum, Amomum cardamomum, Cardamomum elletari, Matonia cardamomum, Zingiber cardamomum](Grüner) Kardamom {m}
round cell batteryKnopfzelle {f}
round cell batteryKnopfbatterie {f}
round church Rundkirche {f}
round clam [Mercenaria mercenaria] Venusmuschel {f}
round clam [Mercenaria mercenaria]Nördliche Venusmuschel {f}
round clam [Mercenaria mercenaria] (Nördliche) Quahog-Muschel {f}
round (coffee) filter Rundfilter {m}
round cord ringRundschnürring {m}
round danceReigen {m}
round danceRundtanz {m}
round danceReigentanz {m}
round dance [a circular dance accompanied by singing]Reihen {m} [ein Tanz im Kreis mit Gesang]
round dolmen Runddolmen {m}
round each other umeinander
« rougrougrougrougrougrougrounrounrounrounroun »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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