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English-German Dictionary

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routed [defeated emphatically]besiegt
routed [directed] geleitet
routeman [Am.] Routenfahrer {m}
routerOberfräse {f}
router Router {m}
router Exzenterschleifer {m}
router Verteiler {m}
router plane Grundhobel {m}
router table Frästisch {m}
routers Router {pl}
routesRouten {pl}
routes Strecken {pl}
routes of disease transmissionKrankheitsübertragungswege {pl}
routeway [esp. Br.]Verkehrsweg {m} [Route]
routeway [esp. Br.] Fahrtweg {m}
routh [Scot.] [abundance, plenty] Fülle {f} [Überfluss]
routhierite [TlCu(Hg,Zn)2(As,Sb)2S6]Routhierit {m}
Routh's theorem [also: theorem of Routh] Satz {m} von Routh
routine Ausdruck {m}
routineRoutine {f}
routine laufend [regelmäßig, Wartung]
routinenormale Geschäftssache {f}
routine Programm {n}
routine regelmäßig anfallend
routine routinemäßig
routine Nummer {f}
routine [dancing] Figur {f}
routine [e.g. process, task]gleichbleibend [z. B. Ablauf, Aufgabe]
routine [gymnastics] Übung {f}
routine activitiesnormale Tätigkeiten {pl}
routine activities Routineaktivitäten {pl}
routine activities Routinetätigkeiten {pl}
routine activity Routinetätigkeit {f}
routine activityRoutineaktivität {f} [auch: Routine-Aktivität]
routine analysisRoutineanalyse {f}
routine analytics [treated as sg. or pl.] Routineanalytik {f}
routine and microscopy urinalysis <R&M urinalysis>Routine- und mikroskopische Urinanalyse {f}
routine application Routineeinsatz {m} [routinemäßige Anwendung]
routine audit Routineprüfung {f}
routine businessRoutinegeschäft {n}
routine businessTagesgeschäft {n}
routine business {sg} Alltagsgeschäfte {pl}
routine care Unterhaltspflege {f} [von Fußböden]
routine check Routinekontrolle {f}
routine check Routineuntersuchung {f}
routine check-up Routinecheck {m}
routine cleaningUnterhaltsreinigung {f}
routine decisionRoutineentscheidung {f}
routine determinationRoutinebestimmung {f}
routine diagnosisRoutine-Diagnose {f}
routine diagnostics [treated as sg.] Routinediagnostik {f}
routine duty Routineeinsatz {m}
routine examinationRoutineuntersuchung {f}
routine exercise [for physical fitness]Routineübung {f}
routine flight Routineflug {m}
routine immunizationsRoutineimpfungen {pl}
routine injectionRoutineinjektion {f}
routine inspection Routineinspektion {f}
routine inspection and testingStückprüfung {f}
routine jobmechanischer Arbeitsgang {m}
routine job Routineangelegenheit {f}
routine jobRoutineaufgabe {f}
routine job Routinetätigkeit {f}
routine jobRoutinearbeit {f}
routine library Programmbibliothek {f}
routine liver assessment Routinebeurteilung {f} der Leber
routine maintenanceroutinemäßige Wartung {f}
routine maintenancelaufende Wartung {f}
Routine makes you blind. Routine macht blind.
routine mammographyRoutinemammographie {f}
routine matter Routinesache {f}
routine matter Routineangelegenheit {f}
routine measure Routinemaßnahme {f}
routine measurement Routinemessung {f}
routine medical screeningroutinemäßige medizinische Reihenuntersuchung {f}
routine message Routinenachricht {f}
routine methodStandardverfahren {n}
routine microscopeRoutinemikroskop {n}
routine monitoringRoutineüberwachung {f}
routine name Routinenname {m}
routine operationRoutineoperation {f}
routine operation Routinebetrieb {m}
routine operation Routinevorgang {m}
routine order Dienstbefehl {m}
routine physical Routineuntersuchung {f}
routine problemalltägliches Problem {n}
routine procedureRoutineverfahren {n}
routine procedureRoutineeingriff {m}
routine processRoutineablauf {m}
routine processes Routineabläufe {pl}
routine questionRoutinefrage {f}
routine racism of everyday life Alltagsrassismus {m}
routine requestAblaufanforderung {f}
routine sample Routineprobe {f}
routine screeningRoutinescreening {n}
routine screeningRoutine-Screening {n}
routine screeningRoutineuntersuchung {f}
routine situationRoutinesituation {f}
routine staining Routinefärbung {f}
« rounrounrounrounrousroutroutrovirowdRoyaroya »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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