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English-German Dictionary

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rubbish dump [esp. Br.] Müllhalde {f}
rubbish dump [esp. Br.] Müllplatz {m}
rubbish dump [esp. Br.] Abfalldeponie {f}
rubbish dump [esp Br.] Müllkippe {f}
rubbish heap Müllhaufen {m}
rubbish heap [esp. Br.]Kehrichthaufen {m} [schweiz.]
rubbish heap [esp. Br.] Abfallhaufen {m}
rubbish lorry [Br.] Müllwagen {m}
rubbish old movieFilmklamotte {f}
rubbish pepperwort [Lepidium ruderale, syn.: L. hyssopifolium] Schutt-Kresse / Schuttkresse {f}
rubbish pepperwort [Lepidium ruderale, syn.: L. hyssopifolium] Stink-Kresse / Stinkkresse {f}
rubbish pit [esp. Br.]Abfallgrube {f}
rubbish problem [esp. Br.] Müllproblem {n}
rubbish sack [esp. Br.] Abfallsack {m}
rubbish tip [esp. Br.]Mülldeponie {f}
rubbish tip [esp. Br.] Müllhalde {f}
rubbish tip [esp. Br.] Müllplatz {m}
rubbish tip [landfill] [esp. Br.] Abfalldeponie {f}
rubbish truck [Aus.]Müllwagen {m}
Rubbish! [esp. Br.] Unsinn!
Rubbish! [esp. Br.] Papperlapapp!
(rubbish) skip [esp. Br.] Müllcontainer {m}
rubbish-strewn [attr.] vermüllt [ugs.]
rubbish-strewn [Br.] von Müll übersät
rubbishy [Br.] [coll.]minderwertig
rubbishy [Br.] [coll.] wertlos
rubbishy [Br.] [coll.]mies [ugs.]
rubbishy [Br.] [coll.] [nonsensical] blödsinnig [ugs.]
rubbleBruchgestein {n}
rubble Bruchstein {m}
rubble Schutt {m}
rubble Bruch {m} [Stein(schutt)]
rubble Geschiebe {n}
rubbleGraus {m} [veraltet] [Steinschutt, Geröll]
rubble {sg}Trümmer {pl}
rubble chute Schuttrutsche {f}
rubble crabs [family Xanthidae] Rundkrabben {pl}
rubble dwarfgoby [Trimma naudei]Naudes Zwerggrundel {f}
rubble filmTrümmerfilm {m}
rubble heapSchutthaufen {m}
rubble mountainTrümmerberg {m}
rubble mountain Schuttberg {m}
rubble pile Schutthaufen {m}
rubble tip [Br.]Schutthalde {f} [Schutthaufen]
rubble tip [Br.] Schutthaufen {m}
rubble women Trümmerfrauen {pl}
rubbles Grießkohle {f}
rubdown Abreibung {f}
rube [Am.] [sl.]Bauerntrampel {m} [ugs.]
rube [Am.] [sl.] Landei {n} [ugs., pej.: Hinterwäldler]
rube [Am.] [sl.]Bauerntölpel {m} [ugs.]
Rube Goldberg [Am.] [coll.][umständlicher / unpraktischer Plan oder Gebrauchsgegenstand]
Rube Goldberg machine Rube-Goldberg-Maschine {f} [Kettenreaktionsmaschine]
rubefactionRubifizierung {f}
Rubeho Forest partridge [Xenoperdix obscurata] Rubehowachtel {f}
rubella {sg} Röteln {pl}
rubella embryopathy [Embryopathia rubeolosa] Rötelnembryopathie {f}
rubella encephalitis Rötelnenzephalitis {f}
rubella vaccinationRötelnimpfung {f}
rubella vaccine Rötelnvakzine {f}
rubella vaccine Rötelnimpfstoff {m}
rubella virus Röteln-Virus {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
rubellite [Na(Li,Al)3Al6(BO3)3Si6O18(OH)4] Rubellit {m} [roter Turmalin (Elbait)]
Rubenesque rubenssch
RubenesqueRubenssch [alt]
Rubenesque figure Rubensfigur {f} [Bezeichnung für Frauen mit üppiger Figur]
Rubenesque paintings Rubens'sche Gemälde {pl}
Rubenesque paintingsrubenssche Gemälde {pl}
Rubenesque womanRubensfrau {f} [ugs.] [Frau mit Rubensfigur]
RubenistsRubenisten {pl}
Rubens brownSaftbraun {n}
Rubensesque Rubenssch [alt]
rubeola {sg} Masern {pl}
ruber abalone [Haliotis rubra, syn.: H. ancile, H. improbula, H. improbolum, H. naevosa, H. ruber, H. victoriae, Sanhaliotis whitehousei] Schwarzlippen-Abalone / Schwarzlippenabalone {f}
rubescent [literary] errötend
Rubicon Rubikon {m}
rubicund rötlich
rubicundityRöte {f}
rubicundus eelgoby [Odontamblyopus rubicundus] Aalgrundel {f} [auch {m}]
rubicundus eelgoby [Odontamblyopus rubicundus]Schlangengrundel {f} [auch {m}]
rubidium <Rb> Rubidium {n} <Rb>
rubidium atomRubidiumatom {n}
rubidium atomic clock Rubidiumatomuhr {f}
rubidium atomic clock Rubidium-Atomuhr {f}
rubidium (atomic) beam clock Rubidium-Atomuhr {f}
rubidium (atomic) beam clockRubidiumatomuhr {f}
rubidium bromate [RbBrO3] Rubidiumbromat {n}
rubidium bromide [RbBr] Rubidiumbromid {n}
rubidium chlorate [RbClO3, ClO3Rb] Rubidiumchlorat {n}
rubidium chloride [RbCl]Rubidiumchlorid {n}
rubidium chromate [Rb2CrO4] Rubidiumchromat {n}
rubidium clock Rubidiumuhr {f}
rubidium compoundRubidiumverbindung {f}
rubidium dithionate [Rb2S2O6]Rubidiumdithionat {n}
rubidium fluoride [RbF] Rubidiumfluorid {n}
rubidium hydride [RbH] Rubidiumhydrid {n}
rubidium hydroxide [RbOH]Rubidiumhydroxid {n}
rubidium hyperoxide [RbO2] Rubidiumhyperoxid {n}
« royarub[rubbrubbrubbrubbrubirubyruddrudeRuep »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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