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rufous woodcock [Scolopax saturata]Javawaldschnepfe {f}
rufous woodpecker [Celeus brachyurus / Micropternus brachyurus]Rötelspecht {m}
rufous woodpecker [Celeus brachyurus / Micropternus brachyurus] Rostspecht {m}
rufous woodpecker [Micropternus brachyurus, syn.: Celeus brachyurus]Ameisenspecht {m}
rufous wren [Cinnycerthia unirufa]Einfarbzaunkönig {m}
rufous wren [Cinnycerthia unirufa]Einfarb-Zaunkönig {m}
rufous wren-warbler [Clytomyias insignis] Rotkopf-Staffelschwanz {m}
rufous-backed antvireo [Dysithamnus xanthopterus] Rotbürzelwürgerling {m}
rufous-backed antvireo [Dysithamnus xanthopterus]Rostrücken-Würgerling {m}
rufous-backed bunting [Emberiza jankowskii] Jankowskiammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
rufous-backed bunting [Emberiza jankowskii] Bartammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
rufous-backed dwarf-kingfisher [Ceyx rufidorsa, syn.: C. rufidorsum, C. rufidorsus] Rotrückenfischer {m}
rufous-backed fantail [Rhipidura rufidorsa]Graubrust-Fächerschwanz {m}
rufous-backed foliage-gleaner [Philydor fuscipenne]Rotrücken-Blattspäher {m}
rufous-backed forest kingfisher [Ceyx rufidorsa, syn.: C. rufidorsum, C. rufidorsus] Rotrückenfischer {m}
rufous-backed fulvetta [Alcippe dubia, syn.: Schoeniparus dubia, S. dubius] Braunkappenalcippe {f}
rufous-backed honeyeater [Ptiloprora guisei]Rotrücken-Honigfresser {m}
rufous-backed Inca finch [Incaspiza personata] Schwarzstirnammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}] [auch: Schwarzstirn-Ammer]
rufous-backed Inca sparrow [Incaspiza personata]Schwarzstirnammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}] [auch: Schwarzstirn-Ammer]
rufous-backed kingfisher [Ceyx rufidorsa] Rotrückenfischer {m}
rufous-backed negrito [Lessonia rufa]Sporntyrann {m}
rufous-backed redstart [Phoenicurus erythronotus] Zügelrotschwanz {m}
rufous-backed redstart [Phoenicurus erythronotus]Sprosserrotschwanz {m}
rufous-backed robin [Turdus rufopalliatus] Rotmanteldrossel {f}
rufous-backed shrike [Lanius schach] Schachwürger {m}
rufous-backed sibia [Heterophasia annectens, syn.: Leioptila annectens, Minla annectens] Rotrückensiva {f}
rufous-backed sibia [Minla annectens, syn.: Heterophasia annectens, Leioptila annectens] Rotrückentimalie {f}
rufous-backed thrush [Turdus rufopalliatus] Rotmanteldrossel {f}
rufous-backed wren [Campylorhynchus rufinucha] Rotnacken-Zaunkönig {m}
rufous-banded honeyeater [Conopophila albogularis]Rostband-Honigfresser {m}
rufous-banded miner [Geositta rufipennis] Rotschwanz-Erdhacker {m}
rufous-banded motmot [Baryphthengus ruficapillus] Rotkopfmotmot {m} [auch: Rotkopf-Motmot]
rufous-banded owl [Strix albitarsus, Ciccaba albitarsis] Rötelkauz {m}
rufous-bellied antwren [Myrmotherula guttata, syn.: Isleria guttata]Rostbauch-Ameisenschlüpfer {m}
rufous-bellied antwren [Myrmotherula guttata] Rotbauch-Ameisenschlüpfer {m}
rufous-bellied babbler [Dumetia hyperythra] Rotbauchtimalie {f}
rufous-bellied blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Niltava vivida] Swinhoe-Niltava {m}
rufous-bellied blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Niltava vivida] Swinhoeblauschnäpper {m}
rufous-bellied bush tyrant [Myiotheretes fuscorufus] Rostbinden-Buschtyrann {m}
rufous-bellied bush-robin / bush robin [Luscinia hyperythra, syn.: L. hyperythrus, Tarsiger hyperythrus, Erithacus hyperythrus] Rostbrust-Blauschwanz {m}
rufous-bellied bush-robin / bush robin [Luscinia hyperythra, syn.: L. hyperythrus, Tarsiger hyperythrus, Erithacus hyperythrus]Rotbrust-Blauschwanz {m}
rufous-bellied bush-tyrant [Myiotheretes fuscorufus] Rostbindentyrann {m}
rufous-bellied chachalaca [Ortalis wagleri]Rotbauchguan {m}
rufous-bellied coucal [Centropus epomidis] Ghanakuckuck {m}
rufous-bellied eagle [Lophotriorchis kienerii, syn.: Hieraaetus kienerii] Rotbauchadler {m}
rufous-bellied eagle [Lophotriorchis kienerii, syn.: Hieraaetus kienerii] Rotbauchzwergadler {m}
rufous-bellied euphonia [Euphonia rufiventris]Rotbauchorganist {m}
rufous-bellied fruit pigeon [Ducula rufigaster] Rotbauch-Fruchttaube {f}
rufous-bellied giant kingfisher [Dacelo gaudichaud]Rotbauchliest {m}
rufous-bellied hawk-eagle / hawk eagle [Lophotriorchis kienerii, syn.: Hieraaetus kienerii]Rotbauchadler {m}
rufous-bellied hawk-eagle / hawk eagle [Lophotriorchis kienerii, syn.: Hieraaetus kienerii]Rotbauchzwergadler {m}
rufous-bellied heron [Ardeola rufiventris]Rotbauchreiher {m}
rufous-bellied kookaburra [Dacelo gaudichaud] Rotbauchliest {m}
rufous-bellied malcoha [Centropus epomidis] Ghanakuckuck {m}
rufous-bellied mannikin [Lonchura kelaarti] Bergbronzemännchen {n}
rufous-bellied nightjar [Lurocalis rufiventris]Rostbauch-Nachtschwalbe {f}
rufous-bellied niltava [Niltava sumatrana] Sumatraniltava {m}
rufous-bellied niltava [Niltava sumatrana] Sumatrablauschnäpper {m}
rufous-bellied niltava [Niltava sundara]Rotbauch-Blauschnäpper {m}
rufous-bellied niltava [Niltava sundara] Rotbauchniltava {m}
rufous-bellied pademelon [Thylogale billardierii] Rotbauchfilander {m} [Känguru]
rufous-bellied pied woodpecker [Dendrocopos hyperythrus, syn.: Hypopicus hyperythrus, Picoides hyperythrus]Braunkehlspecht {m}
rufous-bellied saltator [Saltator rufiventris]Rotbauchsaltator / Rotbauch-Saltator {m}
rufous-bellied sapsucker [Dendrocopos hyperythrus, syn.: Hypopicus hyperythrus, Picoides hyperythrus] Braunkehlspecht {m}
rufous-bellied seed snipe [Attagis gayi] Rotbauch-Höhenläufer {m}
rufous-bellied seedsnipe [Attagis gayi]Rotbauch-Höhenläufer {m}
rufous-bellied shrike-babbler / shrike babbler [Pteruthius rufiventer]Rotbauch-Würgertimalie {f}
rufous-bellied swallow [Cecropis badia]Thairötelschwalbe {f}
rufous-bellied swallow [Cecropis badia]Thaischwalbe {f}
rufous-bellied thrush [Turdus rufiventris]Rotbauchdrossel {f}
rufous-bellied tit [Melaniparus rufiventris, syn.: Parus rufiventris]Rostbauchmeise {f}
rufous-bellied tit [Melaniparus rufiventris, syn.: Parus rufiventris]Rostbauch-Rußmeise {f}
rufous-bellied triller [Lalage aurea] Rotbauchlalage {f}
rufous-bellied woodpecker [Hypopicus hyperythrus]Braunkehlspecht {m}
rufous-breasted accentor [Prunella himalayana] Himalayabraunelle {f} [auch: Himalaya-Braunelle]
rufous-breasted accentor [Prunella strophiata] Strichelbraunelle {f}
rufous-breasted ant-thrush [Formicarius rufipectus]Rotbrust-Ameisendrossel {f}
rufous-breasted antthrush [Formicarius rufipectus]Rotbrust-Ameisendrossel {f}
rufous-breasted blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Ficedula hyperythra] Rotbrust-Grundschnäpper {m}
rufous-breasted bluetail [Luscinia hyperythra, syn.: L. hyperythrus, Tarsiger hyperythrus, Erithacus hyperythrus] Rostbrust-Blauschwanz {m}
rufous-breasted bluetail [Luscinia hyperythra, syn.: L. hyperythrus, Tarsiger hyperythrus, Erithacus hyperythrus]Rotbrust-Blauschwanz {m}
rufous-breasted bulbul [Ixos philippinus]Rotbrustbülbül {m}
rufous-breasted bush robin [Tarsiger hyperythrus] Rotbrust-Blauschwanz {m}
rufous-breasted bush-robin / bush robin [Luscinia hyperythra, syn.: L. hyperythrus, Tarsiger hyperythrus, Erithacus hyperythrus] Rostbrust-Blauschwanz {m}
rufous-breasted chat-tyrant [Ochthoeca rufipectoralis] Röteltyrann {m}
rufous-breasted cuckoo [Coccyzus rufigularis] Dominikanerkuckuck {m}
rufous-breasted flycatcher [Leptopogon rufipectus]Rostbrust-Fliegenstecher {m}
rufous-breasted hermit [Glaucis hirsuta] Rotschwanzeremit {m}
rufous-breasted hermit [Glaucis hirsutus]Rotschwanz-Schattenkolibri {m}
rufous-breasted hermit [Glaucis hirsutus] Rotschwanz-Eremit {m} [auch: Rotschwanzeremit] [Kolibriart]
rufous-breasted laughingthrush [Garrulax cachinnans, syn.: Strophocincla cachinnans, Trochalopteron cachinnans] Zimtbrusthäherling {m} [auch: Zimtbrust-Häherling]
rufous-breasted leafscraper [Sclerurus scansor] Rostbrust-Laubwender {m}
rufous-breasted leptopogon [Leptopogon rufipectus] Rostbrust-Fliegenstecher {m}
rufous-breasted Madagascar coucal [Coua serriana] Rotbrust-Seidenkuckuck {m}
rufous-breasted piculet [Picumnus rufiventris] Rotbauch-Zwergspecht {m}
rufous-breasted quail-dove [Geotrygon chiriquensis] Chiriqui-Wachteltaube {f}
rufous-breasted robin [Luscinia hyperythra, syn.: L. hyperythrus, Tarsiger hyperythrus, Erithacus hyperythrus]Rostbrust-Blauschwanz {m}
rufous-breasted robin [Luscinia hyperythra, syn.: L. hyperythrus, Tarsiger hyperythrus, Erithacus hyperythrus]Rotbrust-Blauschwanz {m}
rufous-breasted sabrewing [Campylopterus hyperythrus]Rostbauch-Degenflügel {m}
rufous-breasted sparrowhawk [Accipiter rufiventris] Rotbauchsperber {m}
« rubyruddrudeRuepruforuforuforuforuforug[Ruhr »
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