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Ruhr area Revier {n} [ugs.] [regional] [im Volksmund: das Ruhrgebiet]
Ruhr areaRuhrpott {m} [ugs.]
Ruhr area Pott {m} [ugs.]
Ruhr CarboniferousRuhrkarbon {n}
Ruhr coal strike Ruhrbergarbeiterstreik {m}
Ruhr Crisis [Ruhr Occupation] Ruhrkrise {f} [Ruhrbesetzung]
Ruhr districtRuhrgebiet {n}
Ruhr invasion [1923] Ruhrinvasion {f}
Ruhr Occupation [1923-1925] Ruhrbesetzung {f}
Ruhr region Ruhrgebiet {n}
Ruhr Valley Ruhrgebiet {n}
Ruhr Valley [area in Germany]Ruhrpott {m} [ugs.]
ruifrancoite [Ca2 []2(Fe,Mn,Mg)4Be4(PO4)6(OH)4·6H2O]Ruifrancoit {m}
ruin Ruin {m}
ruin Ruine {f}
ruin Verderben {n}
ruinUntergang {m}
ruin Zerfall {m}
ruinZusammenbruch {m}
ruin Verfall {m}
ruin Zerstörung {f}
ruin [dilapidated construction] Gemäuer {n} [geh.] [verfallenes Bauwerk, Ruine]
Ruin and Rising [Leigh Bardugo]Lodernde Schwingen
ruin lizard [Podarcis siculus, syn.: Podarcis sicula, Lacerta sicula] Ruineneidechse {f}
ruin mound Ruinenhügel {m}
ruin siteRuinenstätte {f}
ruinable zerstörbar
ruinationZerstörung {f}
ruinationRuinierung {f}
ruination Zugrunderichten {n}
ruined abgewirtschaftet
ruined ruinenhaft
ruined [destroyed]zerstört
ruined [spoilt]verdorben
ruined [bankrupt]in dutt [nordd.]
ruined abbey Klosterruine {f}
ruined abbeyAbteiruine {f}
ruined buildingRuine {f} [verfallenes oder zerstörtes Gebäude]
ruined building [derelict building]verfallenes Gebäude {n}
ruined castlezerfallene Burg {f}
ruined castle Burgruine {f}
ruined castle Ruine {f} [Burgruine]
ruined castles Ruinen {pl} [Burgruinen]
ruined church Kirchenruine {f}
ruined cities Ruinenstädte {pl}
ruined city Ruinenstadt {f}
ruined conventKlosterruine {f} [Nonnenkloster]
ruined factory Fabrikruine {f}
ruined marriage schwer angeschlagene Ehe {f}
ruined monastery Klosterruine {f} [Mönchskloster]
ruined temple Tempelruine {f}
ruined town zerstörte Stadt {f}
ruing bereuend
ruining ruinierend
ruining [of health] Zerrüttung {f}
ruinous verderblich
ruinous [causing ruin] ruinös [zum Ruin führend]
ruinous [in ruins] verfallen [Bauwerk]
ruinous [in ruins] ruinös [veraltend] [in Ruinen, verfallend]
ruinous [state of a building] baufällig
ruinous competition ruinöser Wettbewerb {m}
ruinous priceruinöser Preis {m}
ruinously expensive wahnsinnig teuer [ugs.]
ruinousness Verderblichkeit {f}
ruinsRuinen {pl}
ruins Trümmer {pl}
ruins Ruinenreste {pl}
ruins {pl}Gemäuer {n} [Ruine]
ruins {pl} altes Gemäuer {n}
ruins {pl}Ruinenanlage {f}
ruins {pl} [of an ancient city etc.] Ruinenstätte {f}
ruins {pl} of the fortressFestungsruine {f}
ruins of Asklepieion [Kos island]Asklepieion {n} von Kos [Ruinen des Asklepieions]
ruins of castles Burgruinen {pl}
ruins of castles [ruins of palaces] Schlossruinen {pl}
ruins of Metapontum Ruinen {pl} von Metapont
ruitenbergite [Ca9 [Cl4|B26O34(OH)24]·13H2O]Ruitenbergit {m}
ruizite [CaMnSi2O6(OH)·2H2O] Ruizit {m}
rule Herrschaft {f}
rule Norm {f}
ruleRegelung {f} [Regel, Vorschrift, Vereinbarung]
ruleRegelfall {m}
rule [norm] Maßstab {m}
rule [normal case] Normalfall {m}
rule [principle, standard]Richtlinie {f}
rule [principle] Grundsatz {m}
rule [provision, direction] Vorschrift {f}
rule [regulation, norm, habit] Regel {f} [Vorschrift, Norm, Gewohnheit]
rule [regulation]Gesetz {n} [Regel, Satzung]
rule [reign, period of office] Regierungszeit {f}
rule [reign] Regiment {n} [Herrschaft]
rule [ruler] Lineal {n}
rule additionRegelergänzung {f}
rule application Regelanwendung {f}
rule bookRegelbuch {n}
rule breakers Rechtsbrecher {pl} [von Regelwerken]
« ruforuforuforuforug[RuhrruleruleruleRumarumi »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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