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rumpled hair zerzaustes Haar {n}
rumpled suit zerknitterter Anzug {m}
rumpologyRumpologie {f}
rumps Hinterteile {pl}
rumpsBürzel {pl}
rumps Steiße {pl}
rumpsSterze {pl}
rumpus [coll.] Krawall {m} [ugs.] [Lärm]
rumpus [coll.] Krach {m} [auch Streit]
rumpus [coll.]Spektakel {m} [ugs.] [Lärm]
rumpus [coll.] Affenkäfig {m} [fig.]
rumpus [coll.] Remmidemmi {n} [ugs.]
rumpus room [Am.] [coll.] Spielzimmer {n}
rumpus room [Am.] [coll.] Partyraum {m}
rumpus room [Am.] [coll.]Hobbyraum {m}
rumpy schwanzlose Katze {f}
rumpy-pumpy [chiefly Br.] [coll.](schnelle) Nummer {f} [ugs.] [unkomplizierter Geschlechtsverkehr]
rumseyite [Pb2OClF] Rumseyit {m}
Rumsfeld's beetle [Agathidium rumsfeldi] [a slime-mold beetle] Rumsfeld-Schwammkugelkäfer {m}
rum-soakedin Rum getränkt
rum-soaked raisins Rumrosinen {pl}
run Fahrt {f}
run Lauf {m} [schneller Schritt, Durchgang, Comp., Musik]
runAufführungszeit {f} [im Theater]
runLaufzeit {f}
run plötzliche Nachfrage {f}
runstarke Nachfrage {f}
run Startbefehl {m}
runSturmlauf {m} [fig.]
run (schneller) Lauf {m}
run Serie {f}
runKandidatur {f}
run [flowed]geflossen
run [flowed] geronnen
run [of a liquid]zerflossen
run [animal enclosure]Auslauf {m} [Gehege]
run [coasting, bobsleigh]Bahn {f} [Schlitten, Bob]
run [creek] [Am.]Bach {m}
run [e.g. ski racing]Durchgang {m} [z. B. alpiner Skisport]
run [enclosed area] Weideland {n} [Gehege etc.]
run [enclosed area]Gehege {n}
run [in paint etc.] Rotznase {f} [ugs.] [tränenartiger Lackierfehler]
run [in stockings, tights]Laufmasche {f}
run [iteration, pass]Durchlauf {m}
run [journey, distance]Strecke {f}
run [journey, trip]Passage {f}
run [of computer program] Programmablauf {m}
run [of computer program] Programmlauf {m}
run [paint, varnish]Nase {f} [ugs.] [herablaufender Farbtropfen bzw. Lacktropfen]
run [part of a transmission or conveyor belt] Trumm {m} {n} [Trum] [Teil eines Treibriemens, Förderbands]
run [part of conveyor belt]Trum {m} {n} [Teil des Treibriemens, Förderbands]
run [period of time that a machine is operated] Arbeitsgang {m}
run [period of time]Zeitdauer {f}
run [period] Periode {f}
run [rush]Andrang {m}
run [rush]Ansturm {m}
run [rush]Run {m} [Ansturm]
run [sequence, cycle] Ablauf {m}
run [series] Reihe {f}
run [short excursion in a car] Ausflug {m} [mit dem Auto]
run [stampede] plötzlicher Ansturm {m}
run [trend]Verlauf {m}
run [trend] Tendenz {f}
run [type]Art {f} [Sorte, Typ]
run after nachgelaufen
run against angerannt
Run along! [coll.] [Get lost!] Hau ab! [ugs.]
Run as fast as you can! Renn was du kannst!
Run as fast as you can! Renn, was das Zeug hält!
Run as fast as your legs will / would carry you.Lauf so schnell es nur geht.
run away ausgerissen [ugs.] [davongelaufen]
run butter [obs.] [clarified butter] Butterschmalz {n}
run by the owner [postpos.] inhabergeführt [Geschäft, Hotel etc.]
run capable lauffähig
run chart Ablaufanweisung {f}
run command Fahrbefehl {m}
run contrary to sth. etw. [Dat.] zuwidergelaufen [geh.]
Run, Cougar, Run [Jerome Courtland]Die Flucht des Pumas
run down heruntergewirtschaftet
run down abgewirtschaftet
run down [also: run-down, rundown] abgewohnt
run down [tired] [postpos.] schlapp [ugs.]
run durationLaufzeit {f}
run flat systemNotlaufsystem {n}
run for 11 years Aufführungszeit {f} von 11 Jahren
run for an article starke Nachfrage {f} nach einem Artikel
run for animals Auslauf {m} für Tiere
run for animals Laufstall {m} für Tiere
Run for it! [said to two or more people] Lauft / Rennt, was ihr könnt!
Run for your lives! Rette sich, wer kann!
run inhineingelaufen
run in a stocking Laufmasche {f} im Strumpf
run instruction Programmstartbefehl {m}
run instruction Startbefehl {m}
« rulerulerulerumbrumirumpruniruncrunnrunnrunn »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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