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English-German Dictionary

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rushing Gehetze {n} [ugs.]
rushing [of water, wind, words, etc.] Rauschen {n} [von Wasser, Wind, Worten etc.]
rushing ahead Vorpreschen {n}
rushing ahead of sb. jdm. vorauseilend
rushing forward [postpos.]vorstürmend
rushing through durcheilend
Rushing to Paradise [J. G. Ballard]Stürmt das Paradies!
Rushing to Paradise [J. G. Ballard]Höllentrip ins Paradies
rushing up to sb./sth.auf jdn./etw. zustürzend
rush-leaf fescue [Festuca arenaria, syn.: F. rubra subsp. arenaria] Dünen-Rot-Schwingel / Dünen-Rotschwingel {m}
rush-leaved fescue [Festuca arenaria, syn.: F. rubra subsp. arenaria] Dünen-Rot-Schwingel / Dünen-Rotschwingel {m}
rush-leaved strelitzia [Strelitzia juncea]Binsen-Strelitzie {f}
rushlight Binsenlicht {n}
rushlike [flower] lebhaft
rushroses [genus Helianthemum]Sonnenröschen {pl}
rushy [rushlike]binsenartig
rusinovite [Ca10(Si2O7)3Cl2] Rusinovit {m}
rusk Zwieback {m}
rusksZwiebäcke {pl}
rusksZwiebacke {pl} [österr.]
Russ [archaic]Russisch {n}
Russ [archaic] Russe {m}
Russ [obs.] russisch
Russell-Einstein Manifesto Russell-Einstein-Manifest {n}
russellite [Bi2WO6] Russellit {m}
Russell's antinomy Russell'sche Antinomie {f}
Russell's one-spot snapper [Lutjanus russellii] Russells Schnapper {m}
Russell's paradoxRussellsche Antinomie {f} [alt]
Russell's paradox Russell'sche Antinomie {f}
Russell's sign [also: Russell sign] Russell-Zeichen {n}
Russell's snapper [Lutjanus russellii] Russells Schnapper {m}
Russell's teapot Russells Teekanne {n}
Russell-Silver syndrome <RSS> [also: Silver-Russell syndrome]Russell-Silver-Syndrom {n} <RSS> [auch: Silver-Russell-Syndrom]
Russell-Vogt theorem Russell-Vogt-Theorem {n}
Russel's viper [Daboia russelii] Kettenviper {f} [Giftschlange]
Russes [obs.] Russen {pl}
russet Rotgelb {n}
russet gelbliches Rotbraun {n}
russet rostrot
russet Boskop {m}
russet Boskoop {m}
russet[grobes, handgewebtes rostbraunes bzw. graues Tuch]
russet rostbraun
russet antechinus [Dasykaluta rosamondae] Rote Breitfuß-Beutelmaus {f}
russet antshrike [Thamnistes anabatinus] Rostwürgerling {m}
russet antshrike [Thamnistes anabatinus]Rostbrauner Ameisenwürger {m}
russet apples Renetten {pl} [Gruppe von Apfelsorten]
russet apples Reinetten {pl} [Gruppe von Apfelsorten]
russet batomys [Batomys russatus]Dinagat-Haarschwanzratte {f}
russet buffaloberry [Shepherdia canadensis]Kanadische Büffelbeere {f}
russet bushwillow / bush willow [Combretum hereroense] Mausohr-Langfaden {m}
russet cottongrass / cotton-grass [Eriophorum chamissonis, syn.: E. russeolum]Sibirisches Wollgras {n}
russet curassow [Nothocrax urumutum] Rothokko {m}
russet curassow [Nothocrax urumutum]Nachthokko {m}
russet ground squirrel [Spermophilus major] Rotgelber Ziesel {m} [österr. meist {n}: Rotgelbes Ziesel]
russet hawk owl [Ninox odiosa] Neubritannienkauz {m}
russet mouse lemur [Microcebus rufus]Brauner Mausmaki {m} [Lemur]
russet nightingale thrush [Catharus occidentalis] Braunkopf-Musendrossel {f}
russet nightingale-thrush [Catharus occidentalis] Braunkopf-Musendrossel {f}
russet oropendola [Psarocolius angustifrons, syn.: Xanthornus angustifrons] Breithauben-Stirnvogel {m}
russet paradise kingfisher [Tanysiptera danae] Braunmantelliest {m} [auch: Braunmantel-Liest]
russet potato Russet-Kartoffel {f}
russet scaly tricholoma [Tricholoma vaccinum]Wolliger Ritterling {m}
russet scaly tricholoma [Tricholoma vaccinum] Zottiger Ritterling {m}
russet scaly tricholoma [Tricholoma vaccinum] Bärtiger Ritterling {m}
russet shank [Gymnopus dryophilus, syn.: Collybia dryophila]Gemeiner Waldfreund-Rübling / Waldfreundrübling {m}
Russet slug eater [Duberria lutrix] Gewöhnlicher Schneckenfresser {m}
russet thrush [Catharus occidentalis] Braunkopf-Musendrossel {f}
russet toughshank / tough-shank [Gymnopus dryophilus, syn.: Collybia dryophila] Gemeiner Waldfreund-Rübling / Waldfreundrübling {m}
russet toughshank / tough-shank [Gymnopus dryophilus, syn.: Collybia dryophila]Waldfreundrübling / Waldfreund-Rübling {m}
russet toughshank / tough-shank [Gymnopus dryophilus, syn.: Collybia dryophila]Waldfreund-Blasssporrübling {m}
russet toughshank / tough-shank [Gymnopus dryophilus, syn.: Collybia dryophila] Waldfreund {m} [Waldfreund-Rübling]
russet toughshank / tough-shank [Gymnopus dryophilus, syn.: Collybia dryophila]Gemeiner Rübling {m}
russet toughshank / tough-shank [Gymnopus dryophilus, syn.: Collybia dryophila]Waldrübling {m}
russet whorl snail [Truncatellina monodon]Rotbraune Zylinderwindelschnecke {f}
russet whorl snail [Truncatellina monodon] Einzähnige Zylinderwindelschnecke {f}
russet whorl snail [Truncatellina monodon]Braune Zylinderwindelschnecke {f}
russet-backed flycatcher [Rhinomyias oscillans, syn.: Cyornis oscillans] Flores-Dschungelschnäpper / Floresdschungelschnäpper {m}
russet-backed jungle flycatcher / jungle-flycatcher [Rhinomyias oscillans, syn.: Cyornis oscillans] Flores-Dschungelschnäpper / Floresdschungelschnäpper {m}
russet-backed oropendola [Psarocolius angustifrons] Breithauben-Stirnvogel {m}
russet-backed thrush [Catharus ustulatus, syn.: Hylocichla ustulata, Turdus ustulatus] Zwergdrossel {f}
russet-bellied spinetail [Synallaxis zimmeri]Rostbauchschlüpfer {m}
russet-capped bushwarbler [Tesia everetti, syn.: Urosphena everetti]Rostscheiteltesia {f}
russet-capped bushwarbler [Tesia everetti, syn.: Urosphena everetti]Rotscheiteltesia / Rotscheitel-Tesia {f}
russet-capped stubtail [Tesia everetti, syn.: Urosphena everetti] Rostscheiteltesia {f}
russet-capped stubtail [Tesia everetti, syn.: Urosphena everetti]Rotscheiteltesia / Rotscheitel-Tesia {f}
russet-capped tesia [Tesia everetti, syn.: Urosphena everetti]Rostscheiteltesia {f}
russet-capped tesia [Tesia everetti, syn.: Urosphena everetti]Rotscheiteltesia / Rotscheitel-Tesia {f}
russet-crested woodpecker [Celeus elegans, syn.: Celeus immaculatus] Fahlkopfspecht {m}
russet-crowned crake [Anurolimnas viridis] Indioralle {f}
russet-crowned motmot [Momotus mexicanus] Braunscheitelmotmot {m}
russet-crowned quail dove [Geotrygon goldmani] Goldmantaube {f}
russet-crowned warbler [Basileuterus coronatus] Goldscheitel-Waldsänger {m}
russet-eared guenon [Cercopithecus erythrotis] Rotohrmeerkatze {f}
russet-eared guenon [Cercopithecus erythrotis]Rotnasenmeerkatze {f}
russet-mantled foliage-gleaner [Philydor dimidiatum] Rostmantel-Blattspäher {m}
russet-mantled foliage-gleaner [Philydor dimidiatus, syn.: P. dimidiatum, Syndactyla dimidiata]Ockerbrauner Blattspäher {m}
russet-mantled softtail [Phacellodomus berlepschi, also: Thripophaga berlepschi]Rostmantel-Bündelnister {m}
russet-mantled softtail [Phacellodomus berlepschi, also.: Thripophaga berlepschi] Graustirncanastero {m}
russet-mantled softtail [Phacellodomus berlepschi, also.: Thripophaga berlepschi] Berlepschschlüpfer / Berlepsch-Schlüpfer {m}
« runnruntruporuraruserushrussRussRussRustrust »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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