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raw materialRohstoff {m}
raw material consumption Rohstoffverbrauch {m}
raw material costsRohstoffkosten {pl}
raw material economy Rohstoffwirtschaft {f}
raw material extraction Rohstoffgewinnung {f}
raw material preparation Rohstoffaufbereitung {f}
raw material processingRohstoffaufbereitung {f}
raw material producer Rohstoffproduzent {m}
raw material reserves Rohstoffvorkommen {pl}
raw material stock Rohlager {n} [Rohmateriallager]
raw material supplier Rohstofflieferant {m}
raw material supply Rohstoffvorkommen {pl}
raw material warehouseRohwarenlager {n}
raw material yieldRohstoffausbeute {f}
raw materials Rohstoffe {pl}
raw materialsRohmaterialien {pl}
raw materialsRohwaren {pl}
raw materials {pl} Rohmaterial {n} [allg.]
raw materials and suppliesRoh-, Hilfs- und Betriebsstoffe {pl} <RHB>
raw materials mine Rohstoffmine {f}
raw meal [cement industry]Rohmehl {n} [Zementindustrie]
raw meat rohes Fleisch {n}
raw meat Rohfleisch {n}
raw metal Rohmetall {n}
raw milk Rohmilch {f}
raw milk cheese Rohmilchkäse {m}
raw milk products Rohmilchprodukte {pl}
raw milk quality Rohmilchqualität {f}
raw milk vending machine stählerne Kuh {f} [ugs.] [Abfüllautomat für Milch]
raw milk vending machine Abfüllautomat {m} für Milch [Milchverkaufsapparat, bes. zur Direktvermarktung von Rohmilch]
raw milk vending machine Milchtankstelle {f} [ugs.] [Abfüllautomat für Milch]
raw milk vending machineFrischmilchautomat {m} [auch: Frischmilch-Automat] [Milchtankstelle]
raw mill Rohmühle {f}
raw minced porkHackepeter {m}
raw minerals Rohmineralien {pl}
raw moduleRohmodul {n}
raw mortalityrohe Mortalität {f}
raw notions grobe Vorstellungen {pl}
raw oil Rohöl {n}
raw ore rohes Erz {n}
raw ore Roherz {n}
raw piece of land unkultiviertes Stück {n} Land
raw pointempfindliche Stelle {f}
raw point wunder Punkt {m}
raw productRoherzeugnis {n}
raw product Rohprodukt {n}
raw proteinRohprotein {n}
raw recruit blutiger Anfänger {m}
raw recruitsneue Rekruten {pl}
raw rubber Rohgummi {m}
raw sausage Rohwurst {f}
raw sausagesRohwürste {pl}
raw sewageunbehandeltes Abwasser {n}
raw sewage ungeklärtes Abwasser {n}
raw sewage Rohabwasser {n}
raw sheep wool Rohwolle {f} [rohe Schafwolle]
raw sheep woolrohe Schafwolle {f}
raw siennaSiena {f} natur
raw silkRohseide {f}
raw silkBastseide {f}
raw skinwunde Haut {f}
raw sludgeRohschlamm {m}
raw state Rohzustand {m}
raw steel Rohstahl {m}
raw stock [Am.] Rohfilmmaterial {n} [auch: Rohfilm]
raw sugarRohzucker {m}
raw sulfur [Am.] Rohschwefel {m}
raw sulphur [Br.] Rohschwefel {m}
raw text Rohtext {m}
raw timber Rohholz {n}
raw tobacco unverarbeiteter Tabak {m}
raw tobacco Rohtabak {m}
Raw ToonageRaw Toonage – Kunterbuntes aus der Trickkiste
raw umber ungebrannte Umbra {f}
raw umberrohe Umbra {f}
raw veganismRohveganismus {m}
raw vegetable salad Rohkostsalat {m}
raw vegetables {pl}rohes Gemüse {n} [Sammelbegriff]
raw vegetables {pl} [crudités] Rohgemüse {n} [Rohkost] [Sammelbegriff]
raw versionRohfassung {f}
raw wastewater Rohabwasser {n}
raw waterRohwasser {n}
raw water Brauchwasser {n}
raw weather raues Wetter {n}
raw whisky Rohwhisky {m}
raw woodRohholz {n}
raw wool Rohwolle {f}
raw wool washing machineRohwollwaschmaschine {f}
raw wound offene Wunde {f}
raw zinc Rohzink {n}
raw zincWerkzink {n}
[raw Franconian bratwursts, simmered in water with vinegar; ingredients: onions, juniper berries, bay leaves etc.] Blaue / Saure Zipfel {pl} [in Essigsud gegarte Bratwürste] [nordbayer.]
(raw) hide hammer Rohhauthammer {m}
Rawa Kiamp centipede snake [Tantilla psittaca] Rawa-Kiamp-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
rawapRawap {f}
raw-boned knochig
rawboned [also raw-boned] knochig [Körperbau]
rawboned [also raw-boned]mager
rawdogging Rawdogging {n} [Neol.]
« ratirattrattraveravirawmraweray-razoreacreac »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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