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ray fungus Strahlenpilz {m}
ray of hope Lichtblick {m}
ray of hopeHoffnungsstrahl {m}
ray of hopeFünkchen {n} Hoffnung
ray of hope Hoffnungsschimmer {m}
ray of lightStreiflicht {n}
ray of light Lichtstrahl {m}
ray of truth Körnchen {n} Wahrheit
ray optics [treated as sg.] Strahlenoptik {f}
ray parenchyma Markstrahlparenchym {n}
ray path Strahlengang {m}
ray pencilStrahlenkegel {m}
ray speciesRochenart {f}
ray species {pl}Rochenarten {pl}
ray spiders [family Theridiosomatidae]Zwergradnetzspinnen {pl}
ray spiders [family Theridiosomatidae] Zwergkreuzspinnen {pl} [Zwergradnetzspinnen]
ray structureStrahlenstruktur {f}
ray tracing Raytracing {n}
ray tracingStrahlverfolgung {f}
ray tracing Strahlenverfolgung {f}
ray transfer matrix analysis Matrizenoptik {f}
ray-density normalizationStrahldichte-Normierung {f}
rayed artemis [Dosinia exoleta]Artemismuschel {f}
rayed artemis [Dosinia exoleta] Nordische Venusmuschel {f}
rayed artemis [Dosinia exoleta]Gemeine Artmuschel {f}
rayed butterflyfish [Chaetodon blackburnii] [brownburnie]Dunkler Blaustreifen-Falterfisch {m}
rayed dosinia [Dosinia exoleta] Nordische Venusmuschel {f}
rayed dosinia [Dosinia exoleta] Artemismuschel {f}
rayed dosinia [Dosinia exoleta] Gemeine Artmuschel {f}
rayed earthstar [Geastrum quadrifidum] Kleiner Nesterdstern {m}
rayed earthstar [Geastrum quadrifidum] Kleiner Nest-Erdstern {m}
rayed glass snail [Nesovitrea hammonis, syn.: N. (Perpolita) hammonis, Perpolita harmonis, P. radiatula] (Braune) Streifenglanzschnecke {f}
rayed keyhole limpet [Fissurella nimbosa, syn.: F. (Fissurella) nimbosaPatella nimbosa] Fissurella nimbosa {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
rayed Mediterranean limpet [Patella caerulea] Mittelmeer-Napfschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
rayed tansy [Tanacetum macrophyllum, syn.: Chrysanthemum macrophyllum] Großblättrige Wucherblume {f}
rayed trough clam [Mactra stultorum, syn.: Cardium corallinum, C. stultorum, Mactra corallina] Strahlenkörbchen {n} [Bunte Trogmuschel]
rayed trough clam [Mactra stultorum, syn.: Cardium corallinum, C. stultorum, Mactra corallina]Strahlenkorb {m} [Bunte Trogmuschel]
rayed trough clam [Mactra stultorum, syn.: Cardium corallinum, C. stultorum, Mactra corallina]Narrenkappe {f} [Bunte Trogmuschel]
rayed trough clam [Mactra stultorum, syn.: Cardium corallinum, C. stultorum, Mactra corallina]Bunte Trogmuschel {f}
rayed trough clam [Mactra stultorum, syn.: Cardium corallinum, C. stultorum, Mactra corallina] Gemeine Trogmuschel {f}
rayed trough shell [Mactra stultorum, syn.: Cardium corallinum, C. stultorum, Mactra corallina]Bunte Trogmuschel {f}
rayed trough shell [Mactra stultorum, syn.: Cardium corallinum, C. stultorum, Mactra corallina] Strahlenkorb {m} [Bunte Trogmuschel]
rayed trough shell [Mactra stultorum, syn.: Cardium corallinum, C. stultorum, Mactra corallina] Strahlenkörbchen {n} [Bunte Trogmuschel]
rayed trough shell [Mactra stultorum, syn.: Cardium corallinum, C. stultorum, Mactra corallina]Narrenkappe {f} [Bunte Trogmuschel]
rayed trough shell [Mactra stultorum, syn.: Cardium corallinum, C. stultorum, Mactra corallina] Gemeine Trogmuschel {f}
(rayed) Mediterranean limpet [Patella caerulea, syn.: P. caerula, P. coerulea]Blaue Napfschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
ray-finned fishes [class Actinopterygii]Strahlenflosser {pl}
ray-finned fishes [class Actinopterygii]Actinopterygier {pl}
ray-finned fishes [class Actinopterygii] Actinopterygii {pl}
rayite [(Ag,Tl)2Pb8Sb8S21]Rayit {m}
Rayleigh dampingRayleigh-Dämpfung {n}
Rayleigh distribution Rayleigh-Verteilung {f}
Rayleigh equation Rayleigh-Gleichung {f}
Rayleigh fading channelRayleigh-Fadingkanal {m}
Rayleigh number <Ra> Rayleigh-Zahl {f} <Ra>
Rayleigh scatter <RS> Rayleigh-Streuung {f} <RS>
Rayleigh scattering Luftstreuung {f}
Rayleigh scattering <RS> Rayleigh-Streuung {f} <RS>
Rayleigh waveRayleigh-Welle {f} [auch: Rayleighwelle]
Rayleigh waves Rayleigh-Wellen {pl}
Rayleigh-Bénard cell Rayleigh-Bénard-Zelle {f}
Rayleigh-Jeans lawRayleigh-Jeans Gesetz {n}
Rayleigh-Taylor instability <RTI, RT instability, R-T instability>Rayleigh-Taylor-Instabilität {f} <RTI, RT-Instabilität, R-T-Instabilität>
rayless [lacking rays]ohne Strahlen [nachgestellt]
rayless chamomile [Anthemis rigida, syn.: A. asperula, A. cretica, A. pusilla, A. rigida f. rigida, Achillea asperula, Anacyclus creticus, Lyonnetia rigida]Steife Hundskamille {f}
rayless chamomile [Anthemis rigida, syn.: A. asperula, A. cretica, A. pusilla, A. rigida f. rigida, Achillea asperula, Anacyclus creticus, Lyonnetia rigida]Kretische Kamille {f}
rayless mayweed [Matricaria discoidea, syn.: M. matricarioides, M. suaveolens, Chamomilla suaveolens, Chrysanthemum suaveolens, Lepidotheca suaveolens] Kopfkamille {f}
rayless mayweed [Matricaria discoidea, syn.: M. matricarioides, M. suaveolens, Chamomilla suaveolens, Chrysanthemum suaveolens, Lepidotheca suaveolens]Strahlenlose Kamille {f}
Raymond Raimund {m}
Raymond's bush-cricket [Yersinella raymondii] Kleine Strauchschrecke {f}
Raynaud's disease Morbus Raynaud {m} [Raynaud-Krankheit]
Raynaud's disease Raynaud-Krankheit {f}
Raynaud's (disease)Raynaud-Krankheit {f} [echte / essentielle / primäre]
Raynaud's phenomenon [also: Raynaud phenomenon] [Digitus mortuus] Weißfingerkrankheit {f} [ugs.]
Raynaud's phenomenon [also: Raynaud phenomenon] [Digitus mortuus] Leichenfingerkrankheit {f} [ugs.]
Raynaud's phenomenon of occupational origin traumatisches Raynaud-Phänomen {n} [vibrationsbedingtes vasospastisches Syndrom]
Raynaud's syndrome Raynaud-Syndrom {n}
rayon Kunstseide {f}
rayonRayon {m} {n}
rayon Reyon {m} {n}
rayon Viskose {f}
rayon belted tyre [Br.]Textilgürtelreifen {m}
rayon staple Zellwolle {f}
rayonism [also: rayonnism]Rayonismus {m} [auch: Rayonnismus]
ray-podded medick [Medicago radiata]Mond-Schneckenklee {m}
ray-proof strahlengeschützt
rays Strahlen {pl}
rays {pl} [Batoidea]Rochen {pl}
rays ending in hands [Aton]Strahlenhände {pl}
rays of heat Wärmestrahlen {pl}
rays of sunshineSonnenstrahlen {pl}
rays of the sunSonnenstrahlen {pl}
Raza Island lark [Calandrella razae]Razolerche {f}
razed ausgelöscht [zerstört]
razed getilgt
razedgeschleift [Gebäude]
Razgrad Rasgrad {n}
razing auslöschend
« rattraugraverawbrawrrayfrazire- reacreacreac »
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