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Read my lips. [coll.] [idiom] Hör mir (mal) genau zu.
Read my lips: no new taxes. [George H. W. Bush] Lest es von meinen Lippen ab: Keine neuen Steuern.
read on weitergelesen
read operation Lesevorgang {m}
read out vorgelesen
read (out) [text, e.g. a contract by the notary] verlesen [Text, z. B. ein Vertrag durch den Notar]
read overrun [during data read operations] Leseüberlauf {m} [bei Lesevorgängen] [auch: Lese-Überlauf]
read permission Leserecht {n}
read pointerLesezeiger {m}
read positionAblesestelle {f}
Read precautions thoroughly before use.Warnhinweise: Vor Gebrauch sorgfältig lesen.
read rate Lesegeschwindigkeit {f}
read receipt Lesebestätigung {f}
read statement Lesebefehl {m}
read station Lesestation {f}
Read the fine / fucking manual again! <RTFMA> [vulg.] Lies das feine / verdammte Handbuch nochmal!
Read the fine / fucking manual! <RTFM> [vulg.]Lies das feine / verdammte Handbuch!
Read the frequently asked questions list! <RTFAQ> Lies die Liste der häufig gestellten Fragen!
Read the manual! <RTM> Lies das Handbuch!
Read the online-help! <RTOH> Lies die Programm-Hilfe!
Read the value on potentiometer R3. Potentiometer R3 abfragen.
read throughdurchgelesen
readabilityLesbarkeit {f} [eines Buches oder Artikels etc.]
readability Ablesbarkeit {f}
readable lesbar
readable leserlich
readable book interessantes Buch {n}
readable book lesenswertes Buch {n}
readable versionLesefassung {f}
readablenessLesbarkeit {f}
readableness Leserlichkeit {f}
readably lesbar
read-access time [also: read access time] Lesezugriffszeit {f}
read-after-write checkKontrollesen {n} [alt]
read-after-write check Kontrolllesen {n}
read-ahead voraus lesend
readaptationWiederanpassung {f}
readapting neu anpassend
readathonLesemarathon {m}
readdressed umadressiert
readdressingUmadressierung {f}
reader Benutzer {m}
readerBenützer {m} [einer Bibliothek]
reader Lektor {m} [Verlag]
reader Leser {m}
readerKorrekturleser {m}
reader Textbuch {n}
readerAusleseeinheit {f}
reader [anthology]Sammelband {m}
reader [book]Lesebuch {n}
reader [Br.] Universitätslehrer {m}
reader [Br.] außerordentlicher Professor {m}
reader [device] Lesegerät {n}
reader [employed by a publisher] Verlagslektor {m}
reader [esp. Br.] [cantor] [Judaism]Kantor {m} [in der Synagoge]
reader [female] Verlagslektorin {f}
reader [female] Universitätslehrerin {f}
reader [female]Leserin {f}
reader [female] Lektorin {f} [Verlag]
reader [reading aloud to sb.]Vorleser {m}
reader [university teacher] [Br.] Dozent {m}
reader behavior [Am.] Benutzerverhalten {n}
reader circle Lesezirkel {m}
reader interest research Leserforschung {f}
reader of tracks Spurenleser {m}
reader opinion Leserstimme {f}
reader survey Leserbefragung {f}
reader survey Leserumfrage {f}
reader unit Leseeinheit {f}
reader-friendly leserfreundlich
reader-orientated leserorientiert
reader-oriented leserorientiert
reader-response criticism Rezeptionsästhetik {f}
readers Leser {pl}
readers Lektoren {pl}
readers {pl} [collectively]Leserkreis {m}
readers {pl} [collectively] Leserschaft {f}
readers [reading aloud to sb.]Vorleser {pl}
readers at home Zu-Hause-Leser {pl}
readers' comments Leserkommentare {pl}
readers' commentsLeserstimmen {pl}
reader's cornerLeseecke {f}
reader's desk Vorlesepult {n}
Reader's Digest ® Reader's Digest ® {m} {n} [Monatszeitschrift]
reader's letter Leserbrief {m}
reader's letterEingesandt {n} [veraltet; sehr alt] [Leserbrief]
readers' letters columnLeserkolumne {f}
readers' letters column Leserbriefspalte {f}
reader's opinionLeserstimme {f}
reader's opinion Lesermeinung {f}
reader's pass Leserausweis {m}
reader's pass Leseausweis {m}
readers' passes Leserausweise {pl}
readers' passesLeseausweise {pl}
readers per issue Leser {pl} je Ausgabe
readers' serviceAuskunftsdienst {m}
readers' tourLeserreise {f}
« RaynrazzreacreacreacReadreadreadreadreadread »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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