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English-German Dictionary

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standard normally distributed random variablestandardnormalverteilte Zufallsvariable {f}
standard observer Normalbeobachter {m}
standard observer Standardbeobachter {m}
standard of careSorgfaltsmaßstab {m}
standard of comfort Norm {f} der Bequemlichkeit
standard of comparison Vergleichsmaßstab {m}
standard of comparisonVergleichsstandard {m}
standard of conduct Verhaltensnorm {f}
standard of development Entwicklungsstand {m}
standard of developmentEntwicklungsstandard {m}
standard of driving Fahrstandard {m}
standard of education Ausbildungsstand {m}
standard of education Bildungsstandard {m}
standard of fire resistance Feuerwiderstandsklasse {f}
standard of hygiene Hygienestandard {m}
standard of knowledge Wissensstand {m}
standard of life Lebensstandard {m}
standard of livingLebensstandard {m}
standard of living Lebensniveau {n}
standard of living Wohlstandsniveau {n}
standard (of measurement)Richtmaß {n}
standard of proof Beweismaß {n}
standard of purity Reinheitsgrad {m}
standard of qualityQualitätsstandard {m}
standard of quality Qualitätsanspruch {m}
standard of quality Qualitätsniveau {n} [Qualitätsstandard]
standard of reviewPrüfungsmaßstab {m}
standard of the Federal President [naval flag of the president of Germany] Standarte {f} des Bundespräsidenten
Standard of the German Emperor [1871 - 1918] Kaiserstandarte {f}
standard of treatmentBehandlungsstandard {m}
Standard of Ur Standarte {f} von Ur
standard of value Wertestandard {m}
standard of workLeistungsstärke {f}
standard operating procedure standardisierter Ablauf {m}
standard operating procedure <SOP; s.o.p.> einheitliches Betriebsverfahren {n}
standard operating procedure <SOP; s.o.p.>standardisiertes Betriebsverfahren {n}
standard operating procedure <SOP>Standardarbeitsanweisung {f}
standard operating procedure <SOP>Standard Operating Procedure {f} <SOP> [Standardarbeitsanweisung, Standardvorgehensweise]
standard operating procedure <SOP>übliches Prozedere {n}
standard operating procedure <SOP>Standardvorgehensweise {f}
standard operating procedure <SOP> Verfahrensvorschrift {f} [Standardarbeitsanweisung, SOP]
standard operating procedures <SOPs> Standardarbeitsanweisungen {pl}
standard operation Normalbetrieb {m}
standard operationStandardoperation {f}
standard option Standardoption {f}
standard outfit Standardausrüstung {f}
standard outside temperature Normaußentemperatur {f}
standard oxygen transfer efficiencySauerstoffausnutzung {f}
standard page Standardseite {f}
standard page Normseite {f}
standard partNormteil {n}
standard part [serial part] Serienteil {n}
standard patternNormalprofil {n}
standard penetration test <SPT> [penetration test in boreholes] normierte Rammsondierung {f} [im Bohrloch]
standard pensioner [person with a prior average income and 45 years' work history] Eckrentner {m} [Deutschland] [ugs.] [mit einer modellhaften Erwerbsbiografie]
standard pensioner [person with a prior average income and 45 years' work history] Standardrentner {m}
standard performanceStandardleistung {f}
standard period of study Regelstudienzeit {f} <RSZ>
standard phraseStandardphrase {f}
standard pitch Kammerton {m}
standard pitchNormalton {m}
standard ploughEinheitshobel {m} [Bergbaumaschine]
standard policy Einheitspolice {f}
standard policyNormalpolice {f}
standard practiceStandardverfahren {n}
standard practice übliche Praxis {f}
standard practice die übliche Vorgehensweise {f}
standard practice Standardpraxis {f}
standard precautions Standardmaßnahmen {pl} [Standardhygiene]
standard precautions {pl} Standardhygiene {f}
standard presentation [of literary works, a problem, etc.] Standarddarstellung {f} [von Literatur, Problemen etc.]
standard pressureNormdruck {m}
standard priceEinheitspreis {m}
standard price Normalpreis {m}
standard prices Einheitspreise {pl}
standard printerStandarddrucker {m}
standard procedureStandardverfahren {n}
standard procedure Standardprozedur {f}
standard procedureeinheitliche Vorgehensweise {f}
standard procedure Standardmethode {f}
standard procedures Standardabläufe {pl}
standard process Standardverfahren {n}
standard product Standardprodukt {n} [auch: Standard-Produkt]
standard profile Standardprofil {n}
standard profile Normalprofil {n}
standard program [Am.]Standardprogramm {n}
standard program library Standardprogrammbibliothek {f}
standard program requirements [Am.] Standardprogrammanforderungen {pl}
standard pronunciationStandardaussprache {f}
standard quality Standardqualität {f}
standard (quality) butter Molkereibutter {f}
standard quantityStandardmenge {f}
standard quotationEinheitskurs {m}
standard quotations geflügelte Worte {pl}
standard radioactive source radioaktiver Prüfstrahler {m} [IEC 60050]
standard rate Normalsatz {m}
standard rate Einheitssatz {m}
standard rate [social security]Regelsatz {m}
standard reaction enthalpy Standardreaktionsenthalpie {f}
standard reaction entropyStandardreaktionsentropie {f}
« stamstanstanstanstanstanstanstanstanstanstan »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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