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English-German Dictionary

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starter crankAntriebskurbel {f}
starter culture Starterkultur {f}
starter currentStarterstrom {m}
starter drug Einstiegsdroge {f}
starter handle Antriebskurbel {f}
starter home erstes eigenes Heim {n} [Eigenheim]
starter houseerstes eigenes Heim {n} [Eigenheim]
starter kit Einsteigerpaket {n}
starter motor Anlasser {m}
starter motorAnlassmotor {m}
starter pack Startpaket {n}
starter package Startpaket {n}
starter pinion Anlasserritzel {n}
starter pipeAnfängerrohr {n}
starter ring Starterzahnkranz {m}
starter ring gear Starterzahnkranz {m}
starter rope [combustion engine]Anlasserschnur {f} [Verbrennungsmotor]
startersVorspeisen {pl}
starthistles [genus Centaurea]Flockenblumen {pl}
star-throated antwren [Myrmotherula gularis] Perlenkehl-Ameisenschlüpfer {m}
startingStart {m}
startingAnfang {m}
starting Aufbruch {m}
startingBeginn {m}
starting Einschaltung {f}
starting startend
startingAnlassen {n} [Motor, Triebwerk]
starting anlaufend
starting beginnend
startingab [+Dat.] [zeitlich]
starting [car etc.] anfahrend [Auto etc.]
starting [of an engine]Anspringen {n}
starting 11 [starting eleven] [American football, soccer]Anfangself {f} [Anfangsformation]
starting 11 [starting eleven] [American football, soccer]Startelf {f}
starting addressAnfangsadresse {f}
starting address Startadresse {f}
starting age Einstiegsalter {n}
starting and stopping timesStart- und Stoppzeiten {pl}
starting area Startbereich {m}
starting basis Ausgangsbasis {f}
starting berth [football]Platz {m} in der Startelf
starting block Startblock {m}
starting block [for sprint races] Startloch {n} [veraltet] [Startblock als Startvorrichtung im Laufsport]
starting capacitor Anlaufkondensator {m}
starting capitalAnfangskapital {n}
starting capital Startkapital {n}
starting characterAnfangszeichen {n}
starting clapper Startklappe {f}
starting clutch Anfahrkupplung {f}
starting compound Ausgangsverbindung {f}
starting concentration [of a solution, mixture] Ausgangskonzentration {f} [einer Lösung, Mischung]
starting condition Ausgangsbedingung {f}
starting condition Anfangszustand {m}
starting conditionAnfangsbedingung {f}
starting conditionAusgangszustand {m}
starting condition Startbedingung {f}
starting conditions Startbedingungen {pl}
starting conditions Ausgangsbedingungen {pl}
starting credit Anlaufkredit {m}
starting credit Anlaufskredit {m}
starting credit Startguthaben {n}
starting current Einschaltstrom {m}
starting current Anlaufstrom {m}
starting current limitationAnlaufstrombegrenzung {f}
starting current limiter Anlaufstrombegrenzer {m}
starting dateStarttermin {m}
starting date Startdatum {n}
starting dateAnfangstermin {m}
starting date Anfangsdatum {n}
starting dateEintrittstermin {m}
starting date [first day of employment]Einstellungstermin {m}
starting delimiterAnfangsbegrenzer {m}
starting device Anlasseinrichtung {f}
starting dose Anfangsdosis {f}
starting doseAnfangsdosierung {f}
starting dose Startdosis {f}
starting electrode Zündelektrode {f}
starting eleven [American football, soccer]Startelf {f}
starting eleven [American football, soccer] Anfangself {f}
starting equipment Startausrüstung {f}
starting field Teilnehmerfeld {n}
starting frequencyStartfrequenz {f}
starting from ausgehend von
starting from ...ab ... [Preise, Zeitangaben]
starting from the 12th week of pregnancy ab der 12. Schwangerschaftswoche [12. SSW]
starting from the bottom unten beginnend
starting gate Startmaschine {f}
starting grid Startaufstellung {f}
starting gridStartplatz {m}
starting gunStartpistole {f}
starting handle Antriebskurbel {f}
starting in ... [month, year]ab ... [Monat, Jahr]
starting index Startindex {m}
starting interestAnfangszins {m}
starting January 1 ab (dem) 1. Januar
starting kit Anfangspaket {n}
starting kitStartpaket {n}
starting level Anfangsniveau {n}
starting lever Anlasshebel {m}
starting lineStartlinie {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers