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English-German Dictionary

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start lineStartlinie {f}
start line judge Startrichter {m}
Start Menu [Microsoft Windows] Startmenü {n} [Microsoft Windows]
start of / to the season Saisonstart {m}
start of a / the journey Reiseantritt {m}
start of a / the new jobEinstand {m} [österr.] [südd.] [Beginn eines Abeitsverhältnisses]
start of a campaign Kampagnenstart {m} [Start einer Kampagne]
start of a family Familiengründung {f}
start of career Karrierebeginn {m}
start of constructionBaubeginn {m}
start of construction worksBaubeginn {m}
start of course Studienbeginn {m}
start of deliveryLieferbeginn {m}
start of employment Arbeitsantritt {m}
start of energizationBestromungsbeginn {m}
start of fancy plötzlicher Einfall {m}
start of filming Drehbeginn {m}
start of lineZeilenanfang {m}
start of messageAnfang {m} der Nachricht
start of message Beginn {m} der Übertragung
start of page Seitenanfang {m}
start of paragraph Paragraphanfang {m}
start of play Spielbeginn {m}
start of play [of a sports game]Anspiel {n} [Spielbeginn]
start of processing Bearbeitungsbeginn {m}
start of productionProduktionsstart {m}
start of production <SOP>Serienreife {f}
start of production <SOP> Serienfähigkeit {f}
start of production <SOP>Start {m} of Production <SOP>
start of production <SOP> Beginn / Start {m} der Serienproduktion [Ersatzteilmanagement]
start of production <SOP>Serienstart {m} [Ersatzteilmanagement]
start of production <SOP> Beginn / Start {m} der Marktphase
start of production <SOP> Produktionsanlauf {m}
start of reading [in child development]Leseanfang {m}
start of record Satzanfang {m}
start of schoolSchulanfang {m} [morgens]
start of school Schulbeginn {m} [morgens]
start of school Schulstart {m}
start of studies Studienbeginn {m}
start of term Semesterbeginn {m}
start of textTextanfang {m}
start of the campaign Kampagnenstart {m} [Start der Kampagne]
start of the courseKursstart {m}
start of the courseKursbeginn {m}
start of the court proceedings Prozessbeginn {m}
start of the dayTagesbeginn {m}
start (of the event) Veranstaltungsbeginn {m}
start of the exhibitionAusstellungsbeginn {m}
start of the harvest Erntebeginn {m}
start of the invasionInvasionsbeginn {m}
start of the line Streckenbeginn {m}
start of the new yearJahresanfang {m}
start of the seasonSaisonauftakt {m}
start of the second roundRückrundenstart {m}
start of the series Serienstart {m}
start of the trading session Handelsbeginn {m}
start of the trial Prozessauftakt {m}
start of the war Kriegsbeginn {m}
start of the weekWochenstart {m}
start of the year Jahresbeginn {m}
start of the year Jahresauftakt {m}
start of (the) journey Reisebeginn {m}
start of (the) tunnel Tunnelbeginn {m}
start of tradingHandelsstart {m}
start of vaccination Impfbeginn {m}
start of work Arbeitsbeginn {m}
start of workDienstbeginn {m} [Arbeitsbeginn]
start override Anlaufüberbrückung {f}
start page Startseite {f}
start point Startzeitpunkt {m}
start population Ausgangspopulation {f}
start position Anfangslage {f}
start position Startposition {f}
start pulse Startschritt {m}
start pulse Startimpuls {m}
start routineStartroutine {f}
start screen Startmaske {f}
start screen Startbildschirm {m}
start signal Startsignal {n} [auch fig.]
start slide [presentation] Startfolie {f} [Präsentation]
start slope [skiing] Starthang {m}
start time Startzeit {f}
start to the weekWochenstart {m}
start value Startwert {m}
start value [e.g. relay] [IEC 60050]Anregewert {m} [Startwert] [z. B. Relais] [IEC 60050]
start voltageAnfahrspannung {f}
startable [capable of being started] startbar
startaddress Startadresse {f}
started gestartet
startedangefangen [begonnen]
started [journey] angetreten
started bottle of wineangebrochene Flasche {f} Wein
started upaufgefahren
starter Anlasser {m}
starterStarter {m}
starter Startprogramm {n}
starter Teilnehmer {m}
starter Anfahrschalter {m}
starter Anlassgerät {n} [Anlasser]
starterStammspieler {m}
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers