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static program analysis statische Programmanalyse {f}
static program analyzer statischer Programmanalysator {m}
static relay statisches Relais {n}
static sensitivity statische Empfindlichkeit {f}
static state Ruhezustand {m}
static strainstatische Belastung {f}
static strainstatische Beanspruchung {f}
static stress statische Beanspruchung {f}
static stressstatische Belastung {f}
static stretchingstatisches Dehnen {n}
static suction lift Ansaughöhe {f}
static testStandlauf {m}
static thrust Standschub {m}
static torqueDrehmoment {n} bei festgebremstem Läufer
static typing statische Typisierung {f}
static unbalancestatischer Halbmesser {m}
static VAR compensator <SVC> statischer Blindleistungskompensator {m}
static variable statische Variable {f}
static view starre Betrachtungsweise {f}
static viewstatische Sicht {f}
static viewstatische Betrachtung {f}
static warfareStellungskrieg {m}
static warfares Stellungskriege {pl}
static work statische Arbeit {f}
static work(statische) Haltearbeit {f}
statical calculation Baustatik {f}
statically statisch
statically determinedstatisch bestimmt
statically indeterminable system statisch unbestimmtes System {n}
(statically) reinforced concrete bewehrter Beton {m}
statically-typed statisch typisiert
statices [genus Limonium]Meerlavendel {pl}
statices [genus Limonium] Strandflieder {pl}
statices [genus Limonium]Widerstoße {pl} [auch: Widerstosse]
staticizer Serien-Parallel-Umsetzer {m}
staticizingBefehlsübernahme {f}
statickystatisch aufgeladen [z. B. Kleidung]
statics [archaic] [static]atmosphärische Störungen {pl}
statics [archaic] [static]elektrostatische Störungen {pl}
statics [treated as sg.] Statik {f}
statics [treated as sg.] of fluidsFluidstatik {f}
statics [treated as sg.] of rigid bodies Stereostatik {f}
statics [treated as sg.] of rigid bodiesStatik {f} starrer Körper
statics [treated as sg.] of rigid bodiesStarrkörperstatik {f}
statie [Am.] [coll.] [state trooper] [Polizist im Dienst eines US-Bundesstaates]
statin Statin {n}
statin therapy Statintherapie {f} [auch: Statin-Therapie]
statingangebend [darlegend]
statingdem zufolge
stating the reasonAngabe {f} des Grundes
stating the relevant reasons unter Angabe der maßgeblichen Gründe
statins Statine {pl}
statinsCSE-Hemmer {pl} [Statine]
stationStation {f}
station Haltepunkt {m}
stationPosition {f}
station Sender {m}
stationStelle {f}
station [Aus.]große Farm {f}
station [dated] [social rank or position] (gesellschaftlicher) Rang {m}
station [dated] [social rank or position]Stand {m} [soziale Stellung]
station [of an intelligence service] Residentur {f}
station [police] Postenkommando {n} [österr.] [Gendarmeriedienststelle]
station [small]Haltestelle {f}
station <Sta. / Stn.> [train station]Bahnhof {m} <Bhf. / Bf.>
station at the bottom (of a ski lift)Talstation {f} (eines Skiliftes)
Station at the Horizon Station am Horizont [Erich Maria Remarque]
station bar Bahnhofswirtschaft {f}
station blackout <SBO>Schwarzfall {m}
station blackout <SBO> Gesamtstromausfall {m}
station bookshop Bahnhofsbuchhandlung {f}
station buffetBahnhofsbuffet {n} [bes. österr.]
station buffetBahnhofbuffet {n} [schweiz.]
station building Bahnhofsgebäude {n}
station building Stationsgebäude {n}
station buildingEmpfangsgebäude {n}
station building Aufnahmegebäude {n} [österr.] [schweiz.]
station churchBahnhofkirche {f} [bes. schweiz.]
station clockBahnhofsuhr {f}
station clockStationsuhr {f} [Bahnhofsuhr]
station concourse Wartehalle {f}
station concourse Bahnhofshalle {f}
station cycle pollingStationsumfrage {f}
station dramaStationenstück {n}
station drama Stationendrama {n}
station entrance Bahnhofseingang {m}
station forecourt Bahnhofsvorplatz {m}
station hall Bahnhofshalle {f} [Schalterhalle]
station hospitalStandortlazarett {n}
station hotelBahnhofshotel {n}
station house [Am.] Polizeidienststelle {f}
station house [Am.] Polizeirevier {n}
station house [Am.] Polizeiwache {f}
station house [Am.] Feuerwehrhaus {n}
station house [Am.] Feuerwache {f}
station inspector Bahnhofsaufseher {m} [Bahnhofsinspektor]
station kiosk Bahnhofskiosk {m}
station manager Bahnhofsvorsteher {m}
station managerBahnhofsbetreiber {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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