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station manager [female]Bahnhofsvorsteherin {f}
station master Stationsvorsteher {m}
station masterStationsvorstand {m} [österr.] [schweiz.]
station master Bahnhofsvorsteher {m}
station memory [on an electronic radio] Senderspeicher {m}
station mistress [dated]Bahnhofsvorsteherin {f}
station (name) signBahnhofsschild {n}
station nameboardBahnhofsschild {n}
station of destination Bestimmungsbahnhof {m}
station of the cross Kreuzweg-Station / Kreuzwegstation {f}
station of the cross Kreuzwegstation {f}
station officer [fire station]Zugführer {m} [Brandschutz]
station platformBahnsteig {m}
station police Bahnhofspolizei {f}
station police Bahnpolizei {f}
station principle [logistics] Bahnhofsprinzip {n} [Logistik]
station restaurant Bahnhofsgaststätte {f}
station restaurant Bahnhofsrestaurant {n}
station restaurant Bahnhofbuffet {n} [schweiz.] [Bahnhofsrestaurant]
station scanning Sendersuchlauf {m}
station selectionSenderauswahl {f}
station selectorSendereinsteller {m}
Station Six - Sahara [Seth Holt] Endstation 13 Sahara
station squareBahnhofsplatz {m}
station squareBahnhofplatz {m}
station square [station forecourt]Bahnhofsvorplatz {m} [Bahnhofsplatz]
station type Stationstyp {m}
station wagon [Am.] [Aus.] [Can.] [NZ] Kombi {m}
station wagon [Am.] [Aus.] [Can.] [NZ] Kombiwagen {m}
station wagon [Am.] [Aus.] [Can.] [NZ] Kombinationskraftwagen {m}
[Station Street] [street name in many German, Austrian and Swiss cities and towns] Bahnhofstraße {f}
stational church Stationskirche {f}
stational liturgy Stationsgottesdienst {m}
stational liturgy [liturgy of a stational church in Rome] Stationsliturgie {f}
stationarily stationär
stationarity Stationarität {f}
stationary feststehend
stationarynicht transportabel
stationary ortsgebunden
stationary stehend
stationary standortgebunden [ortsgebunden]
stationary [not moveable] eingebaut [fest eingebaut]
stationary [e.g. platform]fest [ortsfest]
stationary anode Festanode {f}
stationary anode tube Festanodenröhre {f}
stationary anode tubefeststehende Anodenröhre {f}
stationary anode X-ray tubeFestanodenröntgenröhre {f}
stationary bike Standrad {n}
stationary clinic[Klinik, ortsgebunden, nicht mobil]
stationary compactorMüllpresse {f}
stationary cylinder feststehender Zylinder {m}
stationary electrode stationäre Elektrode {f}
stationary equipment {sg} stationäre Gerätschaften {pl}
stationary field radiationStehfeldbestrahlung {f}
stationary field therapy Stehfeldtherapie {f}
stationary field therapy Stehfeldbestrahlung {f}
stationary field treatment [radiation treatment] Stehfeldbestrahlung {f}
stationary fire extinguisher ortsfeste Feuerlöschanlage {f}
stationary fire extinguisher ortsfester Feuerlöscher {m}
stationary fire extinguisher stationärer Feuerlöscher {m}
stationary frontstationäre Front {f}
stationary gear Standgetriebe {n}
stationary (gear) ratioStandübersetzung {f}
stationary gridfeststehendes Raster {n}
stationary gridstehendes Raster {n} [ugs. für: Festraster]
stationary grid Festraster {n}
stationary gridStehraster {n}
stationary grid [EUR 17538]Standraster {n} [EUR 17538]
stationary grids nicht bewegte Raster {pl}
stationary hammer stationärer Hammer {m}
stationary hammerfester Hammer {m}
stationary heating Standheizung {f}
stationary longlinestationäre Langleine {f}
stationary noise [of vehicles, trains] Standgeräusch {n}
stationary phaseRuhephase {f}
stationary phasestationäre Phase {f}
stationary point stationärer Punkt {m}
stationary processstationärer Prozess {m}
stationary process [stationarity] Stationarität {f}
stationary receiver stationärer Empfänger {m}
stationary sawSäge {f} mit feststehendem Sägeblatt
stationary shadowRuheschatten {m} [feststehender Schatten]
stationary statestationärer Zustand {m}
stationary testStandlauf {m}
stationary thresher Dreschmaschine {f}
stationary trafficruhender Verkehr {m}
stationary transmissionStandgetriebe {n}
stationary transmitterstationärer Sender {m}
stationary treatmentstationäre Behandlung {f}
stationary vehiclestehendes Fahrzeug {n}
stationary vehicles stillstehende Fahrzeuge {pl}
stationary wavestehende Welle {f}
stationary waveStandwelle {f}
(stationary) bike trainer Fahrradtrainer {m}
(stationary) speed cameraStarenkasten {m} [ugs.]
(stationary) speed trap Starenkasten {m} [ugs.]
« statstatstatstatstatstatstatstatstatstatstat »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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