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stealthiestam verstohlensten
stealthily heimlich
stealthily verstohlen
stealthily [like a thief in the night] bei Nacht und Nebel [fig.]
stealthinessHeimlichkeit {f}
stealthinessVerstohlenheit {f}
stealthing [non-consensual condom removal] Stealthing {n} [heimliches Abziehen des Kondoms]
stealthy heimlich
stealthy schleichend
stealthy expropriation schleichende Enteignung {f}
stealthy ping stille SMS {f}
steam Wasserdampf {m}
steamWrasen {m} [nordd.]
steam Brodel {m} [regional]
steamWasen {m} [nordd.] [veraltet] [Dampf]
steam [coll. also fig.] Dampf {m} [ugs. auch fig.]
steam admission valve Dampfeinlassventil {n}
steam back-pressure regulator Abblasegrenzdruckregler {m}
steam bakery Dampfbäckerei {f}
steam bathDampfbad {n}
steam baths Dampfbäder {pl}
steam boatDampfschiff {n}
steam boatsDampfschiffe {pl}
steam boiler Dampfkessel {m}
steam boiler insuranceDampfkesselversicherung {f}
steam bubbleDampfblase {f}
steam carDampfauto {n}
steam carriage Dampfwagen {m}
steam chest Schieberkasten {m}
steam chuggingDampfblasenbildung {f} im Kondensationsbecken
steam cleaner Dampfreiniger {m}
steam cloudDampfwolke {f}
steam clouds Dampfwolken {pl}
steam coal Kesselkohle {f}
steam coalKraftwerkskohle {f}
steam cockDampfhahn {m}
steam conditioning valveDampfumformventil {n}
steam consumptionDampfverbrauch {m}
steam converting valve Dampfumformventil {n}
steam cooker Dampfgarer {m}
steam cookerDampfgargerät {n}
steam cooker Dampfkochtopf {m}
steam craneDampfkran {m}
steam cylinder Dampfzylinder {m}
steam cylinder oil Dampfzylinderöl {n}
steam demandDampfbedarf {m}
steam digesterPapin'scher Kochtopf {m}
steam disinfection Dampfdesinfektion {f}
steam distillation Wasserdampfdestillation {f}
steam distillationDampfdestillation {f}
steam distillation apparatus Dampfdestillator {m}
steam distillatorDampfdestillator {m}
steam distributionDampfverteilung {f}
steam distributor Dampflanze {f}
steam dome Dampfdom {m}
steam dryerDampftrockner {m}
steam ejectorDampfstrahlspeisepumpe {f}
steam ejector Dampfstrahlpumpe {f}
steam emulsion number <SEN, S.E.N.>SEN-Zahl {f} [auch: S.E.N.-Zahl]
steam engineDampfmotor {m}
steam engine [locomotive] Dampflok {f} [kurz für: Dampflokomotive]
steam engine [stationary] Dampfmaschine {f}
steam engines Dampfmaschinen {pl}
steam exhaust connection Abdampfverbindung {f}
steam exhaust cross-sectional areaAbdampfquerschnitt {m}
steam exhaust end Abdampfteil {n}
steam exhaust section Abdampfteil {n}
steam extraction Entdampfung {f}
steam ferry Dampffähre {f}
steam gauge Dampfdruckmesser {m}
steam generation Dampferzeugung {f}
steam generation Dampfentwicklung {f}
steam generatorDampferzeuger {m}
steam generatorDampfkessel {m}
steam generator Dampfentwickler {m}
steam generator Dampfgenerator {m}
steam hammer Dampfhammer {m}
steam hammer Dampframme {f}
steam hammer Eisenhammer {m} [dampfbetrieben]
steam heating Dampfheizung {f}
steam heating boiler Dampfheizkessel {m}
steam heatingsDampfheizungen {pl}
steam humidifierDampfbefeuchter {m}
steam humidifier valveDampfbefeuchterventil {n}
steam inhalation Dampfinhalation {f}
steam injectionDampfeinspeisung {f}
steam injector Wasserdampfstrahlpumpe {f}
steam inlet valveDampfeinlassventil {n}
steam ironDampfbügeleisen {n}
steam iron stationDampfbügelstation {f}
steam jet Dampfstrahl {m}
steam juicer Dampfentsafter {m}
steam lance Dampflanze {f}
steam laundry Dampfwäscherei {f}
steam loco Dampflokomotive {f}
steam loco [coll.] Dampflok {f} [kurz für: Dampflokomotive]
steam locomotive Dampflok {f} [kurz für: Dampflokomotive]
steam locomotive Dampflokomotive {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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