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steady windunveränderlicher Wind {m}
Steady! Ruhig Blut!
Steady! Sachte! [ugs.]
(steady) flow process(stationärer) Fließprozess {m}
steadycamSteadycam {f}
steady-going gleichmäßig
steadyingzur Ruhe bringend
steadying sailStützsegel {n}
steady-state stationär
steady-state behavior [Am.] Gleichgewichtsverhalten {n}
steady-state behaviour [Br.] Gleichgewichtsverhalten {n}
steady-state condition Gleichgewichtszustand {m}
steady-state conditionBeharrungszustand {m}
steady-state free precession sequence <SSFP sequence> SSFP-Sequenz {f}
steady-state noise Dauergeräusch {n}
steady-state oscillation stationäre Schwingung {f}
steady-state responsestationäres Verhalten {n}
steady-state speed [angular velocity]Beharrungsdrehzahl {f}
steady-state value Beharrungswert {m}
Steagall Glacier Steagall-Gletscher {m}
steakBeefsteak {n}
steak Steak {n}
steak Fleischschnitte {f}
steak and kidney pie Steak and Kidney Pie {f} [Rindfleisch-Nieren-Pastete]
steak and kidney pudding Rindfleisch-Nieren-Pudding {m}
steak au poivre Pfeffersteak {n}
steak dinner Steak Dinner {n}
steak fork Steakgabel {f}
steak frites Steak {n} mit Pommes frites
steak hammerFleischklopfer {m}
steak houseSteakhaus {n}
steak knife Steakmesser {n}
steak knives Steakmesser {pl}
steak sauceSteaksoße {f}
steak setSteakbesteck {n}
steak tartareTatarbeefsteak {n}
steak tartare Tatar {n}
steak tartareHackepeter {m} [hier für: Tatarbeefsteak] [bes. nordd., regional]
[steak tartare] Tartar {n} [FALSCH für: Tatar]
steakerFleischzartmacher {m} [Steaker]
steakhouseSteakhaus {n}
steakhouse syndrome Steakhousesyndrom {n} [auch: Steakhouse-Syndrom]
steakletSteaklet {n}
steal [sl.] Schnäppchen {n} [ugs.] [günstiges Angebot]
steal effectSteal-Effekt {m} [bei Anzapfsyndrom]
steal syndrome <SS>Anzapfsyndrom {n}
steal syndrome <SS> Stealsyndrom {n} [auch: Steal-Syndrom]
stealer Dieb {m}
stealing stehlend
stealing Diebstahl {m}
stealingStehlen {n}
stealingEntwendung {f} [Diebstahl]
stealing away (sich) davonschleichend
stealing by finding [Br.] [Aus.]Fundunterschlagung {f}
stealing from bestehlend
stealing from (one's ) comrades [delict in German Armed Forces] Kameradendiebstahl {m} [Straftatbestand in deutschen Streitkräften]
stealth Heimlichkeit {f}
stealth Schläue {f}
stealth List {f}
stealth aircraftTarnkappenflugzeug {n}
stealth aircraft Stealthflugzeug {n}
stealth airplane [Am.]Tarnkappenflugzeug {n}
stealth boat Tarnkappenboot {n}
stealth bomber Tarnkappenbomber {m}
stealth bomberStealthbomber {m} [auch: Stealth-Bomber] [ugs.]
stealth characteristic Tarnkappeneigenschaft {f}
stealth characteristics Tarnkappeneigenschaften {pl}
stealth droneTarnkappendrohne {f}
stealth feature Tarnkappeneigenschaft {f}
stealth features Tarnkappeneigenschaften {pl}
stealth fighter Tarnkappenjäger {m}
stealth fighter jetTarnkappen-Kampfjet {m}
stealth gameSchleich-Shooter {m}
stealth gear Tarnausrüstung {f}
stealth helicopter Tarnkappenhubschrauber {m}
stealth helicopter Tarnkappenhelikopter {m}
stealth jetTarnkappenjet {m}
stealth plane [coll.]Tarnkappenflugzeug {n}
stealth radar Stealth-Radar {n} [Rauschradar]
stealth radarTarnkappenradar {n} [Stealth-Radar]
stealth ship Tarnkappenschiff {n}
stealth SMS stille SMS {f}
stealth tax verdeckte Steuer {f}
stealth taxversteckte Steuer {f}
stealth taxes [Br.] versteckte Steuern {pl}
stealth technology Tarnkappentechnik {f}
stealthiestam verstohlensten
stealthily heimlich
stealthily verstohlen
stealthily [like a thief in the night] bei Nacht und Nebel [fig.]
stealthinessHeimlichkeit {f}
stealthiness Verstohlenheit {f}
stealthing [non-consensual condom removal]Stealthing {n} [heimliches Abziehen des Kondoms]
stealthy heimlich
stealthy schleichend
« statstatstaystaysteasteasteasteasteasteastee »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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