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steel coating Stahlbeschichtung {f}
steel coatingStahlauflage {f} [dünne Schutzschicht]
steel coilStahlcoil {m}
steel coil Stahlrolle {f} [für Seile, Taue]
steel coil Stahlspule {f} [Wickelkörper]
steel coil Stahlring {m} [Wickelkörper]
steel collarStahlhülse {f} [an Maschine]
steel collar Stahlring {m} [z. B. Abstandshalter, Stellring]
steel companyStahlunternehmen {n}
steel company Stahlgesellschaft {f}
steel compasses Eisenzirkel {m}
steel concernStahlkonzern {m}
steel conduit [for protection of power cable]Panzerrohr {n}
steel conduit clamp Stahlrohrschelle {f}
steel conduit clampStahlschelle {f} [Rohrschelle]
steel conduit clip Stahlschelle {f} [Rohrschelle]
steel conduit clip Stahlrohrschelle {f}
steel conduit (pipe) thread Stahlpanzerrohrgewinde {n}
steel coneStahlkegel {m}
steel construction Stahlbau {m}
steel construction Stahlkonstruktion {f}
steel construction fitter Stahlbauschlosser {m}
steel construction workerStahlbauarbeiter {m}
steel construction worker [female]Stahlbauarbeiterin {f}
steel constructionsStahlbauten {pl}
steel container Stahlblech-Zellenkasten {m} [Batterie]
steel containerStahlblechzellenkasten {m} [Batterie]
steel containerStahlcontainer {m}
steel containerStahlbehälter {m} [rundum geschlossen, meist zum Transport]
steel containment Stahlsicherheitshülle {f}
steel containment Stahlhülle {f} [große Sicherheitshülle einer Anlage]
steel cord Stahlkord {m}
steel cord Stahlcord {m} [Reifen]
steel cord Stahlcordseil {n} [Reifen]
steel cord fabricStahlcordbahn {f} [Reifen]
steel cord fabric Stahlcordgewebe {n} [Reifen]
steel cord tyre [Br.] Stahlkordreifen {m}
steel coreStahlkern {m}
steel core Stahlseele {f}
steel cornice Stahlkranz {m} [Vorsprung, z. B. an Fassade]
steel corniceStahlsims {m} {n}
steel corporation Stahlgesellschaft {f}
steel cotter pin [Am.]Stahlsplint {m}
steel (coupling) sleeveStahlmuffe {f} [zum Zusammenkuppeln von Rohren, Täben etc.]
steel cover Stahlhülle {f} [Abdeckung]
steel coverStahlummantelung {f} [Abdeckung]
steel coveringStahlummantelung {f} [Abdeckung]
steel cramp Stahlklammer {f}
steel cramp Stahlkrampe {f}
steel crampStahlkrampen {m} [österr.]
steel crisisStahlkrise {f}
steel cross Stahlkreuz {n}
steel cross arm Stahlausleger {m} [Mast]
steel cubeStahlwürfel {m}
steel cut out section Stahlschneide {f} [Bohrtechnik]
steel cut out sections Stahlschneiden {pl} [Bohrtechnik]
steel cutleryStahlbesteck {n}
steel cutting Stahlzerspanung {f}
steel cutting wheel Stahlrädchen {n} [Glasschneider]
steel cylinder Stahlflasche {f}
steel cylinderStahlrolle {f} [eines Lagers]
steel cylinderStahlzylinder {m}
steel damper (door) Stahlklappe {f} [in Luftkanal]
steel deck Stahldeck {n}
steel degassing Stahlentgasung {f}
steel denturesStahlgebiss {n}
steel derrick Stahlausleger {m} [Schiff]
steel design Stahlausführung {f}
steel desk Stahlschreibtisch {m}
steel die Stahlform {f}
steel discStahllamelle {f}
steel disc [Br.] Stahlscheibe {f}
steel disk [Am.] Stahlscheibe {f}
steel (disk) wheelStahlrad {n}
steel (disk) wheel Stahlscheibenrad {n}
steel (disk) wheel Stahl-Scheibenrad {n}
steel distributionStahlvertrieb {m}
steel distributor (roller) Stahlreiber {m} [Druckmaschine]
steel dog Stahlklaue {f}
steel doorStahltür {f}
steel door Stahltüre {f} [veraltend geh. od. regional]
steel door Stahlklappe {f} [Tür]
steel door frame Stahltürzarge {f}
steel door frameStahlzarge {f}
steel drill Stahlbohrer {m}
steel (drill) bitStahlbohrer {m}
steel drumStahltrommel {f}
steel drum Steeldrum {f}
steel drum Steel Drum {f}
steel dust Stahlstaub {m}
steel edge Stahlkante {f}
steel electrode Stahlelektrode {f}
steel encasement Stahlumhüllung {f}
steel encasementStahlummantelung {f}
steel encasement Stahlhülle {f} [Ummantelung]
steel enclosure Stahlkapsel {f} [dichtes, widerstandsfähiges Gehäuse]
steel enclosure Stahlhülle {f} [völlig abgeschlossen]
steel engraverStahlstecher {m}
steel engraving Stahlstich {m}
steel engraving Siderographie {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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