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stencil machine Abziehapparat {m} [ugs. für Vervielfältigungsgerät (mittels Matrize, Schablone)]
stencil print Schablonendruck {m} [Produkt]
stencil printing Schablonendruck {m}
stenciled [Am.] schabloniert
stenciled [Am.]schablonenbeschriftet
stenciled [Am.] mit Schablone gemalt
stenciled lettering [Am.]Schablonenschrift {f}
stenciling [Am.]schablonierend
stencilled [Br.]mit Schablone gemalt
stencilled [Br.] schabloniert
stencilled [Br.] schablonenbeschriftet
stencilled lettering [Br.]Schablonenschrift {f}
stenciller Schablonenmaler {m}
stencillingMaskentechnik {f}
stencilling [Br.] schablonierend
stencilsSchablonen {pl}
Stendhal syndromeStendhal-Syndrom {n}
Stendhal's syndromeStendhal-Syndrom {n}
Stener lesion Stener-Läsion {f}
Stenger test Stenger-Versuch {m}
stenhuggarite [Ca4Fe4 [(AsSbO5)4|(As4O8)]] Stenhuggarit {m}
Stenian Stenium {n}
stenobiontic stenobiont
stenocardiaStenokardie {f}
stenocardia Präkordialangst {f}
stenocardia Brustbeklemmung {f}
stenocephaliaStenozephalie {f}
stenocephaly Stenozephalie {f}
stenocephaly Stenocephalie {f}
stenochronic stenochron
stenogastric stenogastrisch
stenogastrous stenogastrisch
stenogastryStenogastrie {f}
stenoglossan stenogloss
stenograph Stenogramm {n}
stenographerStenograph {m}
stenographer Stenograf {m}
stenographer [Br.] [court clerk]Gerichtsschreiber {m} [veraltet] [auch ugs.] [Protokollführer, Gerichts-Stenograph]
stenographer [female] Stenographin {f}
stenographer [female] Stenografin {f}
stenographer [Ips sexdentatus]Zwölfzähniger Kiefernborkenkäfer {m}
stenographers Stenographen {pl}
stenographic stenographisch
stenographic stenografisch
stenographic protocol stenographisches Protokoll {n}
stenographical stenographisch
stenographical stenografisch
stenography Kurzschrift {f}
stenographyStenografie {f}
stenographyStenographie {f}
stenohaline stenohalin
stenomask Stenomaske {f}
stenonite [(Sr,Ba,Na)2Al(CO3)F5] Stenonit {m}
stenopaeic [Br.] Schlitz-
stenopaeic glasses {pl} [Br.]Schlitzbrille {f}
stenopaeic glasses {pl} [Br.]stenopäische Brille {f}
stenopaeic glasses {pl} [Br.] Spaltbrille {f}
stenopaeic spectacles {pl} [Br.]Spaltbrille {f}
stenopaeic spectacles {pl} [Br.]stenopäische Brille {f}
stenopaeic spectacles {pl} [Br.]Schlitzbrille {f}
stenopeic [Am.] Schlitz-
stenopeic [pertaining to a slit] geschlitzt [z. B. optische Systeme]
stenopeic glasses {pl} [Am.]Schlitzbrille {f}
stenopeic glasses {pl} [Am.] stenopäische Brille {f}
stenopeic glasses {pl} [Am.]Spaltbrille {f}
stenopeic spectacles {pl} [Am.] stenopäische Brille {f}
stenopeic spectacles {pl} [Am.] Spaltbrille {f}
stenopeic spectacles {pl} [Am.]Schlitzbrille {f}
stenophagic stenophag
stenophagous stenophag
stenopids [Stenopodidae] Scherengarnelen {pl}
stenoplastic stenoplastisch
stenopotent stenopotent
stenopterous schmalflügelig
Stenopterus rufus [species of round-necked longhorn beetle] Braunrötlicher Spitzdeckenbock {m} [Bockkäferart]
stenoses Stenosen {pl}
stenosing stenosierend
stenosis Stenose {f}
stenosis of the ear canal Gehörgangsstenose {f}
stenosis of the vena cava Hohlvenenverengung {f}
stenosis of (the) bladder neckBlasenhalsstenose {f}
stenospermocarpy Stenospermokarpie {f}
steno-telegraphStenotelegraf {m}
stenothermous stenotherm
stenothyrids [family Stenothyridae] Mangrovenschnecken {pl}
stenotic stenotisch
stenotic naresstenotische Nasenlöcher {pl}
stenotopic stenotopisch
stenotypist Stenotypist {m}
stenotypist [female]Stenotypistin {f}
stenotypy Stenotypie {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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