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stick of gumKaugummistreifen {m}
stick of make-up Schminkstift {m}
stick of rock [Br.]Zuckerstange {f}
stick of shaving soap Stück {n} Rasierseife
stick person Strichmännchen {n}
stick pinAnstecknadel {f}
stick printer Stabdrucker {m}
stick puppet Stockpuppe {f}
stick shift [Am.](manuelle) Gangschaltung {f}
stick shift [Am.] Schaltknüppel {m}
stick shift [Am.]Schalthebel {m}
stick shift [Am.]Ganghebel {m}
stick shift [manual transmission]Knüppelschaltung {f}
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. [idiom] Da beißt die Maus keinen Faden ab. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
stick thin spindeldürr
Stick to facts. Seien Sie sachlich.
Stick to facts!Bleiben Sie sachlich! [formelle Anrede]
Stick to the point!Bleiben Sie bei der Sache!
Stick to your principles.Bleib deinen Grundsätzen / Prinzipien treu.
stick welding Lichtbogenhandschweißen {n}
Stick with him. [e.g. His uncle is stinking rich. Stick with him.]Halt dich an ihn. [z. B. Sein Onkel ist steinreich. Halt dich an ihn.]
stick zithersMusikstäbe {pl}
[stick used in a game of "Mikado" or "pick-up sticks"] Mikadostäbchen {n}
stick-at-nothing vor nichts zurückschreckend
stickball [Am.] [baseballähnliches Ballspiel]
sticker Aufkleber {m}
stickerharte Nuss {f}
sticker Klebezettel {m}
stickerLadenhüter {m}
stickerAufklebezettel {m}
sticker Klebeetikett {n}
sticker Klebeschild {n}
sticker Pickerl {n} [österr.] [Aufkleber]
stickerKleber {m} [Aufkleber]
sticker Pick {m} [österr.] [ugs.]
sticker Sticker {m}
sticker [Am.] angeklebter Strafzettel {m}
sticker [Am.]Knöllchen {n}
sticker [coll.] [person] zu lange bleibender Gast {m}
sticker [guest]Hocker {m} [Gast, der endlos sitzen bleibt]
sticker [in a slaughterhouse]Schlächter {m}
sticker [knife] Schlachtmesser {n}
sticker [label]Etikett {n}
sticker [person] zäher Kerl {m}
sticker album Stickeralbum {n}
sticker album Sammelalbum {n}
sticker albums Stickeralben {pl}
sticker on boot Plakette {f} am Heck
sticker price [fig.] [official price, as opposed to factual net / negotiated price] offizieller Preis {m}
sticker price [fig.] [official price, as opposed to factual net / negotiated price] nomineller Preis {m}
sticker price [price as shown on the sticker] Verkaufspreis {m} [auf der Ware ausgezeichnet]
sticker seal Siegeletikett {n}
sticker sealSiegeletikette {f} [österr.] [schweiz.]
sticker shock [Am.]Preisschock {m} [beim Verbraucher]
[sticker used to seal opened mail] Zukleber {m}
stickered beklebt
stickers Aufkleber {pl}
stick-figure Strichmännchen {n}
stick-fixed static margin Stabilitätsreserve {f} bei festem Ruder [Flugmechanik]
stickgun Stockgewehr {n}
stickier klebriger
stickiest klebrigste
stickily klebrig
stickiness Klebrigkeit {f}
stickinessSchwüle {f}
stickinessUnnachgiebigkeit {f}
sticking klebend
sticking Sticking {n} [Schlagzeugtechnik]
sticking [cutting an animal's throat with a sharp knife] Abstechen {n} [z. B. Schwein]
sticking [on percussion instruments] Schlägelführung {f}
sticking contact klebender Kontakt {m}
sticking gas pedal klemmendes Gaspedal {n}
sticking gas pedals klemmende Gaspedale {pl}
sticking onanklebend
sticking plaster Pflaster {n} [Wundpflaster]
sticking plaster Heftpflaster {n}
sticking plaster [Br.]Klebepflaster {n}
sticking plaster [containing zinc oxide] Leukoplast ® {n}
sticking pointStreitfrage {f}
sticking point Klebetemperatur {f}
sticking pointHaftgrenze {f}
sticking point [fig.] Stolperstein {m} [fig.]
sticking point [fig.] Knackpunkt {m} [ugs.] [fig.]
sticking probability [in nuclear collision theory]Haftwahrscheinlichkeit {f}
sticking together verklebend
(sticking-) plasterWundpflaster {n}
stick-in-the-mud Rückschrittler {m}
stick-in-the-mud [Am.]Spielverderber {m}
stick-in-the-mud [coll.] [also: stick in the mud] Langweiler {m}
stick-in-the-mud [coll.] [pej.] Muffel {m} [ugs.] [z. B. Kulturmuffel]
stick-in-the-mud [coll.] [pej.] [person lacking initiative or enthusiasm] Schlaftablette {f} [fig.] [ugs.] [pej.] [jd., dem es an Schwung fehlt]
stick-in-the-mud [coll.] [pej.] [person who resists change] Ewiggestriger {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
Stickland reaction Stickland-Reaktion {f}
sticklebackStichling {m}
stickleback speciesStichlingsart {f}
sticklebacks [family Gasterosteidae] Stichlinge {pl}
sticklebacks [family Gasterosteidae]Gasterosteiden {pl}
stickler Verfechter {m}
sticklerkleinlicher Eiferer {m}
« sth.sth.sth.sth.sth.sticsticsticsticstifstif »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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