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stingingly stechend
stingless beestachellose Biene {f}
stingless nettle [Urtica dioica subsp. pubescens, syn.: Urtica dioica subsp. galeopsifolia, Urtica galeopsifolia] Hohlzahnblättrige Brennnessel {f}
stingo [Br.] [sl.] starkes Bier {n}
sting-rayStachelrochen {m}
stingray [family Dasyatidae] Stechrochen {m}
stingray [genus Dasyatis] Stachelrochen {m}
stingray leather Stachelrochenleder {n}
Stingray Nebula [Hen 3-1357]Stingray-Nebel {m}
stingrays [family Dasyatidae] Stechrochen {pl}
stingray's barbStachel {m} des Rochens
stingy dürftig
stingy karg
stingy knapp
stingy kniestig [geizig] [regional]
stingy [coll.] geizig
stingy [coll.] knickerig [ugs.]
stingy [coll.]knauserig [ugs.] [pej.]
stingy [coll.] zach [regional] [geizig, knauserig]
stingy [coll.] knickrig [ugs.] [pej.]
stingy [having a sting, aculeate] einen Stachel besitzend
stingy [scanty, insufficient] mager [dürftig, unzulänglich]
stingy [stinging, painful] brennend [stechend, beißend]
stinkGestank {m}
stinkübler Geruch {m}
stink Mief {m} [ugs.] [Gestank]
stink [scandal]Skandal {m}
stink badgers [genus Mydaus, family Mephitidae] Stinkdachse {pl}
stink bean [Parkia speciosa] Gestankbohne {f}
stink bean [Parkia speciosa] Verdrehte Blockbohne {f}
stink bomb Stinkbombe {f}
stink bombsStinkbomben {pl}
stink bug Stinkwanze {f}
stink bug [Halyomorpha halys] Marmorierte Baumwanze {f}
stink bug [Halyomorpha halys] [brown marmorated stink bug]Stinkkäfer {m} [ugs.] [Marmorierte Baumwanze]
stink bugs [family Pentatomidae]Baumwanzen {pl}
stink ear [coll.] [rare] [Otitis externa (diffusa)] [swimmer's ear]Schwimmerohr {n} [Otomykose, Otitis externa]
stink eye [Am.] [coll.] empörter Blick {m}
stink grass [Eragrostis cilianensis, syn.: E. major, Poa cilianensis]Großes Liebesgras {n}
stink grass [Eragrostis cilianensis, syn.: E. major, Poa cilianensis]Großähriges Liebesgras {n}
stink lily [Dracunculus vulgaris] Gemeine Drachenwurz {f}
stink lily [Dracunculus vulgaris]Schlangenwurz {f}
stink lovegrass / love grass [Eragrostis cilianensis, syn.: E. major, Poa cilianensis]Großes Liebesgras {n}
stink lovegrass / love grass [Eragrostis cilianensis, syn.: E. major, Poa cilianensis] Großähriges Liebesgras {n}
stink poke [Phallogaster saccatus] Stinkende Gallertnuss {f}
stink poke [Phallogaster saccatus]Stinkbovist {m}
stink poke [Phallogaster saccatus]Beutelförmige Gallertnuss {f}
stink poke [Phallogaster saccatus]Bovistförmiger Stinksack {m}
stink poke [Phallogaster saccatus]Stinkender Sackbovist {m}
stink trap Geruchsverschluss {m} [Sanitärtechnik]
stink trap [coll.] Geruchsverschluss {m} [WC]
stink tree [Ailanthus altissima, syn.: A. glandulosa / glandulosus, A. peregrina, A. rhodoptera, Ailantus rhodoptera, Toxicodendron altissimum] [tree of heaven]Götterbaum {m}
stinkbird [Opisthocomus hoazin]Hoatzin {m}
stinkbird [Opisthocomus hoazin] Schopfhuhn {n}
stinkbird [Opisthocomus hoazin]Zigeunerhuhn {n}
stinkbird [Opisthocomus hoazin] Stinkvogel {m}
stinker Stinker {m}
stinker abscheuliche Person {f}
stinkerbeleidigender Brief {m}
stinkerWiderlichkeit {f}
stinker [coll.] [very unpleasant person] Ekel {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
stinker [esp. Am.] [coll.] [pej.] [very unpleasant person]Stinkstiefel {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [sehr unangenehmer Mensch]
stinker [Macronectes giganteus](Südlicher) Riesensturmvogel {m}
stinker [person]Stinktier {n} [pej. für eine Person]
stinker [person] [coll.]Fiesling {m} [ugs.]
stinker sponge [Sarcotragus fasciculatus, syn.: Hircinia fasciculata, Ircinia fascicularis, I. fasciculata, Spongia fasciculata] Krustenlederschwamm {m}
stinkers Stinker {pl}
stinkhorn [genus Phallus] Stinkmorchel {f}
stinkhorns [family Clathraceae] Gitterlingsverwandte {pl}
stinkier widerlicher
stinkiest widerlichste
stinkin' drunk [coll.] stinkbesoffen [ugs.]
stinking stinkend
stinking amanita [Amanita phalloides] Grüner Gift-Wulstling {m}
stinking amanita [Amanita phalloides] Grüner Knollenblätterpilz {m}
stinking ash [Acer negundo, syn.: Negundo aceroides, N. fraxinifolia] [box elder]Eschenahorn / Eschen-Ahorn {m}
stinking Benjamin [Trillium erectum]Aufrechte Waldlilie {f}
stinking Benjamin [Trillium erectum] Braunrote Dreizipfellilie {f}
stinking Benjamin [Trillium erectum] Aufrechtes Dreiblatt {n}
stinking cassia [Senna tora, syn.: Cassia tora, Emelista tora] Gemüsekassie / Gemüse-Kassie {f}
stinking cedar [Ailanthus altissima, syn.: A. glandulosa / glandulosus, A. peregrina, A. rhodoptera, Ailantus rhodoptera, Toxicodendron altissimum] [tree-of-heaven] Götterbaum {m}
stinking cedar [Br.] [Torreya californica] [California nutmeg] Kalifornische Stinkeibe {f}
stinking cedar [Br.] [Torreya californica] [California nutmeg] Kalifornische Nusseibe {f}
stinking cedar [Torreya taxifolia] Eibenblättrige Nusseibe {f}
stinking cedar [Torreya taxifolia]Florida-Nusseibe {f}
stinking cedar [Torreya taxifolia] Eibenblättrige Torreya {f}
stinking chamomile [Anthemis cotula, syn.: A. foetida] Stink-Hundskamille {f}
stinking cicutary [Molopospermum peloponnesiacum] Peloponnesische Schirmdolde {f}
stinking cicutary [Molopospermum peloponnesiacum]Striemendolde {f}
stinking cicutary [Molopospermum peloponnesiacum](Südalpiner) Striemensame {m}
stinking clover [Cleomella serrulata, syn.: Cleome integrifolia, C. serrulata, Peritoma serrulatum]Rocky-Mountain-Spinnenblume {f}
stinking dapperling [Lepiota cristata]Stink-Schirmling {m} [auch: Stinkschirmling]
stinking dapperling [Lepiota cristata] Kamm-Schirmling {m} [auch: Kammschirmling]
stinking drunk [coll.]stinkbesoffen [ugs.]
stinking drunk [esp. Am.] [coll.] sturzbesoffen [ugs.] [derb]
stinking elder [Sambucus racemosa] Roter Holunder {m}
stinking elder [Sambucus racemosa]Berg-Holunder / Bergholunder {m}
stinking elder [Sambucus racemosa]Trauben-Holunder / Traubenholunder {m}
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