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stock Sud {m} [bes. von Fleisch, für Suppe]
stockBouillon {f}
stock Stock {m} [Rosen, Wein]
stock Standard-
stockFamilie {f} [Sprachfamilie]
stockHalsbinde {f}
stock Stock {m} [Bestand an Waren]
stock {sg}Aktien {pl}
stock {sg}Bestandsmassen {pl}
stock {sg} [goods in stock] Bestände {pl}
stock {sg} in tradeBetriebsmittel {pl}
stock [fig.] [trite, unoriginal] abgedroschen [ugs.]
stock [archaic] [dull, stupid person] Langweiler {m} [ugs.]
stock [as the basis for a soup]Brühe {f} [als Suppengrundlage]
stock [Bavarian curling]Stock {m} [Stockschießen]
stock [broth e.g. for soup] Fond {m} [Brühe z. B. für eine Suppe]
stock [descent] Herkunft {f} [familiär]
stock [fond](eingedickter) Fleischsud {m} [Fond]
stock [for grafting onto] Wildling {m}
stock [for grafting onto] Unterlage {f}
stock [gun]Schaft {m} [Gewehr]
stock [handle] Griff {m} [eines Werkzeugs etc.]
stock [inventory] Bestand {m}
stock [kind of people]Schlag {m} [Menschenschlag, Menschentyp]
stock [knowledge, experience]Fundus {m} [geistiger Grundstock]
stock [livestock]Viehbestand {m}
stock [livestock]Vieh {n}
stock [Matthiola incana] Levkoje {f}
stock [of a gun] Kolben {m} [Gewehrkolben]
stock [of a gun]Schulterstütze {f} [Gewehr]
stock [of a tree] Baumstumpf {m}
stock [of an actor, singer] Repertoire {n}
stock [pedigree] Stammbaum {m}
stock [person]verstockte Person {f}
stock [reputation] Ansehen {n}
stock [roots, descent]Abstammung {f}
stock [Solitaire]Lagerstapel {m}
stock [Solitaire]Ausgangsstoß {m}
stock [supply] Vorrat {m}
stock [tribe, race, also of a tree] Stamm {m} [Volksstamm etc., auch Baumstamm]
stock account Kapitalkonto {n}
stock account Lagerkonto {n}
stock accounting Lagerbuchhaltung {f}
stock accumulation Vorratsaufstockung {f}
stock allotmentAktienzuteilung {f}
stock analysisAktien-Analyse {f}
stock and share business Effektengeschäft {n}
stock answer Standardantwort {f}
stock argument Standardargument {n}
stock article Standardartikel {m}
stock assessment Bewertung {f} des Lagerbestands
stock blenderStockblender {m} [Hilfswalzen an einem Walzenmischer]
stock bookAktionärsverzeichnis {n}
stock book Effektenbuch {n}
stock bookLagerbuch {n}
stock book [esp. Am.] Aktienbuch {n}
stock boomBörsenhausse {f}
stock boy Regalauffüller {m}
stock boy [Am.] Regalbetreuer {m}
stock breeding Viehzucht {f}
stock broker Börsenmakler {m}
stock brokerBörsianer {m} [Makler]
stock broker [female]Börsianerin {f} [Maklerin]
stock brokersBörsenmakler {pl}
stock brokingWertpapierhandel {m}
stock bubbleBörsenschwindel {m}
stock bubbling Börsenschwindel {m}
stock building Lagerbildung {f}
stock bull Zuchtbulle {m}
stock bulls Zuchtbullen {pl}
stock capital Aktienkapital {n}
stock carStockcar {m} {n}
stock car [Am.] [Can.] Viehwagen {m}
stock car racingStockcarrennen {n} [als Sportart]
stock cellStammzelle {f} [Akkumulator]
stock certificate Aktienzertifikat {n}
stock certificateStammaktienzertifikat {n}
stock certificate [Am.] Anteilschein {m}
stock change Veränderung {f} des Lagerbestands
stock characterStandardrolle {f}
stock character Typus {m}
stock chart Aktienkurve {f}
stock chartAktienchart {m}
stock class Aktiengattung {f}
stock clearance Abbau {m} von Lagerbeständen
stock clerkLagerverwalter {m}
stock clerkRegalauffüller {m}
stock clerk [female]Regalauffüllerin {f}
stock color [Am.]Standardfarbe {f}
stock color [Am.] Schaftfarbe {f}
stock colour [Br.] Schaftfarbe {f}
stock company Aktiengesellschaft {f} <AG>
stock conservation Bestandserhaltung {f}
stock conservation measureBestandserhaltungsmaßnahme {f}
stock control Lagerbestandskontrolle {f}
stock controlBestandskontrolle {f}
stock control Bestandsüberwachung {f}
stock controlLagerkontrolle {f}
stock control Lagerüberwachung {f}
stock corporation Aktiengesellschaft {f} <AG>
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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