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stock keeping unit <SKU> [also: stock-keeping unit] Bestandseinheit {f} [lagergeführter / lagerhaltiger Artikel]
stock keeping unit <SKU> [also: stock-keeping unit] [inventory management, supply chain management] Artikelposition {f} [Warenbestandseinheit] [Bestandsmanagement, Supply Chain Management]
stock ledger [Am.] [share ledger] Aktienbuch {n}
stock length Lagerlänge {f}
stock levels Lagerbestände {pl}
stock listArtikelstamm {m}
stock list Börsenbericht {m}
stock list Börsenzettel {m}
stock listKurszettel {m}
stock listLagerliste {f}
stock list Stückliste {f}
stock listWarenbestandsliste {f}
stock listBestandsliste {f}
stock listsBörsenzettel {pl}
stock management Lagerverwaltung {f}
stock management [esp. Br.] Lagerbestandsführung {f}
stock management software Lagerverwaltungssoftware / Lagerverwaltungs-Software {f}
stock manipulationAktienmanipulation {f}
stock market Aktienmarkt {m}
stock marketEffektenmarkt {m}
stock market Wertpapiermarkt {m}
stock marketBörse {f}
stock marketWertpapierbörse {f}
stock market Börsenwesen {n}
stock market boom Börsenboom {m}
stock market bubbleSpekulationsblase {f} [Aktienmarkt]
stock market bubble [fig.] Aktienmarktblase {f} [fig.]
stock market crash Börsensturz {m}
stock market crashBörsenkrach {m}
stock market crashBörsencrash {m}
stock market crash Kurssturz {m}
stock market crash Aktiensturz {m} [Börsencrash]
stock market expert Börsenexperte {m}
stock market fees Börsengebühren {pl}
stock market gains Börsengewinne {pl}
stock market launch Börsengang {m} [eines Unternehmens]
stock market launchBörseneinführung {f} [eines Unternehmens]
stock market listing Börsennotiz {f}
stock market price Börsenkurs {m}
stock market quotationsBörsennotierungen {pl}
stock market report Börsenbericht {m}
stock market report Kursblatt {n}
stock market return Kursgewinn {m}
stock market rout Börseneinbruch {m}
stock market sentimentStimmung {f} am Aktienmarkt
stock market slide Kursrutsch {m}
stock market supervision Börsenaufsichtsbehörde {f}
stock market term for investors Börsenbegriff {m} für Investoren
stock market term for issuers Börsenbegriff {m} für Anleger
stock market transaction Börsengeschäft {n}
stock market trend Börsentrend {m}
stock market valuationBörsenbewertung {f}
stock market valuationBörsennotierung {f}
stock market value Börsenwert {m}
stock market volatility Aktienmarkt-Volatilität {f}
stock (market) speculationBörsenspekulation {f}
stock material info record Infosatz {m} für Lagermaterial
stock numberLagernummer {f}
stock of Vorrat {m} an
stock of a company Aktienschuld {f} einer Gesellschaft
stock of a tree Stamm {m} eines Baumes
stock of bills of exchange Wechselbestand {m}
stock of books Buchbestand {m}
stock of commissioned goods Komissionswarenlager {n}
stock of conceptions Begriffsschatz {m}
stock of finished goods Fertigwarenlager {n}
stock of finished productsFertigwarenbestand {m}
stock of gameWildstand {m}
stock of goodsWarenvorrat {m}
stock of herringHeringsbestand {m}
stock of informationBestand {m} an Information
stock of instruments of payment Zahlungsmittelbestand {m}
stock of inventory Lagerbestand {m}
stock of knowledge Wissensschatz {m}
stock of materialsMaterialbestand {m}
stock of merchandise Warenlager {n}
stock of old buildingsAltbaubestand {m}
stock of products Warenbestand {m}
stock of provisionsVorratslager {n}
stock of raw materials Rohmaterialbestand {m}
stock of regular readers Leserstamm {m}
stock of securitiesWertpapierbestand {m}
stock of semi-finished productsHalbfertigwarenbestand {m}
stock of shares Aktienbestand {m}
stock of spare parts Ersatzteilhaltung {f}
stock of trees Baumbestand {m}
stock of unfinished products Bestand {m} an unfertigen Waren
stock of wineWeinlager {n}
stock of winesWeinlager {n}
stock of words Bestand {m} an Worten
(stock of) shares pending registration of transfer Dispobestand {m} [Aktien]
stock on commission Konsignationsware {f}
stock on handWarenbestand {m}
stock on loan Ausleihbestand {m}
stock on order Bestellbestand {m}
stock optionAktienoption {f}
stock option Aktienbezugsrecht {n}
stock option plan <SOP> Aktienoptionsplan {m} [für Management, Mitarbeiter]
stock optionsAktienanteile {pl}
stock order Lagerbestellung {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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