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stock fraud Aktienbetrug {m}
stock girlRegalauffüllerin {f}
stock grid [Aus.] Viehgitter {n} [bodengleiche Viehsperre]
stock guide Wertpapierführer {m}
stock holder Aktionär {m}
Stock im Eisen [Viennese legend] Stock im Eisen [Wiener Sage]
stock image Archivbild {n}
stock in handWarenbestand {m}
stock in tradeWarenbestand {m}
stock index Aktienindex {m}
stock index Aktienkurve {f}
stock index futuresAktienindex Futures {pl}
stock investment Kapitalanlage {f}
stock issue Aktienausgabe {f}
stock issue Aktienemission {f}
stock issue discount Aktienemissionsdisagio {n}
stock item Lagerteil {n}
stock item entry Lagerbuchung {f}
stock jobberBörsenspekulant {m}
stock jobber Börsenhändler {m}
stock jobber [female] Börsenspekulantin {f}
stock jobbers Börsenspekulanten {pl}
stock jobbing Börsenhandel {m}
stock joke Standardscherz {m}
stock jokeStandardwitz {m}
stock keepingLagerhaltung {f}
stock keeping unit <SKU> Sorte {f} <SKU> [Logistik, Verpackung]
stock keeping unit <SKU> [also: stock-keeping unit] Bestandseinheit {f} [lagergeführter / lagerhaltiger Artikel]
stock keeping unit <SKU> [also: stock-keeping unit] [inventory management, supply chain management] Artikelposition {f} [Warenbestandseinheit] [Bestandsmanagement, Supply Chain Management]
stock ledger [Am.] [share ledger] Aktienbuch {n}
stock lengthLagerlänge {f}
stock levels Lagerbestände {pl}
stock list Artikelstamm {m}
stock listBörsenbericht {m}
stock list Börsenzettel {m}
stock listKurszettel {m}
stock list Lagerliste {f}
stock listStückliste {f}
stock listWarenbestandsliste {f}
stock list Bestandsliste {f}
stock listsBörsenzettel {pl}
stock management Lagerverwaltung {f}
stock management [esp. Br.]Lagerbestandsführung {f}
stock management software Lagerverwaltungssoftware / Lagerverwaltungs-Software {f}
stock manipulation Aktienmanipulation {f}
stock market Aktienmarkt {m}
stock market Effektenmarkt {m}
stock market Wertpapiermarkt {m}
stock marketBörse {f}
stock marketWertpapierbörse {f}
stock market Börsenwesen {n}
stock market boom Börsenboom {m}
stock market bubble Spekulationsblase {f} [Aktienmarkt]
stock market bubble [fig.] Aktienmarktblase {f} [fig.]
stock market crash Börsensturz {m}
stock market crash Börsenkrach {m}
stock market crashBörsencrash {m}
stock market crashKurssturz {m}
stock market crashAktiensturz {m} [Börsencrash]
stock market expertBörsenexperte {m}
stock market fees Börsengebühren {pl}
stock market gains Börsengewinne {pl}
stock market launchBörsengang {m} [eines Unternehmens]
stock market launch Börseneinführung {f} [eines Unternehmens]
stock market listingBörsennotiz {f}
stock market priceBörsenkurs {m}
stock market quotations Börsennotierungen {pl}
stock market reportBörsenbericht {m}
stock market report Kursblatt {n}
stock market return Kursgewinn {m}
stock market routBörseneinbruch {m}
stock market sentiment Stimmung {f} am Aktienmarkt
stock market slide Kursrutsch {m}
stock market supervision Börsenaufsichtsbehörde {f}
stock market term for investors Börsenbegriff {m} für Investoren
stock market term for issuers Börsenbegriff {m} für Anleger
stock market transaction Börsengeschäft {n}
stock market trend Börsentrend {m}
stock market valuation Börsenbewertung {f}
stock market valuation Börsennotierung {f}
stock market value Börsenwert {m}
stock market volatilityAktienmarkt-Volatilität {f}
stock (market) speculation Börsenspekulation {f}
stock material info recordInfosatz {m} für Lagermaterial
stock number Lagernummer {f}
stock ofVorrat {m} an
stock of a company Aktienschuld {f} einer Gesellschaft
stock of a treeStamm {m} eines Baumes
stock of bills of exchange Wechselbestand {m}
stock of books Buchbestand {m}
stock of commissioned goodsKomissionswarenlager {n}
stock of conceptionsBegriffsschatz {m}
stock of finished goods Fertigwarenlager {n}
stock of finished products Fertigwarenbestand {m}
stock of gameWildstand {m}
stock of goodsWarenvorrat {m}
stock of herringHeringsbestand {m}
stock of information Bestand {m} an Information
stock of instruments of payment Zahlungsmittelbestand {m}
stock of inventoryLagerbestand {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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