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stocktaking Bestandsermittlung {f}
stocktaking of oneself Selbstbesinnung {f}
stockturn Lagerumschlag {m}
stockwhip Viehpeitsche {f} [Hirtenpeitsche]
stockwhipGoaßl {f} [bayer.] [österr.] [Viehpeitsche]
stockwhip Stockwhip {f} [Peitschensport]
stockworkStockwerk {n} [Lagerstättenform]
stockwork Stock {m} [Lagerstättenform]
stockwork Erzstock {m}
stocky untersetzt
stocky [person, animal]gedrungen
stocky cerith [Cerithium litteratum, syn.: C. angustum, C. reticulatum, C. semiferrugineum, Murex literatus]Nadelschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
stocky hawkfish [Cirrhitus pinnulatus] Riesen-Korallenwächter {m}
stocky size [now considered derogatory] untersetzte Größe {f} [Konfektionsgröße]
stockyard Stapelplatz {m}
stockyard Materiallagerplatz {m}
stockyardLagerplatz {m}
stockyard [enclosure for livestock] Viehhof {m}
stockyard [slaughterhouse] Schlachthof {m}
stockyardsStapelplätze {pl}
stodge [Br.] [coll.] [usu. pej.]Pampe {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [schlechtes, meist zerkochtes Essen]
stodged [esp. Br.]vollgestopft [bes. mit Essen]
stodger Stopfer {m}
stodgiestam unverdaulichsten
stodginessUnverdaulichkeit {f}
stodging [Br.] [coll.] [often pej.]sich vollfressend [ugs.] [pej.]
stodgy schwer verdaulich
stodgy [fig.] langweilig
stoep [S.Afr.]Veranda {f}
stogie [Am.] [coll.] [here: any type of cigar]Stumpen {m} [ugs.] [veraltend als: Zigarre allgemein]
stogie smoking [Am.] Stumpenrauchen {n} [ugs.] [hier 'Stumpen' als längere, jedoch preiswerte Zigarre verstanden]
stogyZigarre {f} [meist minderer Qualität]
stoiberite [Cu5V2O10] Stoiberit {m}
stoic Stoiker {m}
stoic stoisch
Stoic Stoiker {m}
stoic [female]Stoikerin {f}
stoic calmstoische Ruhe {f}
stoichedon [epigraphy] Stoichedon {n}
stoichiometric stöchiometrisch
stoichiometrically stöchiometrisch
stoichiometry Stöchiometrie {f}
stoicismStoizismus {m}
stoicism [equanimity, indifference] stoischer Gleichmut {m}
stoicism [equanimity, indifference] stoische Gleichmut {f}
stoicism [equanimity]Gleichmut {m} {f}
stoicsStoiker {pl}
Stoics {pl} [collectively] Stoa {f}
stoked [sl.] hingerissen
stoked [sl.] begeistert
stoked [sl.] [with drugs] high
stokeholdHeizraum {m}
stokeholeSchürloch {n}
Stokell's smelt [Stokellia anisodon] Stokells Stint {m}
Stoke-on-Trent Stoke-on-Trent {n}
stoker Heizer {m}
stokerBeschickungsanlage {f}
stoker-fired furnace Rostfeuerung {f}
stokersHeizer {pl}
Stokes' aster [Stokesia laevis]Kornblumenaster {f}
Stokes boundary layerStokes'sche Grenzschicht {f}
Stokes line Stokes-Linie {f}
Stokes number <St>Stokes-Zahl {f} <St>
Stokes parameters Stokes-Parameter {pl}
Stokes radius Stokesradius {m}
Stokes scattering Stokes-Streuung {f}
Stokes' theoremStokes'scher Integralsatz {m}
Stokes' theoremSatz von Stokes {m}
Stokes vector Stokes-Vektor {m} [auch: Stokesvektor]
stokesia [Stokesia laevis] Kornblumenaster {f}
stokesite [CaSnSi3O9·2H2O] Stokesit {m}
Stokes's sea snake [Astrotia stokesii] Stokes-Schlange {f}
Stokes's sea snakes [genus Astrotia]Stokes-Schlangen {pl}
Stokkem Stockheim {n}
STOL aircraftSTOL-Flugzeug {n}
STOL aircraft Kurzstartflugzeug {n}
stole Stola {f}
stole fees Stolgebühren {pl}
stolen gestohlen
stolen entwendet
stolen [e.g. staff, customers]abgeworben
stolen artRaubkunst {f}
stolen away davongeschlichen
stolen car dealerAutoschieber {m}
stolen from bestohlen
stolen gold Raubgold {n}
stolen goodsHehlerwaren {pl}
stolen goods gestohlene Waren {pl}
stolen goodsHehlerware {f}
stolen goods {pl} Diebesgut {n}
« Stocstocstocstocstocstocstolstomstomstonston »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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