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stone loach [Barbatula barbatula]Bartgrundel {f} [auch {m}]
stone loach [Barbatula barbatula]Grundel {f} [auch {m}] [Bachschmerle, Bartgrundel]
stone loach [Barbatula barbatula] Schmerle {f}
stone loaches [family Nemacheilidae] Bachschmerlen {pl}
stone loaches [family Nemacheilidae]Flussschmerlen {pl}
stone louse [Petrophaga lorioti] Steinlaus {f}
stone lung disease [silicosis] Steinlunge {f} [Silikose]
stone marten [Martes foina]Steinmarder {m}
stone marten [Martes foina]Hausmarder {m}
stone maskSteinmaske {f}
stone mason's hammer Steinmetzhammer {m}
stone masses Steinmassen {pl}
stone mastic asphalt Splittmastixasphalt {m}
stone maul Steinhammer {m}
stone milkcap [Lactarius salmonicolor]Lachsreizker {m}
stone monitor [Varanus baritji] Whites Stachelschwanzwaran {m}
stone monumentSteinmonument {n}
stone monumentsteinernes Monument {n}
stone monumentSteindenkmal {n}
stone monument steinernes Denkmal {n}
stone monuments Steindenkmäler {pl}
stone moroko [Pseudorasbora parva] Blaubandbärbling {m}
stone moroko [Pseudorasbora parva]Blaubandgründling {m}
stone of a date Dattelkern {m} [Kern einer Dattel]
Stone of Scone [originally Scottish] Stein {m} von Scone [Krönungsstein]
stone of the dateDattelkern {m} [Kern der Dattel]
stone of (the) prostate gland Prostatastein {m}
stone operation [lithotomy] Steinoperation {f}
stone orpine [Sedum rupestre, syn.: Sedum reflexum] Felsen-Fetthenne / Felsenfetthenne {f}
stone pagodaSteinpagode {f}
stone parsley [Sison amomum] Würzsilie {f}
stone parsley [Sison amomum]Muskatkraut {n}
stone parsley [Sison amomum] Echte Gewürzdolde {f}
stone partridge [Ptilopachus petrosus] Felsenhenne {f}
stone partridge [Ptilopachus petrosus]Felsenrebhuhn {n}
stone partridge [Ptilopachus petrosus]Felshenne {f}
stone path Steinpfad {m}
stone patientSteinpatient {m}
stone patient [male patient suffering from calculi] Steinkranker {m}
stone picker Steinsammler {m} [Landmaschine]
stone picker with rakeSteinrechen-Sammler {m} [landwirtschaftliches Gerät]
stone picker with rake Steinrechensammler {m} [landwirtschaftliches Gerät]
stone pierSteinpier {m}
stone pillarSteinsäule {f}
stone pine [Pinus pinea]Pinie {f}
stone pine [Pinus pinea]Italienische Steinkiefer {f}
stone pine [Pinus pinea] Mittelmeer-Kiefer {f}
stone pine [Pinus pinea] Schirm-Kiefer {f}
stone pink [Dianthus arenarius](Gewöhnliche) Sand-Nelke / Sandnelke {f}
stone pit Steinbruch {m}
stone pitch Steinpech {n}
stone plants [family Aizoaceae, also Ficoidaceae]Mittagsblumengewächse {pl}
stone plants [family Aizoaceae, also Ficoidaceae] Aizoaceen {pl}
stone plasterHartgips {m}
stone plateauSteinplateau {n}
stone printing Steindruckerei {f}
stone printing pressSteindruckpresse {f}
stone printing pressSteindruckerpresse {f} [veraltet]
stone processing Steinbearbeitung {f}
stone protectionSteinschutz {m}
stone protective agentSteinschutzmittel {n}
stone pusherSteinroder {m} [Landmaschine]
stone put Steinstoß {m}
stone putting Steinstoßen {n}
stone quarry Steinbruch {m}
stone rake Steinrechen {m} [landwirtschaftliches Gerät]
stone regrowth Rezidivsteinbildung {f}
stone remover Entsteinungsmaschine {f} [landwirtschaftlich]
stone repairSteinreparatur {f}
stone restoration Steinrestaurierung {f}
stone retrieval basket Steinfangkörbchen {n}
stone ringfort [Irish: caiseal, cathair]Ringwall {m} aus Steinen [«steinerner Rath»]
stone root [Collinsonia canadensis] Kanadische Grießwurzel {f}
stone rubbing [Durchpausen eines Steinreliefs auf ein Blatt Papier mit einem weichen Stift]
stone runBlockhalde {f}
stone saw Steinsäge {f}
stone sawmill Steinsägemühle {f}
stone sculptor Steinbildhauer {m}
stone sculpture Steinskulptur {f}
stone sealant Steinversiegelungsmittel {n}
stone sealerSteinversiegler {m}
stone sealing Steinversiegelung {f}
stone setting Steinsetzung {f}
stone setting bur Steinruhfräser {m}
stone setting burs Steinruhfräser {pl}
Stone sheep [also: Stone's sheep] [Ovis dalli stonei] Stone-Schaf {n}
stone ship Schiffssetzung {f}
stone silent stockstill
stone skimming Steinehüpfen {n}
stone skippingSteinehüpfen {n}
stone slab Steinplatte {f}
stone sledge Steinspalthammer {m}
stone soberstocknüchtern [ugs.]
Stone space [also: Stone's space]Stone-Raum {m}
stone stairs {pl} Steintreppe {f}
stone statueSteinstatue {f}
stone statuette Steinstatuette {f}
stone still wie versteinert
stone stove Steinofen {m}
stone strengthenerSteinfestiger {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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