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stone-faced mit Steinen verkleidet
stone-facedausdruckslos [von jds. Gesicht]
stonefacedausdruckslos [von jds. Gesicht]
stonefish Steinfisch {m}
stone-flagged gepflastert
stoneflies [order Plecoptera] Steinfliegen {pl}
stoneflies [order Plecoptera] Plecoptera {pl}
stoneflies [order Plecoptera] Plecopteren {pl}
stonefly [Plecoptera] Steinfliege {f}
stonefly fauna Steinfliegenfauna {f}
stonefly faunaPlecopterenfauna {f}
stonefly larva Steinfliegenlarve {f}
stonefly larvaUferfliegenlarve {f}
stonefly species Steinfliegenart {f}
stonefly speciesPlecopterenart {f} [fachspr.]
stonegroundin einer Steinmühle gemahlen
stone-ground [e.g. flour]mit Mühlsteinen gemahlen
StonehengeStonehenge {n}
Stonehenge: A novel of 2000 BC [Bernard Cornwell]Stonehenge
stone-leak leafminer / leaf miner [Liriomyza cepae, syn.: Cephalomyza cepae, Dizygomyza cepae, Phytobia cepae]Zwiebel-Minierfliege / Zwiebelminierfliege {f}
stoneless steinlos
stoneless kernlos
stone-like steinartig
stone-loving arianta [Urticicola umbrosus]Schatten-Laubschnecke {f}
stonemasonSteinmetz {m}
stonemason Rauhmaurer {m}
stonemason [female]Steinmetzin {f}
stonemasonrySteinmetzarbeit {f}
stonemasonsSteinmetzen {pl}
stonemason's hammer Steinmetzhammer {m}
stonemason's hammerFäustel {m} [eines Steinmetzen]
stonemason's mallet Steinmetzknüpfel {m}
stonemasons' markSteinmetzzeichen {n}
stonemason's workSteinmetzarbeit {f}
stone-mullioned window Stabwerksfenster {n}
stone-playSteinspiel {n}
stoner [coll.] [female]Kifferin {f} [ugs.]
stoner [pitter]Entsteiner {m}
stoner [sl.] Kiffer {m} [ugs.]
Stoner enhancement Stoner-Verstärkung {f}
Stoner model Stoner-Modell {n}
Stoner PeakStoner Peak {m}
stoneroot [Collinsonia canadensis] Kanadische Grießwurzel {f}
stones Steine {pl}
stones [dated]Stierhoden {pl}
Stones of Remembrance [for victims of the Holocaust and other Nazi crimes] [Vienna] Steine {pl} der Erinnerung [Wien]
Stone's representation theorem for Boolean algebras Darstellungssatz {m} für boolesche Algebren [Darstellungssatz von Stone]
Stone's representation theorem (for Boolean algebras)Darstellungssatz {m} von Stone
stone's throw Steinwurf {m}
stone's throw [fig.] Katzensprung {m} [fig.]
stoneseed pinyon [Pinus cembroides, syn.: P. discolor, P. lagunae, P. orizabensis, P. remota]Mexikanische Nusskiefer {f}
stoneseed pinyon [Pinus cembroides, syn.: P. discolor, P. lagunae, P. orizabensis, P. remota]Mexikanische Pinyon-Kiefer {f}
stonesetter Edelsteinfasser {n}
stonesetting [gemstones] Fassen {n} [Edelsteine]
stoneside [Heterotis niloticus] [African bonytongue] Afrikanischer Knochenzüngler {m}
stoneside [Heterotis niloticus] [African bonytongue] Westafrikanischer Knochenzüngler {m}
stone-stillwie versteinert
stone-still regungslos
stone-throwingSteinewerfen {n}
stone-throwing demonstrator Steinewerfer {m} [Demonstrant]
stone-throwing demonstrators Steinewerfer {pl} [Demonstranten]
stone-tiled steingefliest
stonewall Steinmauer {f}
Stonewall [Roland Emmerich] Stonewall
stonewall penaltyglasklarer Elfmeter {m}
Stonewall riots Stonewall-Unruhen {pl}
stone-walled mit einer Steinmauer umgeben
stonewaller [esp. Br.]Obstruktionspolitiker {m}
stone-walling {sg}Ausflüchte {pl}
stonewalling [also fig.] Mauern {n} [auch fig.] [ugs.]
stonewalling [coll.]Blockadepolitik {f}
stoneware Irdenware {f}
stonewareSteingut {n}
stoneware Steinzeug {n}
stoneware bottleSteinzeugflasche {f}
stoneware factory Steingutfabrik {f}
stoneware glaze Steinzeugglasur {f}
stoneware jug Tonkrug {m}
stoneware jug Steingutkrug {m}
stoneware pitcherTonkrug {m}
stoneware potSteintopf {m}
Stone-Weierstrass theorem [also: theorem of Stone and Weierstrass, theorem of Stone-Weierstrass]Satz {m} von Stone-Weierstraß
stoneworkMauerwerk {n}
stoneworts [genus Chara] [algae] Armleuchteralgen {pl}
stong walapa [Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus]Gestreifter Raubsalmler {m}
stonilymit steinerner Miene [fig.]
stonily starr
stonily felsig
stoniness Härte {f}
stoninesssteinige Beschaffenheit {f}
stoniness Steinigkeit {f}
stoning steinigend
stoning Steinigen {n}
stoning sentenceSteinigungsstrafe {f}
stoning sentence Steinigung {f}
stonings Steinigungen {pl}
stonk [coll.] [bombardment by artillery] Artilleriebombardement {n}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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