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stone-throwing demonstratorSteinewerfer {m} [Demonstrant]
stone-throwing demonstratorsSteinewerfer {pl} [Demonstranten]
stonewall Steinmauer {f}
Stonewall [Roland Emmerich] Stonewall
stonewall penaltyglasklarer Elfmeter {m}
Stonewall riots Stonewall-Unruhen {pl}
stone-walled mit einer Steinmauer umgeben
stonewaller [esp. Br.] Obstruktionspolitiker {m}
stone-walling {sg}Ausflüchte {pl}
stonewalling [also fig.] Mauern {n} [auch fig.] [ugs.]
stonewalling [coll.]Blockadepolitik {f}
stonewareIrdenware {f}
stonewareSteingut {n}
stonewareSteinzeug {n}
stoneware bottle Steinzeugflasche {f}
stoneware factory Steingutfabrik {f}
stoneware glaze Steinzeugglasur {f}
stoneware jug Tonkrug {m}
stoneware jug Steingutkrug {m}
stoneware pitcherTonkrug {m}
stoneware pot Steintopf {m}
Stone-Weierstrass theorem [also: theorem of Stone and Weierstrass, theorem of Stone-Weierstrass]Satz {m} von Stone-Weierstraß
stoneworkMauerwerk {n}
stoneworts [genus Chara] [algae]Armleuchteralgen {pl}
stong walapa [Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus] Gestreifter Raubsalmler {m}
stonilymit steinerner Miene [fig.]
stonily starr
stonily steinig
stoniness Härte {f}
stoniness steinige Beschaffenheit {f}
stoninessSteinigkeit {f}
stoning steinigend
stoningSteinigen {n}
stoning sentence Steinigungsstrafe {f}
stoning sentenceSteinigung {f}
stonings Steinigungen {pl}
stonk [coll.] [bombardment by artillery]Artilleriebombardement {n}
stonker [sl.] [Br.] [erect penis]Steifer {m} [vulg.] [erigierter Penis]
stonkered [drunk] [Aus.] [NZ] [coll.] sturzbetrunken [ugs.]
stonkered [useless] [Aus.] [NZ] [coll.]sinnlos [zwecklos]
stonking [Br.] [coll.] irre gut [ugs.] [veraltend]
stony gefühllos
stony wie versteinert
stony steinartig
stony [coll.] [Br.] völlig pleite
stony [full of stones] voller Steine [nachgestellt]
stony [glance etc.]hart [Blick etc.]
stony beachSteinstrand {m}
stony broke [Br.] [coll.]völlig pleite [ugs.]
stony corals [Scleractinia] Steinkorallen {pl}
stony desert Steinwüste {f}
stony groundsteiniger Boden {m}
stony sea urchin [Paracentrotus lividus, syn.: Echinus lithophagus, E. lividus, E. purpureus, E. vulgaris, Microcordyla asteriae, Strongylocentrotus lividus, Toxocidaris livida]Steinseeigel {m}
stony shoreSteinküste {f}
stony silence eisiges Schweigen {n}
stony soil Steinboden {m}
stony soilsteiniger Boden {m} [Erde]
stony sponge [Petrosia ficiformis, syn.: P. (Petrosia) ficiformis, P. dura, Reniera compacta, Schmidtia dura, S. ficiformis] Steinschwamm {m}
stony-facedmit sehr ernster Miene [nachgestellt]
stony-faced mit versteinertem Gesicht [nachgestellt]
stony-faced [expressionless]mit steinerner Miene [ausdruckslos, emotionslos]
stood aboutherumgestanden
stood at attention strammgestanden
stood backzurückgestanden
stood by [supported]beigesprungen
stood firmfestgestanden
stood firm standgehalten
stood open offengestanden
stood still stehengeblieben
stood stillstillgestanden
stood there dagestanden
stood together zusammengestanden
stood-up [attr.] [coll.] [e.g. girlfriend] versetzt [z. B. Freundin] [ugs.]
Stoogatz! [Italian-American sl.] [also: stoo gatz, stugatz, stugots, stugotz, etc.] [Forget it!]Scheiß drauf! [vulg.]
stoogeHandlanger {m}
stoogeStichwortgeber {m}
stooge [acting as a front man] Strohmann {m}
stoogesStrohmänner {pl}
stooges Handlanger {pl}
stook Kornmandl {n} [österr.]
stook [Br.]Hocke {f} [nordd.]
stook [esp. Br.]Puppe {f} [Flachsgarbe, Getreidegarbe] [regional]
stoolHocker {m}
stoolSchemel {m}
stoolArbeitssessel {m}
stool Bank {f} [Innenfensterbank]
stoolWurzelstock {m}
stool Schössling {m}
stoolStuhlgang {m}
stool Baumstumpf {m} [mit Wurzelschösslingen]
stool Stockerl {n} [österr.] [bayer.] [Hocker]
stool Sitzhocker {m} [Stuhl ohne Lehne]
stoolSchamerl {n} [österr.] [südd.] [Schemel]
stool {sg}Fäkalien {pl}
« stomstonstonstonstonstonstooStopstopstopstor »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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