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storyteller [coll.] [liar] Lügner {m}
storyteller [coll.] [liar]Lügenbeutel {m} [ugs. neben Lügenbold]
storyteller [female]Geschichtenerzählerin {f}
storytellersMärchenerzähler {pl}
storytellingErzählkunst {f}
storytelling Geschichtenerzählen {n}
storytelling material Erzählstoff {m}
storytelling principleErzählprinzip {n}
story-within-the-story Binnenerzählung {f}
storywriterGeschichtenschreiber {m}
Stoß [card game similar to Faro] Stoß {n} [Pharo-ähnliches Kartenspiel]
stoss treatmentStoßbehandlung {f}
stot [bullock] [dialect] Ochse {m}
stotious [Scot.] [Irish] [sl.]betrunken
stotting [antelope behaviour] Pronken {n} [Antilopenverhalten]
stottite [FeGe(OH)6] Stottit {m}
stotty cake [Br.] [dial.] [also: stottie cake / bread][dicker (gefüllter) Brotfladen]
stoupWeihwasserbecken {n}
stoup [Scot.] [pail or bucket] Eimer {m} [bes. für Getränke]
stoup of wine [Br.] [archaic] Weinkelch {m}
stour [Scot., N. Engl. or archaic] [cloud of dust]Staubwolke {f}
stour mackerel [Scot.] [Trachurus trachurus, syn.: Trachurus vulgaris, Caranx trachurus] [(Atlantic) horse mackerel]Bastardmakrele {f}
stoush [Aus.] [NZ] [sl.]Keilerei {f} [ugs.]
stout kräftig
stout Starkbier {n}
stout vollschlank
stout fest
stout stämmig
stout [brave and resolute]entschlossen [Handeln; Person]
stout [corpulent]beleibt
stout [corpulent]korpulent
stout [corpulent] wohlbeleibt [geh.]
stout [having bravery, marked by bravery] tapfer [Kämpfer, Widerstand etc.]
stout [resistance] mannhaft [geh.] [Widerstand]
stout [squat, chunky]untersetzt
stout [strong in structure or substance] robust [Material, Schuhe etc.]
stout [strong, stock, corpulent] stark [kräftig, stämmig, korpulent]
stout [thickset, squat]gedrungen [untersetzt]
stout ale Starkbier {n}
stout and rout [Scot.] [obs.] [completely]voll und ganz
stout (beer)Stout {m} [ugs. {n}]
stout canvas kräftige Plane {f}
stout cisticola [Cisticola robustus]Amharacistensänger {m}
stout cord feste Schnur {f}
stout dart [Spaelotis ravida] [moth] Sandrasen-Bodeneule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
stout dwarf snake [Heteroliodon fohy] Dicke Madagaskar-Zwergnatter {f}
stout fellow handfester Bursche {m}
stout hero tapferer Held {m}
stout iguana [Cyclura pinguis]Anegada Grundleguan {m}
stout resistance kräftiger Widerstand {m}
stout sardine [Curimata argentea] Silbersalmler {m}
stout-billed cinclodes [Cinclodes excelsior]Kurzschwanz-Uferwipper {m}
stout-billed cinclodes [Cinclodes excelsior]Schuppenbrust-Uferwipper {m}
stout-billed cuckoo-shrike [Coracina caeruleogrisea] Dickschnabel-Raupenfänger {m}
stout-billed cuckoo-shrike [Coracina caeruleogrisea] Dickschnabel-Raupenfresser {m}
stout-billed greybird [Coracina caeruleogrisea] [Br.] Dickschnabel-Raupenfresser {m}
stout-billed greybird [Coracina caeruleogrisea] [Br.] Dickschnabel-Raupenfänger {m}
stouter dicker
stouter wackerer
stoutest dickste
stoutest wackerste
stouth [Scot.] [obs.]Diebstahl {m}
stouthearted unerschrocken
stouthearted [valiant] mutig
stout-legged moa [Euryapteryx curtus] [extinct]Küstenmoa {m} [ausgestorben]
stoutly beleibt
stoutly handfest
stoutly builtkräftig
stoutnessBeleibtheit {f}
stoutness [corpulence] Korpulenz {f}
stoutness [determination, resoluteness]Entschlossenheit {f}
stouts Stout-Biere {pl}
stoutsStouts {pl}
stove Herd {m}
stove Küchenherd {m}
stove Ofen {m}
stoveein Loch geschlagen
stove [to heat a living room]Stubenofen {m} [veraltet]
stove door Ofenloch {n}
stove door Ofenklappe {f} [Ofentür]
stove doorOfentür {f}
stove enamelEinbrennlack {m}
stove fitterOfensetzer {m}
stove fitter [female] Ofensetzerin {f}
stove fitter [female]Hafnerin {f} [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.] [Ofensetzer, Kachelofensetzer]
stove heating [Br.] Einzelofenheizung {f}
stove heating [Br.] Ofenheizung {f}
stove makerOfenfabrikant {m}
stove pipe Ofenrohr {n}
stove plantTreibhauspflanze {f}
stove plate Herdplatte {f}
stove setterOfensetzer {m}
stove setter [of tiled stoves]Hafner {m} [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.]
stove setter [of tiled stoves] Häfner {m} [südd.]
stove tileOfenkachel {f}
« storstorstorstorstorstorstovStrastrastrastra »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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