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strabologist [female] Strabologin {f}
strabology Strabologie {f}
stracchino [crescenza] Stracchino {m} [Crescenza]
stracciatella Stracciatella {f} [Suppe]
stracciatella (ice) Stracciatella {n} [Eis]
straczekite [(Ca,K,Ba)2(V,V)8O20·3H2O] Straczekit {m}
Strad [coll.] [Stradivarius] Stradivari {f} [Geige]
straddle Stellagegeschäft {n}
straddle Straddle {m} [Wälzsprung]
straddleGrätsche {f}
straddle [saddle for draft animals] [Irish]Sattelzeug {n} [bei Zugtieren]
straddle buyerStraddle-Käufer {m}
straddle carrier Portalhubwagen {m}
straddle carrierPortalstapler {m}
straddle effect Spanneffekt {m}
straddle jump Spreizsprung {m}
straddle position Grätschstellung {f}
straddle purchase Straddle-Kauf {m}
straddle sale Straddle-Verkauf {m}
straddle sellerStraddle-Verkäufer {m}
straddle vault Grätschsprung {m}
straddled gespreizt
straddling spreizend
straddling bus Brückenbus {m}
straddling fish stocks gebietsübergreifende Fischbestände {pl}
straddling stocks gebietsübergreifende Bestände {pl}
Stradivarius [violin] Stradivari {f} [Geige]
strafeTieffliegerangriff {m}
strafer Tiefflieger {m}
strafer fire Tieffliegerbeschuss {m}
strafers Tiefflieger {pl}
strafingStrafing {n}
strafing [sl.] anschnauzend [ugs.]
straggled umhergestreift
straggler Nachzügler {m}
straggler Versprengter {m}
straggler wilder Schössling {m}
straggler collection point Versprengtensammelstelle {f}
stragglersNachzügler {pl}
straggling [bushes etc.] wuchernd [Büsche etc.]
straggling houses zerstreut liegende Häuser {pl}
straggly weitläufig
straggly [hair]strähnig
straggly [bushes etc.] wuchernd [Büsche etc.]
straggly bush weed [Rhodomela confervoides] Braunroter Zweigtang {m}
Strahler numberFlussordnungszahl {f} nach Strahler
strahlstein [Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2] Strahlstein {m} [veraltet] [Aktinolith]
straight gerade
straight geradewegs
straight unmittelbar
straight unverfälscht
straight in Ordnung
straight ordentlich
straightrechtschaffen [veraltend]
straightschnurstracks [ugs.]
straight Straße {f}
straight Gerade {f} [Rennbahn, Eisenbahn etc.]
straightgeradeswegs [selten für geradewegs]
straight gewöhnlich [Standard, ohne Extras]
straightstrack [regional] [gerade, straff]
straight geradeaus
straight [alcoholic drink] pur
straight [coll.] hetero [ugs.]
straight [frank] offen
straight [undiluted] unverdünnt
straight [without interruption]am Stück [ununterbrochen]
straight [coll.] Heterosexueller {m}
straight [coll.] heterosexuell
straight [coll.] Hetero {m} [ugs.]
straight [conventional]konventionell
Straight [Dick Francis]Unbestechlich
straight [hair etc.] glatt [Haar etc.]
straight [truth]rein [Wahrheit]
straight "A" student [coll.]Einser-Schüler / -Student {m} [ugs.]
straight account geordnetes Konto {n}
straight aheadgeradeaus
Straight along the coast. Immer an der Küste entlang.
straight amplification Geradeausverstärkung {f}
straight and contra-angle handpiecesHand- und Winkelstücke {pl}
straight and level flighthorizontaler Geradeausflug {m}
straight angle gestreckter Winkel {m}
straight answerdirekte Antwort {f}
straight answer ehrliche Antwort {f}
straight answer offene Antwort {f}
straight away sofort
straight awaysogleich
straight awaygleich [sofort]
straight awayschlankweg [ugs.]
straight away spornstreichs
straight awayauf Anhieb
straight awayschleunigst
straight awayalsbald [veraltend] [sogleich]
straight away schnurstracks [ugs.]
straight back gerader Rücken {m}
« storstorstorstorstoustrastrastrastrastrastra »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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