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streak-backed tanager [Piranga bidentata] Bluttangare {f} [auch: Blut-Tangare]
streak-bellied woodpecker [Dendrocopos macei] Isabellbrustspecht {m}
streak-breasted bulbul [Ixos siquijorensis]Schieferkopfbülbül {m}
streak-breasted scimitar babbler [Pomatorhinus ruficollis] Rothalssäbler {m}
streak-breasted scimitar-babbler [Pomatorhinus ruficollis]Rothalssäbler {m}
streak-breasted treehunter [Thripadectes rufobrunneus] Streifenbrust-Baumspäher {m}
streak-breasted woodpecker [Picus viridanus] Burmagrünspecht {m}
streak-breasted woodpecker [Picus viridanus] Brauenspecht {m}
streak-breasted wren-babbler [Napothera epilepidota] Brustfleckentimalie {f} [auch: Brustflecken-Timalie]
streak-breasted wren-babbler [Napothera epilepidota] Streifenbrusttimalie {f}
streak-capped antwren [Terenura maculata] Streifenkopf-Ameisenfänger {m}
streak-capped antwren [Terenura maculata] Rostrücken-Ameisenfänger {m}
streak-capped honeyeater [Pycnopygius stictocephalus] Strichelkopf-Honigfresser {m}
streak-capped spinetail [Cranioleuca hellmayri] Strichelkopfschlüpfer {m}
streak-capped spinetail [Cranioleuca hellmayri]Santa-Marta-Baumschlüpfer {m}
streak-capped treehunter [Thripadectes virgaticeps] Streifenkopf-Baumspäher {m}
streak-chested antpitta [Hylopezus perspicillatus] (Westliche) Brillenameisenpitta {f}
streak-crowned antvireo [Dysithamnus striaticeps] Streifenkopfwürgerling {m}
streak-eared bulbul [Pycnonotus blanfordi] Blanfordbülbül {m}
streaked durchzogen
streaked mit Strähnen [nachgestellt]
streaked [ran naked]geflitzt [ugs.] [nackt herumgelaufen]
streaked barwing [Actinodura souliei] Tonkinsibia {f}
streaked berrypecker [Melanocharis striativentris] Streifenbauch-Beerenpicker {m}
streaked bombardier [Brachinus sclopeta] Brachinus sclopeta {m} [ein Bombardierkäfer]
streaked bowerbird [Amblyornis subalaris] Rothaubengärtner {m}
streaked dart [Euxoa aquilina]Getreideeule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
streaked dart [Euxoa aquilina]Graubunte Erdeule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
streaked dwarf porcupine [Sphiggurus ichillus, syn.: Coendou ichillus]Gestreifter Baumstachler {m}
streaked fantail [Rhipidura spilodera / verreauxi] Fleckenfächerschwanz {m}
streaked fantail warbler [Cisticola juncidis, syn.: C. cisticola]Zistensänger {m}
streaked fantail warbler [Cisticola juncidis]Cistensänger {m}
streaked flat-body [Depressaria chaerophylli] Kerbelmotte {f}
streaked flycatcher [Myiodynastes maculatus] Streifentyrann {m}
streaked great rosefinch [Carpodacus rubicilloides, syn.: Rubicilla rubicilloides]Alpengimpel {m}
streaked great rosefinch [Carpodacus rubicilloides, syn.: Rubicilla rubicilloides] Gebirgsgimpel {m} [auch: Gebirgs-Gimpel]
streaked great rosefinch [Carpodacus rubicilloides, syn.: Rubicilla rubicilloides]Alpenkarmingimpel {m}
streaked ground babbler / ground-babbler [Ptilocichla mindanensis]Philippinenwolltimalie {f}
streaked gutezpalia [Abronia taeniata, syn.: A. taeniata taeniata, Gerrhonotus taeniatus, G. deppii digueti] Gestreifte Baumschleiche {f}
streaked kukuri / kukri snake [Oligodon taeniolatus]Gestreifte Kukrinatter {f}
streaked laughing thrush [Garrulax lineatus] Borstenhäherling {m}
streaked reed warbler [Acrocephalus sorghophilus] Hirserohrsänger {m}
streaked rock-sparrow [Petronia petronia]Steinsperling {m}
streaked rosefinch [Carpodacus rubicilloides, syn.: Rubicilla rubicilloides] Alpengimpel {m}
streaked rosefinch [Carpodacus rubicilloides, syn.: Rubicilla rubicilloides] Alpenkarmingimpel {m}
streaked rosefinch [Carpodacus rubicilloides] Gebirgsgimpel {m}
streaked saltator [Saltator albicollis, syn.: S. striatipectus] Strichelsaltator / Strichel-Saltator {m}
streaked scrub warbler [Scotocerca inquieta] Wüstenprinie {f}
streaked shearwater [Calonectris leucomelas]Weißgesicht-Sturmtaucher {m}
streaked spiderhunter [Arachnothera magna] Strichelspinnenjäger {m}
streaked spinefoot [Siganus javus] Silberstreifen-Kaninchfisch {m}
streaked tit-spinetail [Leptasthenura striata]Streifenschlüpfer {m}
streaked tuftedcheek [Pseudocolaptes boissonneautii] Andenschopfohr {n}
streaked tuftedcheek [Pseudocolaptes boissonneautii] Weißwangen-Astspäher {m}
streaked wave [Scopula virgulata, syn.: Acidalia strigaria, A. virgata, A. virgularia, A. virgulata, Scopula strigaria] [moth] Braungestreifter Kleinspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
streaked wave [Scopula virgulata, syn.: Acidalia strigaria, A. virgata, A. virgularia, A. virgulata, Scopula strigaria] [moth] Streifiger Steppenrasenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
streaked wave [Scopula virgulata, syn.: Acidalia strigaria, A. virgata, A. virgularia, A. virgulata, Scopula strigaria] [moth]Braungestreifter Magerrasen-Kleinspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
streaked wave [Scopula virgulata, syn.: Acidalia strigaria, A. virgata, A. virgularia, A. virgulata, Scopula strigaria] [moth] Gestreifter Steppenrasenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
streaked weaver [Ploceus manyar] Manyarweber {m}
streaked wren babbler [Napothera brevicaudata] Stutzschwanztimalie {f}
streaked wren-babbler [Napothera brevicaudata, syn.: Turdinus brevicaudatus] Stutzschwanztimalie {f} [auch: Stutzschwanz-Timalie]
streaked wren-babbler / wren babbler [Ptilocichla mindanensis]Philippinenwolltimalie {f}
streaked xenops [Xenops rutilans] Rötelsteigschnabel {m}
(streaked) long-tailed wren babbler [Spelaeornis chocolatinus] Kashi-Zaunkönigstimalie {f}
(streaked) long-tailed wren babbler [Spelaeornis chocolatinus]Langschwanz-Zwergtimalie {f}
streaker Blitzer {m} [Nacktläufer]
streakerFlitzer {m} [Nacktläufer]
streaker [female]Flitzerin {f}
streak-eyed wagtail [Motacilla alba ocularis] Ostsibirische Bachstelze {f}
streak-free schlierenfrei
streak-free streifenfrei
streak-fronted thornbird [Phacellodomus striaticeps] Schuppenkopf-Bündelnister {m}
streak-fronted thornbird [Phacellodomus striaticeps]Strichelstirn-Bündelnister {m}
streak-headed honeyeater [Pycnopygius stictocephalus]Strichelkopf-Honigfresser {m}
streak-headed mannikin [Lonchura tristissima]Trauerbronzemännchen {n}
streak-headed munia [Lonchura tristissima]Trauerbronzemännchen {n}
streak-headed woodcreeper [Lepidocolaptes souleyetii] Souleyetbaumsteiger {m}
streaking streifend
streaking Flitzen {n}
streakingFahnenziehen {n} [IEV 723-06-28]
streaking Fahnenbildung {f}
streakingFahneneffekt {m}
streakingNachziehen {n} [Fahnenziehen]
streakingNachziehfahne {f}
streaking artefact [Br.] Streifenartefakt {m}
streaking artifact [Am.] Streifenartefakt {m}
streaking (effect) Nachzieheffekt {m}
streakline Streichlinie {f}
streak-necked flycatcher [Mionectes striaticollis] Spitzschwingen-Stricheltyrann {m}
streaks [e.g. in the video picture] Fahnen {pl}
streaks [in the hair] Strähnchen {pl}
streaks of bad luck Pechsträhnen {pl}
streak-throated barwing [Actinodura waldeni] Yünnansibia {f} [auch: Yünnan-Sibia]
streak-throated bush tyrant [Myiotheretes striaticollis] Streifenkehl-Buschtyrann {m}
streak-throated bush-tyrant [Myiotheretes striaticollis] Strauchtyrann {m}
streak-throated canastero [Asthenes humilis] Kehlstreifenschlüpfer {m}
streak-throated fulvetta [Alcippe cinereiceps] Braunkopfalcippe {f}
« strastrastrastrastrastrestrestrestrestrestre »
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