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strepsirhini [spv.] Feuchtnasenaffen {pl}
strepsirhini [spv.] Nacktnasenaffen {pl}
strepsirrhines [suborder Strepsirrhini] Feuchtnasenprimaten {pl}
strepsirrhines [suborder Strepsirrhini]Feuchtnasenaffen {pl}
strepsirrhines [suborder Strepsirrhini] Nacktnasenaffen {pl}
Strepsirrhini Feuchtnasenaffen {pl}
streptavidinStreptavidin {n}
streptococcal durch Streptokokken hervorgerufen
streptococcal meningitis Streptokokkenmeningitis {f} [auch: Streptokokken-Meningitis]
streptococcal pneumoniaStreptokokken-Pneumonie {f} [auch: Streptokokkenpneumonie]
streptococcal toxic shock-like syndrome <streptococcal TSLS> Streptokokken-induziertes toxisches Schocksyndrom {n} <STSS>
streptococci {pl}Streptokokken {pl}
streptococcusStreptokokkus {m}
streptococcus Streptokokke {f}
streptokinase <SK>Streptokinase {f} <SK>
streptomycetesStreptomyceten {pl}
streptomycin [C21H39N7O12]Streptomycin {n}
streptoneury Streptoneurie {f}
streptonigrin Streptonigrin {n}
streptostyly Streptostylie {f}
streptozotocin <STZ> Streptozotocin {n} <STZ>
Stresemann's bristlefront [Merulaxis stresemanni] Stresemanntapaculo {m}
Stresemann's bristlefront [Merulaxis stresemanni] Nördlicher Stirnhaubentapaculo {m}
Stresemann's bush crow [Zavattariornis stresemanni] Akazienhäher {m}
Stresemann's bushcrow [Zavattariornis stresemanni] Zavattarivogel {m}
Stresemann's bushcrow [Zavattariornis stresemanni]Akazienhäher {m}
Stresemann's lory [Lorius amabilis]Louisiadenlori {m}
Stresemann's mountain scops-owl [Otus stresemanni] Stresemann-Zwergohreule {f}
Stresemann's oriole [Oriolus mellianus]Seidenpirol {m}
Stresemann's rosefinch [Carpodacus eos] Auroragimpel {m}
stress Beanspruchung {f}
stressBelastung {f}
stress Spannung {f}
stressAnstrengung {f}
stressBetonung {f}
stress Druck {m}
stress Stress {m}
stress Streß {m} [alt]
stressÜberlastung {f}
stress [accent] Ton {m} [Akzent, Betonung]
stress [emphasis] Nachdruck {m} [starke Betonung]
stress [excessive strain]Überanstrengung {f}
stress [on an object]Last {f} [Belastung]
stress accentexspiratorischer Akzent {m}
stress accent Druckakzent {m}
stress adaptation Stressadaptation {f}
stress analysis Spannungsanalyse {f}
stress analysis Spannungsnachweis {m}
stress analysisFestigkeitsberechnung {f}
stress analystStatiker {m}
stress analyst [female]Statikerin {f}
stress analysts Statiker {pl}
stress at schoolSchulstress {m}
stress at the workplaceStress {m} am Arbeitsplatz
stress axisStressachse {f}
stress ball [also:anti-stress ball]Stressball {m} [auch: Antistressball]
stress behavior [Am.] Stressverhalten {n}
stress behaviour [Br.]Stressverhalten {n}
stress bolt Dehnschraube {f}
stress breakerDruckbrecher {m}
stress breakerKraftbrecher {m}
stress by compression Druckspannung {f}
stress capacityStresskapazität {f}
stress concentrationSpannungsüberhöhung {f} [mechanisch]
stress concentration Spannungsanhäufung {f}
stress concentration Spannungskonzentration {f}
stress concentrator Spannungskonzentrator {m}
stress conditions Belastungsbedingungen {pl}
stress conditions Stressbedingungen {pl}
stress corrosionSpannungskorrosion {f}
stress corrosionSpannungsrisskorrosion {f}
stress corrosion cracking <SCC>Spannungsrisskorrosion {f}
stress counsellor [Br.]Stressberater {m}
stress counsellor [Br.] [female] Stressberaterin {f}
stress counselor [Am.] Stressberater {m}
stress counselor [Am.] [female] Stressberaterin {f}
stress crack Spannungsriss {m}
stress crackingSpannungsrissbildung {f}
stress cycles enduredaufgetretene Lastspielzahl {f}
stress deformityBelastungsdeformität {f}
stress difference Spannungsdifferenz {f}
stress discontinuity Spannungsunstetigkeit {f}
stress discontinuity Spannungsdiskontinuität {f}
stress diseasenervöse Erschöpfung {f}
stress disease Managerkrankheit {f} [fig.]
stress disorderBelastungssyndrom {n}
stress distributionSpannungsverteilung {f}
stress distribution Druckverteilung {f}
stress Doppler echocardiography Stress-Doppler-Echokardiographie {f}
stress Doppler echocardiography Stress-Doppler-Echokardiografie {f}
stress due to vibration and shockSchwingungs- und Stoßbeanspruchung {f}
stress during leisure time Freizeitstress {m}
stress eater [coll.]Stressfresser {m} [ugs.]
stress echoStressecho {n}
stress echo Stress-Echo {n}
stress echo Belastungsecho {n}
stress echocardiographyStress-Echokardiografie {f}
« strestrestrestrestrestrestrestrestrestrestri »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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