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English-German Dictionary

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striated field wren [Calamanthus fuliginosus] Strichelfeldhuscher {m}
striated friarbird [Philemon gilolensis]Halmaheralederkopf {m}
striated frogfish [Antennarius striatus]Gestreifter Anglerfisch {m}
striated fusilier [Caesio striata]Schwarzstreifen-Füsilier {m}
striated grassbird [Megalurus palustris]Strichelkopf-Schilfsteiger {m}
striated grasswren [Amytornis striatus] Streifengrasschlüpfer {m}
striated green bulbul [Pycnonotus striatus] Streifenbülbül {m}
striated heron [Butorides striata] Mangrovereiher {m}
striated laughing thrush [Garrulax striatus]Streifenhäherling {m}
striated laughing-thrush [Garrulax striatus, syn.: Grammatoptila striata]Streifenhäherling {m} [auch: Streifen-Häherling]
striated laughingthrush [Garrulax striatus] Streifenhäherling {m}
striated lorikeet [Charmosyna multistriata] Streifenlori {m}
striated muscle quergestreifter Muskel {m}
striated musculature gestreifte Muskulatur {f}
striated pardalote [Pardalotus (striatus) substriatus] Strichelpanthervogel {m}
striated pardalote [Pardalotus striatus] Streifen-Panthervogel {m}
striated prinia [Prinia criniger]Bergprinie {f}
striated puffbird [Malacoptila striata, syn.: M. torquata] Halbmond-Faulvogel {m}
striated scops owl [Otus brucei] Streifen-Zwergohreule {f}
striated scops owl [Otus brucei] Streifenohreule {f}
striated skeletal muscle cell [Myocytus striatus skeletalis] quergestreifte Skelettmuskelzelle {f}
striated softtail [Thripophaga macroura] Breitschwanzschlüpfer {m}
striated starling [Aplonis striata]Dickschnabelstar {m}
striated swallow [Cecropis striolata] Strichelrötelschwalbe {f}
striated swallow [Cecropis striolata] Strichelschwalbe {f}
striated thornbill [Acanthiza lineata] Stricheldornschnabel {m}
striated whorl snail [Vertigo substriata] Gestreifte Windelschnecke {f}
striated wig Strähnenperücke {f}
striated wren-babbler / wren babbler [Ptilocichla mindanensis] Philippinenwolltimalie {f}
striated yuhina [Staphida castaniceps] Rotohryuhina {f}
striationStreifenbildung {f}
striation Streifen {pl}
striation Riefung {f}
striation Streifung {f}
striation Furchung {f}
striation [formation of furrows]Furchenbildung {f} [Riefenbildung]
striation free [surface]streifenfrei [schlierenfrei]
striation of / in pregnancy [Striae gravidarum] Schwangerschaftsstreifen {pl}
striation-free schlierenfrei
striationsStreifenbildungen {pl}
striatonigral striatonigral
striatonigral degeneration <SND> striatonigrale Degeneration {f} <SND>
stricken befallen
stricken heimgesucht
stricken verwundet
stricken [ship, aircraft] havariert
stricken [ship, aircraft] in Not
stricken [by disease, grief etc.] angeschlagen [gesundheitlich, psychisch]
stricken in years altersschwach
stricken with disaster [postpos.]von Unheil heimgesucht
stricken with disease [postpos.] von einer Krankheit befallen
stricken with fear [postpos.] von Furcht ergriffen
stricken with fever [postpos.] von Fieber befallen
stricken with horror [postpos.] von Schrecken ergriffen
stricken with old age [postpos.] vom Alter gebeugt
stricken with pain [postpos.] von Schmerz erfüllt
stricken with pestilence [postpos.]von der Pest befallen
stricken with poverty [postpos.]von Armut befallen
stricken with sorrow [postpos.] von Sorgen geplagt
stricken with terror [postpos.] von Panik erfüllt
Strickland's shama [Copsychus stricklandii] Weißkappenschama {m}
Strickland's woodpecker [Leuconotopicus arizonae, syn.: Picoides arizonae, Picus arizonae, Dendrocopos arizonae, Dryobates arizonae] Arizonaspecht {m}
Strickland's woodpecker [Picoides stricklandi] Stricklandspecht {m}
strickly chickly [sl.] auf Frauen fixiert [in Sachen Sexualität]
strictpeinlich genau
strict präzise
strictpingelig [ugs.]
strict straff [streng]
strict rigoros
strict [discipline] stramm [energisch]
strict [e.g. discipline] eisern [fig.] [unnachgiebig]
strict [of people; severe]gestreng [veraltend] [auch hum. oder ironisch]
strict / strong stationarity [stationary process] starke Stationarität {f}
strict calculation genaue Berechnung {f}
strict Catholic strenggläubiger Katholik {m}
strict censorship strenge Zensur {f}
strict confinement strenge Haft {f}
strict conformity genaue Übereinstimmung {f}
strict consensus tree strikter Konsensusbaum {m}
strict constructionstrenge Auslegung {f} [z. B. eines Gesetzes]
strict construction enge Auslegung {f} [z. B. eines Gesetzes]
strict construction wörtliche Auslegung {f} [z. B. eines Gesetzes]
strict counterpoint strenger Kontrapunkt {m}
strict curfewstrenge Ausgangssperre {f}
strict denialglatte Ablehnung {f}
strict denial kategorische Ablehnung {f}
strict determinism strenger Determinismus {m}
strict diet strenge Diät {f}
strict disciplinarian Preuße {m} [ugs.] [fig.] [disziplinierte Person]
strict disciplineeiserne Disziplin {f}
strict discipline strenge Disziplin {f}
« strestrestrestrestrestristristristristristri »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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