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striped ruffe [Gymnocephalus schraetser]Schrätzer {m}
striped ruffe [Gymnocephalus schraetser]Schratz {m}
striped sand snake [Psammophis sibilans] Gestreifte Sandrennnatter {f}
striped sand snake [Psammophis sibilans]Schmuck-Sandrennnatter {f}
striped seasnail [Liparis liparis]Großer Scheibenbauch {m}
striped shieldbug [Graphosoma lineatum] Streifenwanze {f}
striped shrew tenrec [Microgale drouhardi] Drouhard-Kleintenrek {m}
striped shrew tenrec [Microgale drouhardi] Drouhard-Kleintanrek {m}
striped silver dollar [Metynnis fasciatus] Gestreifter Scheibensalmler {m}
striped skirt gestreifter Rock {m}
striped skunk [Mephitis mephitis]Streifenskunk {m}
striped skunk [Mephitis mephitis]Kanadaskunk {m}
striped skunks Streifenskunks {pl}
striped slug [Arion silvaticus, also A. sylvaticus, syn.: Carinarion silvaticus, C. sylvaticus] Wald-Wegschnecke / Waldwegschnecke {f}
striped small-scaled skink [Emoia adspersa] Mikronesischer Streifen-Schlankskink {m}
striped smooth-hound / smoothhound [Mustelus fasciatus] Gestreifter Glatthai {m}
striped snail [Cernuella virgata, syn.: C. variabilis, Helicella virgata, Helix variabilis, H. virgata, Theba virgata, Trochus virgatus] Sand-Heideschnecke / Sandheideschnecke {f}
striped snail [Cernuella virgata, syn.: C. variabilis, Helicella virgata, Helix variabilis, H. virgata, Theba virgata, Trochus virgatus] Veränderliche Trockenschnecke {f}
striped snakehead [Channa striata]Quergestreifter Schlangenkopffisch {m}
striped sparrow [Oriturus superciliosus] Streifenammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
striped spindle snake [Atractus alphonsehogei] Bela-Vista-Spindelnatter {f}
striped spot-bellied snake [Coniophanes quinquevittatus] Fünfstreifige Schwarzstreifennatter {f}
striped squill [Puschkinia scilloides, syn.: P. libanotica, P. scilloides var. libanotica]Apollo-Zwerghyazinthe {f}
striped squill [Puschkinia scilloides, syn.: P. libanotica, P. scilloides var. libanotica]Puschkinie {f}
striped squill [Puschkinia scilloides, syn.: P. libanotica, P. scilloides var. libanotica]Kegelblume {f} [Puschkinie]
striped starling [Aplonis tabuensis] Südseestar {m}
striped stream frog [Hylarana signata, syn.: Pulchrana signata, Rana obsoleta, Rana signata (signata)]Gemalter Frosch {m} [Matang-Frosch]
striped sunstar / sun star [Solaster stimpsoni, syn.: S. constellatus, S. decemradiatus, Asterias decemradiatus, Crossaster vancouverensis]Stimpsons Sonnenstern {m} [Seesternart]
striped surgeonfish [Acanthurus lineatus] Blaustreifen-Doktorfisch {m}
striped swamp snake [Dromophis lineatus] Gestreifte Sumpfschlange {f}
striped tanager [Piranga bidentata]Bluttangare {f} [auch: Blut-Tangare]
striped tiger [esp. Ind.] [Danaus genutia] [common tiger] [butterfly species]Indischer Monarch {m} [Schmetterlingsart]
striped tit babbler [Macronous gularis]Gelbbrusttimalie {f}
striped tit-babbler [Macronous gularis, syn.: Macronus gularis, Mixornis gularis]Strichelmeisentimalie {f}
striped toad agama [Phrynocephalus ornatus] Schmuck-Krötenkopf {m} [Agame]
striped toadflax [Linaria repens]Streifen-Leinkraut {n} [auch: Streifenleinkraut]
striped toadflax [Linaria repens]Gestreiftes Leinkraut {n}
striped tree babbler [Stachyris striata] Streifentimalie {f}
striped tree frog [Polypedates leucomystax] Weißbart-Ruderfrosch / Weißbartruderfrosch {m}
striped treehunter [Thripadectes holostictus]Streifenbaumspäher {m}
striped treeshrew [Tupaia dorsalis] Streifen-Spitzhörnchen {n}
striped tripletooth goby [Tridentiger trigonocephalus] Gebänderte Dreizahngrundel {f}
striped tripletooth goby [Tridentiger trigonocephalus] Gebänderter Dreizahngrundel {m}
striped tritonia [Tritonia lineata] Gestreifte Tritonia {f} [Meeresnacktschneckenart]
striped trogon [Harpactes fasciatus]Malabartrogon {m}
striped tuna [Katsuwonus pelamis] Echter Bonito {m}
striped twin-spot carpet [Coenotephria salicata] [moth] Labkraut-Blockflur-Blattspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
striped twin-spot carpet [Coenotephria salicata] [moth] Kleiner Felsen-Bindenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
striped venus (clam) [Chamelea gallina, syn.: Chione schottii, Venus corrugatula, V. gallina, V. nucleus, V. nuculata, V. sinuata] Gestreifte Venusmuschel {f}
striped venus (clam) [Chamelea gallina, syn.: Chione schottii, Venus corrugatula, V. gallina, V. nucleus, V. nuculata, V. sinuata] Strahlige Venusmuschel {f}
striped venus (clam) [Chamelea gallina, syn.: Chione schottii, Venus corrugatula, V. gallina, V. nucleus, V. nuculata, V. sinuata] Gemeine Venusmuschel {f}
striped wainscot [Mythimna pudorina, syn.: Noctua impudens, N. pudorina] Breitflügel-Graseule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
striped wainscot [Mythimna pudorina, syn.: Noctua impudens, N. pudorina] Moorwiesen-Weißadereule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
striped water snake [Enhydris enhydris] Gestreifte Wassertrugnatter {f}
striped water snake [Enhydris jagorii] Jagors Wassertrugnatter {f}
striped whipsnake / whip snake [Coluber taeniatus, syn.: Masticophis taeniatus] Gestreifte Peitschennatter {f}
striped whiptail [Pentapodus vitta]Streifen-Scheinschnapper {m}
striped wild cucumber [Cucumis myriocarpus] Zierstachelgurke {f}
striped wild cucumber [Cucumis myriocarpus] Stachelbeergurke / Stachelbeer-Gurke {f}
striped woodcreeper [Xiphorhynchus obsoletus] Streifenbaumsteiger {m}
striped woodhaunter [Hyloctistes subulatus] Waldspäher {m}
striped woodhaunter [Hyloctistes subulatus] Strichelrücken-Waldspäher {m}
striped woodpecker [Picoides lignarius]Strichelkopfspecht {m}
striped wren babbler [Kenopia striata]Goldzügeltimalie {f}
striped wren-babbler [Kenopia striata]Goldzügeltimalie {f} [auch: Goldzügel-Timalie]
(striped) blind legless skink [Acontias kgalagadi, syn.: Typhlosaurus lineatus]Blindskink {m}
(striped) pea leaf weevil [Sitona lineatus]Linierter Blattrandkäfer {m}
(striped) red mullet [Mullus surmuletus] Streifenbarbe {f}
(striped) red mullet [Mullus surmuletus] Gestreifte Meerbarbe {f}
striped-back mouse [Muriculus imberbis] Äthiopische Streifenmaus {f}
striped-fin surgeonfish [Ctenochaetus marginatus] Blaufleck-Borstenzahndoktorfisch {m}
striped-knee tarantula [Aphonopelma seemanni] Gestreifte Guatemala-Vogelspinne {f}
striped-knee tarantula [Aphonopelma seemanni]Gestreifte Costa-Rica-Vogelspinne {f}
striped-neck terrapin [Mauremys caspica] Kaspische Bachschildkröte {f}
stripedtail catfish [Dianema urostriatum] Schwanzstreifen-Panzerwels {m}
stripedtail catfish [Dianema urostriatum] Schwanzstreifen-Torpedowels {m}
stripedtail catfish [Dianema urostriatum]Flaggenschwanz-Schwielenwels {m}
striped-tailed catfish [Dianema urostriatum] Schwanzstreifen-Panzerwels {m}
striped-tailed catfish [Dianema urostriatum]Schwanzstreifen-Torpedowels {m}
striped-tailed catfish [Dianema urostriatum] Flaggenschwanz-Schwielenwels {m}
stripe-faced dunnart [Sminthopsis macroura]Östliche Dickschwanz-Schmalfußbeutelmaus {f}
stripe-faced wood quail [Odontophorus balliviani] Streifengesichtwachtel {f}
stripe-faced wood-quail / woodquail [Odontophorus balliviani] Streifengesichtwachtel {f}
stripe-faced wood-quail / woodquail / wood quail [Odontophorus balliviani]Streifengesichtzahnwachtel {f}
stripe-headed / stripe headed antpitta [Grallaria andicolus, syn.: G. andicola]Strichelkopf-Ameisenpitta {f}
stripe-headed brush finch [Buarremon torquatus] Streifenkopf-Buschammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
stripe-headed creeper [Rhabdornis mystacalis] Streifenkopf-Trugbaumläufer {m}
stripe-headed creeper [Rhabdornis mystacalis]Streifenkopf-Baumläufer {m}
stripe-headed rhabdornis [Rhabdornis mysticalis] Streifenkopf-Trugbaumläufer {m}
stripe-headed sparrow [Aimophila ruficauda]Rostschwanzammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
stripe-headed tanager [Spindalis zena] Streifenkopftangare {f}
stripe-headed tit-babbler [Macronous striaticeps, syn.: Macronus striaticeps] Streifenkopftimalie {f} [auch: Streifenkopf-Timalie]
stripe-headed tit-babbler [Macronous striaticeps, syn.: Macronus striaticeps] Streifenkopf-Meisentimalie {f}
stripe-headed white-eye [Heleia crassirostris] Nacktaugen-Brillenvogel {m}
stripe-legged spider [Harpactea hombergi]Hombergs Sechsaugenspinne {f}
stripe-legged spider [Harpactea hombergi]Wald-Sechsaugenspinne {f}
stripeless day gecko [Phelsuma astriata, syn.: P. astriata astriata, P. lineata var. astriata]Kleiner Seychellen-Taggecko {m}
stripeless snake [Coniophanes lateritius]Westmexikanische Ungestreifte Natter {f}
stripeless tree frog [Hyla meridionalis]Mittelmeer-Laubfrosch {m}
stripe-necked fulvetta [Alcippe striaticollis, syn.: Schoeniparus rufogularis] Bergalcippe {f} [auch: Berg-Alcippe]
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